Princess Hayi

Oh Mom

Nov. 11, 2007 9:00pm


Sandara POV



“Babe!!!!  Bring me to the hospital”…. I shout as my water broke while watching our wedding video in the comfort of our home.

“Yahhhhh!! arrrrrrggghhh.. ahooooo ahoooo breathe in, breathe out Dara calm down, baby Hayi please don’t make mommy suffer just a little more baby and we will be together.”

“KWON JIYONG WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU? Arrrgggghhh...” with so much pain I succumb then eventually darkness fill my memory.



Jiyong POV


I chuckled as I heard Dara shout from the living room, “Babe, you will not fool me this time I’m busy preparing the nursery room”

However, it felt weird as I hear nothing but silence. I hurriedly check Dara and to my shock she was pale and unconscious. It was a scene that knocks my breath; with a blink of an eye I rushed Dara to nearest hospital. Finally, our Princess Hayi will be with us.


Seoul Hospital

“Jiyong, we need to proceed to caesarean section. Dara’s body is slowly getting weak she wouldn’t be able to perform normal delivery”

Dr. Song told me as I am watching Dara outside her room. He got a point, I never seen Dara this pale. But she wanted to do it the natural way. I got to think fast as my wife and princess life is at stake.

“Here are the papers; all you need to do is to sign so that we can take Dara to the emergency room.”


Jiyong POV


 It was around 11:00pm Nov. 11, 2006 when Dara was transferred to the emergency room, after signing the papers Dr. Song immediately advise the nurse in charge to prepare the room.

I am freaking out waiting outside ER, Dr. Song advised me to wait outside while they perform the operation.

Happy in a way that Hayi and Dara will share the same birthday since it is now 11:59pm of Nov.11, 2006.


Suddenly the door open…. One of the nurse called my name as I was ushered inside the emergency room.

It was a music to my ear as I heard my little Hayi’s first cry, tears starting to roll from my eyes as it was a pure bliss.


But it was immediately replaced by fear as I saw Dara’s body covered with blanket.

“D.. Daa.. Dar.. DARA” I shout as I dragged my feet toward where Dara was.

When suddenyly Dr. Song blocked my way as he said … “I am sorry Jiyong, Dara did not make it. We did our very best to save them both. It was even a miracle that Hayi came out alive.”

“NO! NO! Tell me Dr. that you were joking Dara is alive… it can’t be”  When all I heard is a sigh from the Dr. I knew that it was for real. As I am getting nearer to Dara’s lifeless body all my senses shut down, numbness.

I cradled by wife’s body as I cry my heart out.

“Baby, how coud you leave me this early… I don’t think I can do this alone, I thought we are going through this together.” I don’t know how I was able to complete that sentence.

“Dara thank you for giving me the most wonderful gift I could ever have, rest well now I know you’re tired. Please guide me and Hayi. Be an angel to us okay, don’t worry will be together soon and I love you”


After 7 years

Nov. 12, 2013


Jiyong POV


“Mommy, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to us” as I heard Hayi shout in front of her mother’s grave. 

Every year Hayi insisted to celebrate her Birthday with her mother instead of getting a party we choose to be with her as it was also Dara’s birthday.

“I brought a drawing of our family, my teacher asked me to draw you, daddy and me as our assignment. You know what mommy even though I wasn’t able to see you everyone told me I just look like you. Look mommy isn’t my drawing beautiful cause I know mommy is also beautiful just like me”

I chuckled as I heard my daughter tell her story in front of Dara’s grave soon after I hear sobs from my princess.

“Mommy, I miss you so much when can I see you? When are you coming home? I would like to be hug and kiss by you? Do you also miss me too?  And also mommy I want to taste your delicious ramen… daddy’s ramen is not that good (she whisper)”

I shout at Hayi as she is making fun of me “Yah! Baby”

“Sorry daddy” Hayi said as she pout her small lips. A habit she got from Dara.

It is about to rain as I told Hayi to bid goodbye to her mother.

“Mommy, will get going know daddy promised me that we will buy cake. I will be back Mommy sleep well I love you!”

“Princess, wait for me at the car” As I watch Hayi run to our car a butterfly landed to Hayi’s drawing. And that I know you’re watching me and your daughter.

“You don’t know Dara how much I miss you. I know you’re happy wherever you are…. Soon baby will be together again as for the mean time I need to be with our daughter.”

“I love you jagiya, wait for me okay” As I blew a kiss from the butterfly who just flew up at sky.

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Chapter 1: Authornim...........T︵T
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