chapter twelve

The Master's Sun: Children of The Night§ - (Stopped)

             chapter twelve            


the results of the assessments were due that morning. all six girls had their breakfast together. ji-ae's note had probably done the trick and minah had chipped in the preparation for breakfast as well. chaebyul maintained her polite and quiet demeanour while both eunji and hyusu tried to start a conversation with the tight-lipped minah. she did nod and answer their questions, but it was never more than a word or two. ji-ae looked on encouragingly. on the other hand, kymin remained detached from the rest. 

the girls cleared up and headed for the noticeboard long before the rest of the school finished their breakfast. the corridors were still empty as the girls scurried through the hallways. the noticeboard hung precariously on the far wall. dashing ahead, hyusu waved as she spotted their names. kymin lagged behind. the rest scanned the board eagerly, searching for their names and grades.








overall average


kwon minah








kang ji-ae








zhang chaebyul








seo eunji








jung hyusu








kim kymin







minah knew that she would definitely make the top five percent of the cohort. she glimpsed her sister's name while scanning the board for the first three students that achieved a higher average percentage than her. other than boa, she didn't recognize the other two high-achievers. lee taemin and cho kyuhyun. she was still processing their names when somebody enveloped her in a hug. sulli smiled up at the girl. "congrats min! you're in the top five percent again; top in our level, no less! no wonder they call you the cheonjae.." min nodded distractedly. "boa's got 97% though.." sulli's expression darkened. the latter knew how strict minah's family was and how they tended to compare the siblings. even missing by only 1%, her family might not take the news too well; and that would definitely mean that her best friend was going to get hurt. hiding her grimace, sulli pulled the other in the direction of the mess hall. "whatever. this calls for a celebration!"   

ji-ae was pleased at her results. she wasn't in the top five percent of the cohort, but she was definitely in the top five percent of her level. it was her personal best so far and she was glad that the days she spent gruelling over her work had paid off. she was definitely be at least in the advanced class for all of her subjects. scrolling through the list, she found a few more students who might be in the same class as her. some of them she had never heard of before. lee sungmin, kim woobin, kim heechul. she went further down the list, and gave an excited yelp when she realized that suho had made it as well. continuing down the list, ji-ae hoped that the queenka would not be assigned to her class. baro tapped her on the shoulder as tiffany pointed off to the far right. suho was waving at her excitedly. acknowledging the two spirits, she made her way towards her best friend. 

chaebyul and eunji were chattering excitedly as they registered their results. there was a chance that they were going to be in the same classes - for all except mathematics anyway. chaebyul humbly suggested that the only reason she got a higher percentage was due to her mathematics, when both her korean and english were lower than eunji's. the latter shook her head and castigated the younger. "don't put yourself down like that. you got a higher percentage because you worked so hard for it. you  deserved it!" she ruffled chaebyul's hair affectionately. chaebyul shyly took the other girl's hand in her own and beamed. "komapwo eun!". they were interrupted as their future classmates tackled them away. jung soojung, lee sungyeol and jeon jungkook. nobody that they hadn't seen before. sungyeol pointed at two boys at the far corner. "that's oh sehun and kim jongin; I think they'll be joining us for some of the classes as well; we have pretty similar grades!" jungkook nodded and both of them slung their arms around the girls as they headed for their first lesson. "meimei!" a voice shouted across the hall as chaebyul spun around. "good job!" yixing held up a thumbs-up as he disappeared back into the crowd. "who's that?" eunji turned to chaebyul quizically. "her brother, of course!" sungyeol answered for the younger as he ushered them away from the now-forming crowd.

 hyusu wasn't pleased with her results. she had expected better grades. still, she was glad that she was above average. I must have spent too much time ogling at the boy in the library. she was about to leave when she heard a familiar voice call her name. "su!" sungmin galloped towards her with zitao in tow. "guess what! I think  zitao's going to be in your class! and by the way, good job!" her brother patted her on the head as hyusu smiled. zitao began listing the others who might be in their class. kwon yuri, zhang yixing, lee hyukjae, lee donghae and kim taeyeon. hyusu nodded absently as she spotted the boy from the library. sungmin noticed her gaze and raised his eyebrows. "that's kim ryeowook. do you know him?" shaken out of her daze, hyusu hastily denied knowing him. "he's one year your senior I think." he added, noticing how hyusu blushed at the mention of him. beside him, zitao tsk-ed as he wagged a finger at her. "it's not like that!" she huffed, pulling away from both the boys. they chased after her. 

 kymin was distraught. she knew that she wouldn't score well, but to be in the bottom twenty in the whole school was embarrassing. ji-ae had asked her if she was okay, and the girl had brushed off her misery and motioned for ji-ae to go on and celebrate with her friends. she wouldn't be in the same class as any of her friends or dorm-mates - well, other than for english and science. she had never felt so alone in her life. her brother and best friend seemed to have heard the news as they crowded around her. "hey kyminnie, it's okay, you can improve from there. at least you're not the last in the whole school." heechul made a feeble attempt at a joke, earning jongsuk's grimace. "no, it's okay.. I knew I couldn't have done well.." kymin put on a pretence of nonchalence, stalking away from the noticeboard. she immediately got called out by her korean professor. "kim kymin!" she halted in her tracks as the rest of the pupils in the hall turned to stare at her. kymin blushed a deep crimson as the boy nearest to her sent her a snide glance. all of them knew. bowing her head, she went up to the professor. "songsaeng-nim.."

