
Boofhead Boyfriend




Still nothing.


A loud thud and running footsteps.

“What happened?!"

“Is it Wednesday today?”

Kyuhyun blinked once, twice, three times as he stared at his black haired boyfriend, who was curled up on the couch in grey sweatpants and Kyuhyun’s old high school jersey with a book in one hand and a drink in the other.

“You made me lose my game, run all the way out here in a panic… To ask me that?”

“Well, no one told you to run.”

“Damn it Jongwoon. No, it is not Wednesday. It’s Tuesday, you boofhead.”

“Kyu~” Jongwoon whined, “It’s not nice to call people names.”

“Not nice making people lose their games either.” Kyuhyun muttered, stomping back to the bedroom to recover his losses.

Humming happily to himself, Jongwoon returned to reading his book.


It was a Saturday morning when Kyuhyun was forced to take his clumsy boyfriend to the hospital for several stitches.

“Why didn’t you watch where you were going?”

Kyuhyun gave Jongwoon an exasperated look, which the other man returned, included with a heavy lidded glare. Jongwoon’s usual do of perfectly messed, wine coloured hair was under a black beanie to keep the hair off his face and his eyes were devoid of their usual darker then black gel lining.

“Well, there’s not usually a box of games sitting in the middle of the hallway, is there?”

“I told you to be careful and that I was moving some things.”

“You never said when.”

Kyuhyun huffed and threw his hands in the air, as Jongwoon crossed his arms and scowled. Or as well as he could with several stitches in his right eyebrow.

“You’re still the boofhead that went arse over head, tripping over it.”

“You could have put it to the side and I told you before, don’t call me that.”

Muttering something incoherent under his breath, Kyuhyun kissed Jongwoon’s cheek and apologised.



The brown haired man groaned and was eleven seconds away from face planting into the desk, as panicked shouts from his now blonde boyfriend echoed from the hallway.


The door burst open and Jongwoon came rushing in, making a beeline for Kyuhyun and shaking the man’s shoulders quickly.









Jongwoon let go of his boyfriend and backed away slowly, as the said man began to chuckle maniacally.

“I drowned them.”


“Stop shouting you boofhead! I’m kidding. They’re in the closet.”

Jongwoon paused, cocking his head to the side before running over to the mahogany closet on the opposite side of the room.

“My babies~” He cooed, picking up the glass tank from the bottom of the wooden furniture. Setting the tank on the bed, Jongwoon sent a harsh glare towards Kyuhyun.

“How many times do I need to tell you? Calling someone boofhead isn’t nice.”

Kyuhyun chuckled, “But you’re my boofhead.”

He only laughed louder when Jongwoon turned back to feeding his turtles - a bright red blush covering his pale face.



It's short, but hopefully cute. I like KyuSung, but I don't write them often.

---Comments are appreciated~---

xoxo Raine

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Chapter 1: This may have been short, but was very cute.
I really enjoyed it. ^^
khyo009 #2
Chapter 1: What is boofhead??
Chapter 1: this is so cute ^w^
kyu sung <3
thanKyu for this
This was adorable <3
Chapter 1: That really was cute~ KyuSung are the perfect stupidly silly couple who just fit into situations like those XD I wouldn't mind reading more adorable stuff like this.
upiek8288 #6
Chapter 1: thats cute boofhead...
how kyu2 always tease his sungie hyung...
Melodyewonkyu #7
Chapter 1: Cutie pie couple
Marshmallow_Princess #8
Chapter 1: You should more of my alien OTP for me !!! Haha I loved this a lot, crazy pairing and their crazy story. These two really suit crack romance more than fluff romance. Loved it ~ :D