~Chapter 7~

Losing Grip

He was tired, at least that was what his mind was processing but his body would not calm down. Even after Onew had left the room. He kept tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable on the bed that seemed just too soft beneath him. It was odd but he knew that it was very different from the bed he usually slept on, since his body was so unused to it. 

Eventually he gave up and propped his self up on his elbows, glancing around the room. Irritated by his inability to sleep. He forced his self up off the bed an wandered over to the window that was exactly across from him and stared out side, where the city was still in motion. He could see the cars that sped by and the cities buildings so far off still lit up. 

"Why can't I remember anything..." He whispered, voice dry and distraught as he tried to recall what his life had been like before he had been hit by the car, since that is what they say happened. But all he could remember was a phone call and him speaking to some guy named Key.

Whoever this Key was, must've been important to him if he remembered only him. Right? Since he could recall nothing else. 

Yet maybe this memory loss was only temporary! Maybe he would sleep one day and wake up and remember everything. Right? It was possible, or at least e hoped it was as he dragged his feet back around the bed and slipped out of the room, eyes adjusting to the light that was shining from the kitchen.

He stumbled forward and turned around the small wall that stood between the hall and other room to find Onew sitting at the table and eating a plate of what seemed to be chicken as he stared out the window aimlessly. Not even noticing the taller man walk into the room until he cleared his throat. At which point the boy jumped up and nearly fell out of his chair which made Minho smirk.

"Your up late...." He muttered before walking past him and to the cabinet where he retrieved a small glass cup.

"So are you." The older boy said once he had calmed enough. "Why are you wandering around?"

"I'm not wandering, I couldn't sleep and wanted a drink." He explained, wiggling the glass so that it drew Onew's attention. "See?" Then he turned and the water, letting his hand sit under the spray so that he could be sure it was cold before he allowed it to fill the glass.

"Oh," was the small whisper he received in return before Onew continued. "Why couldn't you sleep?" 

The Choi sighed lightly at the question before taking a sip of the water. He really hated questions, why he didn't know. But he did none-the-less. "I don't know. Maybe because the bed felt odd, or because when I try to remember the most practical things I can't. Like where do I live? Or what's my mothers name, or even if I have any siblings." He reached up with his free hand and ruffled his slightly longer than average hair before finishing his drink quickly and placing the cup in the sink.

"Why are you still up?" He then asked, raising a brow. 

"Because I got hungry and was thinking to much...." Onew muttered as he pushed the chicken around on the plate.

"Thinking about what?" He smirked, feeling rather happy that he was the one asking the questions now. 

"You." was the quiet answer that had his stomach turning for a second. 


"Well I mean, what if we never get you home? What if your family is stuck worrying about you forever? Or what if this memory loss isn't just temporary? It would be my fault, and that's just......it's unbearable." He whimpered before covering his face with his hands and shaking his head. "I would be taking away someone's child! It would be no better than if I killed you."

Minho sighed as he watched the other and eventually made his way over to the table and pulled out the chair beside Onew, prying the male's hands from his face so that he could look him in the eye. "But you didn't kill me."

"It's no different though!" Onew cried out as his eyes welled with tears and he pulled his hands away from the taller. "They don't know what happened to you, and what if they never find out? Do you know how many people there are in Seoul? Or how many of them go out to clubs every single night?"

His breath hitched and Minho felt him shake slightly. No he didn't know how to comfort someone, much less this specific person but he refused to just let him be like this and pulled him into his arms.

Onew stiffened almost immediately as he rubbed small circles into his back and tried to soothe him, and eventually the smaller man relaxed in his arms. "I can pretty much guess how  any people go to clubs, Onew." He whispered as he held the other. "But you don't have to worry because I know that I will get home and everything will be alright."

The older boy sighed as he struggled slightly in the others arm until Minho let go, and sat back to look him in the eyes, his own still red and puffy. 

"Are you sure?" He asked as he let his hand rest on Minho's knee, steadying his self. "I mean like, really really sure...."

"Yes, I'm really really sure." Minho replied trying hard not to smile at how childish the other was before standing up and reaching down to help the other onto his feet as well.  "Now you should go to bed and I'll clean this all up." 

He turned and began walking towards Onew's room, the other yawning behind him as if to prove the point that he should go to bed. Though he walked so slow that Minho had to shorted his strides, and they made it to the others males room rather quickly.

"Here we are." He hummed as he lead the other to his bed and waited until he laid down before turning to leave the room his self, whispering a barely audible "Goodnight..." Then he closed the door and hurried down the stairs to where he began to clean the mess Onew had left.

Meanwhile Onew was up in his room, trying to figure out just why his heart was beating so fast.

Key sighed and rolled onto his stomach as he gazed up at Taemin who was staring off into space as whoever was on the other line spoke to him. Of course the voice was barely heard by the older who was just waiting, impatiently, and humming to his self. 

Then Taemin nodded, thanked the stranger and hung up before breaking out into tears causing Key to jump to his feet and pull the male into his arms, rubbing his back and trying to get him to calm down. "Minnie, what's wrong?" He asked, rather shocked at the sudden sight of tears.

"I-It was the p-police!" He sobbed as he pointed to the phone. "They s-said that Minho will pro-probably never be found! Since it has al-already been fourty-eight hours!" 

Now he could understand why the other was crying as he felt his own heart break. "You're kidding right?" He asked as he froze for a second before continuing to rub the others back.

"Why would I joke about this?!" The other sobbed out rather loudly as he began to cry even harder. "They probably didn't even bother to look!" Taemin shook his head as he fought to catch his breath barely even glancing at Key as he tore his self away from the others arms. "So-So I'm going to look! I...I just know he's out there somewhere!"

And yet again I have a short chapter for this story >.< I'm sorry but I just wanted to post it so yeah.....Uh I hope you all like it and have a nice safe Christmas, and if you dan't celebrate then Happy Holidays and stay safe! ^_^

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973 streak #1
Chapter 21: This is the second time I read this fic but had not left a comment before.
Minho got hit in more ways than one and he definitely didn't want to recover from it.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Chapter 21: El OnHo es lo más hermoso del mundo son cariñosos ys y tiernos 💗
Chapter 3: Jinki es tan lindo como un niño travieso 💗
BreyBrey #4
Chapter 21: Nice Onho story.
Chapter 21: reading it again as i missed Onho so much ><
Chapter 21: So sweet. Im glad Minho chose to be with Jinki
lilith9999 #7
The chapter 10 is a strong emotional chapter because Minho take THE decision to keep Onew with him. First actions are slow and then faster after the chapter 10. I would have liked reading two or three chapters between the 10 and 11. Your story is great and it would have been great too without the smu chapter. The end is short but an happy end!
SuDarkWind #8
Chapter 21: I don't mind if you write another onho but if you do do a different pairing I'd like to see Jongho or Minkey. They make such cute couples and I'm positive you could come up with a great story to suit them.
Chapter 19: omggttgttgggmjsjjssjbsabhahh im oh god. they so romantic their make love oh god