"you're enrolled for peer-tutoring in korean, mathematics and history starting next week." 

co-author's note:     heyyy so this is chapter twelve and I'm finally adding all the characters into the story! I'm so sorry for the slow progression so far.. there're so many variables >.< and it's starting to become a high school au ohmygod.. I'll add a barrage of spirits soon! hope that you all enjoy it as much as I do~ so sorry for the wait I've been completing my uni applications >.< thank you all those who have commented although I couldn't reply you all individually I feel like hugging everyone of you!~

p.s I'm going to to open a new applyfic soon - it's kind of like a project group idol group thing.. anybody interested? 

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Chapter 19: Kymin is still adorable even when she's frustrated and I don't know why! and aw... Minah's so sweet (?). I mean, she offered to tutor Kymin after all. Remedial classes might be boring and all but let's look on the brighter side, shall we? at least your tutors are cute *wink wink*
Chaebyul and Sehun are cute in a weird way. I mean, come on! Who the hell kicks a girl's chair?! If he's interested on her that's a weird way of showing it... just stare at her and melt her heart away, okay, Oh Sehun? She'll like that more. Heck, she might even love it!
Jongin and Minah though... hitting on her, eh? Well, you have a long looong~ way to go, Mr. Kim. That's the Kwon Minah. It's funny how he's literally depending on Ji-ae for school materials. That's really admirable, Kim Jongin. It's interesting to see how Jongin tries to get her attention. Can't wait to see more of them! (But honestly that cocky grin would kill me on the spot!)
Eunji's interactions with his oppars are interesting too. I mean all of them are squeal-worthy. Yixing being that adorable prankster. And he's freaking excuse when he accompanied Eunji in her room. Also that "falling moment" with Zitao. You my friend, is blessed.
Ji-ae unnie saved a life! How awesome can she be?! I really like her motherly aura... makes me go all warm and fuzzy. Her meeting with Woobin though... so drama-like. It's so cute! I want to see more of them. Woobin's manly and rough appearance actually goes well on Ji-ae's motherly and gentle image. So cute~
The ending really made me laugh. Stalker Hyusu, coming right up!

Hahaha... thanks for the update author-nim!!! ^ ^
Chapter 19: Lol kymin will always be kymin. i'm surprised food on the table didn't get knocked over when she slammed into it. and lol jongin. trying to get minah's attention. and omg yixing, never imagined him to be a cheeky troublemaker like that. but he's adorable no matter what :) and sehun should stop bothering chaebyul. poor byul has to put up with the antics. but once they're together, they'll probably be such a cute bubble tea couple. and hyusu's stalkerish ways. i wonder how she'll interact with ryeowook. great chapter as always :)
Chapter 19: *coughs* *breathes*
lol xD

Hehe another great update from my new fav story xD (what to expect from The Master's Sun's fan xDD)
Haha Eunji & Yixing finally met and damnn Yixing is like freaking naughty for doing that to his sunbae XDD *slaps him*
woah~Jongin, are ya tryin' to flirt with Minah? DON'T.YOU.DARE. SHE'S.TAKEN. *laughs again*
I'm sorry if my comments are a bit creepy but I can't help it xD
Chapter 19: yOU UPDATED! oH MY gosh you just made my night! TTuTT
So almost all of the girls,plus the love interests and rivals, have the same class together. I reckon this is going to be so exciting in the future. eue kkk~ I lol-ed at Jongin who kept saying hi at Minah. I was kind of expecting that Minah would at least have a little reaction but then I realized that it is MINAH we're talking about x) Oh oh and don't forget the other maknae. Oh Sehun what is the purpose of bugging a studying girl on a class? Could you explain? or was it because you find her cute aheu >:) I swear those two maknaes... *shakes head*

okaaay who else--- Yixing, I didn't expect you to prank a sunbae. lmao. that really surprised me xD (chaebyul: omg what did my brother do to his sunbae???) and why involve innocent eunji? (Chaebyul: what did he do to Eunji?! waah eotteoke-- YIXING GE! *goes brother hunting*) and ji-ae's encounter with woobin! Asdfghjkl so drama-like me likey. *wiggles eyebrows* so ji ae, wanna be young do's eunsang?

Kymin's tutor though. The google translate part was really funny. But come one have faith on Kymin! She can do it, tutor-nim! :D However the best part among them was Hyusu... stalking Kim Ryeowook in the library. I cannot Hyusu-yah! (btw have you watched SJ's Mamacita? OMG RYEONG LOOKS ASDFGHJKADHJAKSHFKJAHJKF THERE HE IS SO UNF WITH BLACK HAIR AND HIS EYES OMG DIES.)

Thank you for updating authornims! <3
Chapter 18: YOU'VE UPDATED!!!! When I saw the update, I suddenly became hyper as hell!

