(Yongguk) That only moment when I hate fans >-

B.A.P One Shot's =^^=

You've been married to Yongguk since nearly two years now.  B.A.P got pretty famous all over the world and though he's busy he somehow managed it to care so well about you and finally you were pregnant with his child.

B.A.P had to leave for some special showcases outside of Seoul. You shouldn't had come with them but you kept begging Yongguk and his manager to go with them.
Finally Yongguk gave in but he was still worried about you. All the time he didn't left your side and made sure you're alright. Carried your luggage, brought you whatever you wanted and was just there when you needed him. If he wasn't busy he was with you.
He worried about you a lot even if you told him he doesn't have to.

Time passed so fast and  B.A.P finished their shedules well.
During the flight back to Seoul you leaned against his shoulder  while looking down on your belly. Yongguk noticed it and started smiling. He touched it carefully to make sure not to hurt you not the baby either.

''I'm scared.'' you started looked at him with a sad expression in your face.
'' Jagiya, why? You don't need to.'' He tried to comfort you.
He moved his hand from your belly up to your cheek and looked straight into your eyes.
'' Do you think it will hurt? I'm scared I won't be a good mommy at all.''
'' I couldn't even imagine a better mother to raise my child.  We can stand this. There is still time left until the birth so you can prepare. Don't worry too much.''
After finishing his sentence he slightly pressed his soft lips onto yours. You felt like in the moment of your first kiss. It was still like that, light and soft but  still with a lot of passion.

As you finally reached the airport and made up your way to the car holding Yongguks hands you passed a lot of fans. Some of them cheering for the two of you, some of them just looking down on you with a face full of hate.
You smiled but felt kind off weird somehow. Yongguk kept you close while walking as suddenly a group of girls attacked you. They pulled Yongguk away and pushed you on the floor. The security staff was right there but it was too late. Pain was running through your back and you tummy. The push came from behind so you fell straight on you belly.
You couldn't move. The pain was strong but you kept quite and forced yourself not to cry. The security and Yongguk lifted you up and carried you to the airport ambulance right away.
His face was red. You've never seen his face like that before. Anger was building inside of him and he tried to keep calm though. As you finally reached the ambulance you lost your consciousness and collapsed. Daehyun and Yongguk were with you on the way to the hospital and the other member came after. Daehyun had problems with calming Yongguk. He never was worried like this before.
'I told her not to come with us. I knew something like this would happen. I knew it.'
'Calm down Hyung! Everything will be fine!' Daehyun tried to calm him down.
'What if she loose the child now? What if ..'  Yongguk couldn't finish his sentence because you reached the hospital. Full of worries Yongguk, Daehyun and the members waited outside of the operation room going up and down.
He stopped right away as he saw the doctor coming out.

''We had to get the child right away. Both of them are fine and she gave birth to a beautiful girl. Do you want to see your new born daughter?'the doctor said calmly. Yongguk signed and lots feelings rushed over him. He was happy about you being fine, about his child being fine.
'What a relief' he said and entered the room with the members. You laid on your bed with the little girl in your arms. He grabbed your arm and sat down on the bed looking at both of you with a bright smile. You smiled back ''Which name should we give her?''


Well~ Just wrote my first One Shot. How was it? =^^=
i've never wrote one so I really hope it's good! <3


Someone please tell me, why is he so hot? *-*

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Chapter 1: This is such a cute little story, I loved it. Keep up the good work!
geeezus i am dumb.. just ignore what i wrote keke~~~~ ^^
Chapter 1: @j1ny0ungw1f3y of course you can!! i said requests are always welcomed! ♥ and @fictionplus i know i had some problems updating and stuff but i wrote something so i will update soon! ^^
flurries #4
Chapter 1: This is nice~~ :D It's the reality of the world. Hmm. :D More~~~ ^^
Can I request one? :)