So, we now have our bubble tea couples, huh? Do I sense some bubble tea dates soon? Hahaha... Sehun staring at Chaebyul can be a little weird... but come on, who would mind when the Oh Sehun is staring at you?! Chaebyul is one hell of a lucky girl. Thehunnie seems to be so interested at her... hm, can't wait for more.

Aw, Kymin... don't worry, things will go better! Don't lose hope! Study with your friends, I believe that's the best way. Besides, Minah is more approachable now, you can now ask for her help. She might not be the friendliest tutor out there but she's fine... I guess. And what a daebak way to meet her love interest. I am now anticipating an endless war between these two. That actually made them even more adorable. Oh, how I love a love-hate relationship~

And Ice Princess finally met his Hot Prince (I mean come on, he's hot as hell on his solo debut! I died, okay...) Their meeting, made me squeal and fangirl a lot! It's just too cute~ Taemin being that cute guy, admiring Minah. And gosh, their faces were so freaking close! Their opposite personalities gave a charm in their relationship. I can totally see Taemin bringing Minah closer and deeper to the world of dance. I also personally think that Taemin already have a little crush on her! xD I guess dancers turn him on. Anyway, the ending sure was creepy. I mean imagine suddenly running into a glaring ghost.

Author-nim, thousand thanks for your update! Really made my day! =)) Good luck with your new applyfic too, fighting! ^ ^
Chapter 18: OMG FINALLY YOU UPDATED I WAS WAITING FOR THIS! *turns caps lock off*

Of first of all, Kymin, I know how it feels to get low score in exams but you can improve it by studying with your friends! I know you can do it!!! Kymin hwaiting!!! Hehe Minah met her future bae o u o be nice to him arasso? O u O ㅋㅋㅋ how they met is so cute like omg I can't even say it in words xD And Chaebyul with Sehun, omg bubble tea couple xD So kawaiiii xD

Good luck on the next update and thank you for updating! ^^ I would love to join your another apply fic but I can't since I'm going to be a little bit busy this year T^T Hwaiting!
Chapter 18: The update tho! Omg I didn't expect an update sooner because I know authornims are busy but I'm glad you did! :D Now unto the comments/fangirling/spazzing. I'll try my best to give a very helpful insight-- heck what am I even saying?
I somehow feel sad for Kymin since she's gotten a low score in her exams. I think it would be help her if on the next exams, the girls would do a group study. Nothing beats studying with friends, right? On the other side note, Kymin already met her love interest. I'm looking forward to their future world wars. eued

Now now for the best part... Minah met her THE ONE. Oh my gosh. Minah don't mess this up. Although I know you won't but don't push your shield away okay? As expected, how they met is really unique and asdfghjkl. And dancing is the key! May you two make good babies who dances well. <3 Taemin please purify Minah's insecurities. She needs it badly.

And last but not the least... Chaebyul's first stare competition with her love interest! *throws bubble tea pearls everywhere* Believe me I was holding my scream during the part when she was in the bubble tea store. I just knew they'll meet there. And I hope they'll meet again soon! :DD

Thank you for updating authornims! And to wolf, good luck at your apply fic! ouo You'll do well don't worry~
Chapter 17: Yay, update~
Okay, it's really adorable how all the girls are now doing breakfast and other things together. Minah is surely opening up! Continue the hard work, girls!
And the ranking... ooh~ Minah's score and rank were high but still not enough for her and her family. Well, things might work out soon for them, I hope... It's good that she always have Sulli beside her. And Lee Taemin is a possible classmate? ^_^ yehet!
Ji-ae unnie and Suho~ oh, those two! Just too adorable! Chaebyul and Eunji's friendship is very sweet too! I mean all that hair ruffling and those conversations, they are just too cute! I can also imagine Yixing being the sweet and supportive brother. About Hyusu, I guess he could make that library guy (Ryeowook) as her inspiration to make her grades higher. Sunbae would be proud of her! For Kymin... all of your friends and the girls are just there for you! Don't give up and just continue to work hard! She can even be lucky enough to receive some tutorial from Minah. Good luck to her! I am sure a lot would love to help her.

And congrats for adding all the characters already, author-nim! That must have been one hell of a job! The characters were a loooot~ Thanks for another great chappie and good luck with your new applyfic. I just know you'll do well ^ ^
wait for my ghost ouo XD
Chapter 17: The first thing I noticed was Kwon Minah's grade. I mean come on 96%. Orz I coulldn't get that grade ever in my life. Claps at Minah's genius mind. Don't worry about your families opinion. If I know they will be all utter BS. So what if your unnie's higher? You're at par with her girl. Don't be disheartened! Aja fighting! PS and you have Taemin in your class... e u e aheuheuheu.
And JiAe unnie... Looks like you're in for some romance in your class. /grins widely/ I'm glad you did well unnie despite being stressed and all.
Eunji and Byullie! Odg this two are seriously adorable together <3 And whistles love interest on sight Chaebyul... Love interest on sight mayday.
Hyusu and Kymin don't give up! Maybe the other girls could help you with your subjects! And think positive baes! At least you're done with the exams. <3
Thank you for updating authornims! Fighting to the both of you!