
In Two Years

Luhan’s plane finally touches down in the Incheon International Airport promptly at 11:21 AM. The two hour flight feels longer than expected and he barely had any rest the night before, too anxious to go back to Korea. He didn’t get any more rest during the flight either because the person sitting two seats away from him wouldn’t stop snoring loudly and the person sitting across the aisle kept smacking their lips. Luhan yawns, covering his wide mouth a tad bit too late for people to not see the inside of his mouth, and stretches, his muscles screaming in pain.

It’s been about two years, he thinks, since the last time he’s been in Korea. It was just a little over that time since EXO officially disbanded and he regrettably hasn’t seen any of s ever since. Everything two years back was a blur of events; only tears, hands grasping his, shaking hugs, and forced smiles seem to stand out from it all.

He finally stands up after two hours of being cramped into his low quality, economy class seat. Blood immediately rushes to his head and he stumbles, his vision blacking for a second. Once his vision clears, he reaches up to grab his belongings in the overhead compartment. The line to get out of the plane is long, he realizes, as he stands aside to let the other people in the inner seats get their own stuff. It takes another five minutes until Luhan files out of the airplane. He bows at the flight attendant who is wishing everybody a great day and returns the gesture with a bright smile.

Once he steps out of the airplane, he walks a bit crookedly, still unused to the steady ground, and feels excitement wash over him. The corners of his mouth tug back and he can’t help but put that extra bounce into his step.

He was finally back in the place where so many dreams came true.


The first thought Luhan has when he steps into Joonmyun’s mansion of a house is that it reminds him of a high school reunion party. The atmosphere is warm and welcoming and he smiles as he slips his shoes off.

Once he reaches the living room, Luhan knows it’s exactly like a high school reunion. Everybody is chatting with each other and there is food and refreshments laid out on a table. All of the ex-EXO members present immediately notice his appearance. They greet him with friendly gestures, ranging from waves to hugs to pats on the . Luhan does the same to them. He has the biggest smile on the face when he excuses himself to the food table.

He returns with a plate piled high with kimbap and ddukbokki and other Korean food that just didn’t taste the same in China. He missed Korea greatly when he was back in Beijing, almost like he was homesick for another country. He settles into the seat next to Minseok and listens to his friend babble on to Jongdae about his younger sister. Luhan keys in his own comments into the conversation but more or less, stays silent.

He is busy scanning the room instead, trying to pinpoint who exactly was missing. He notices immediately that Tao, Kris, Baekhyun and Chanyeol aren’t at the party yet. There’s another person that isn’t present either but he suddenly can’t remember who it is. He keeps looking around and trying to count off people in his head but the unknown name that’s nagging at him constantly isn’t surfacing in his mind.

Jongdae is recounting the amount of times he ran into a pole that week from tiredness when there is a rapid set of knocks on the door. They all freeze and it takes them several moments before Yixing, who is closest, finally gets up and answers the door.

It becomes quite… loud, Luhan notices, when the remaining ex-members of EXO file into the room. Maybe it was because they finally see each other after so many years or maybe it was because it felt so right to be whole again, to be twelve - no, to be one again - to see all those familiar faces they have all grown to be close to.

Luhan greets Kris and Tao, who are both busy stuffing themselves in Korean food - Tao, especially - before moving on to high five Chanyeol and hug Baekhyun. He notices that the two are practically glued together and have the stupidest grins on their faces as they brush arms. Luhan thinks they are exactly like high school sweethearts that finally meet again. It reminds him of somebody but he still can’t remember exactly who for some odd reason.

And that’s when it hits him. Quite literally.

Luhan is on his way back towards the couch when somebody bumps into him. He turns to apologize but the face in front of him brings back so many memories and he forgets what he was going to say. The only thing he manages to utter is a two-syllable word he has unknowingly been holding in for two years.

"Sehun," he breathes. How could he forget Sehun out of all people?

"Hey, Luhan hyung," Sehun says, his face breaking into the wonderful smile that Luhan loves.

Luhan is left standing there like a gaping fish, his mouth opening and closing to form words that just wouldn’t leave his lips. It’s been so long - too long - since he’s seen the other and he has so many things he wants to say but just can’t. It’s a habit, he remembers, that he can forget all the words in his vocabulary and his brain can start short-circuiting with just one glance at Sehun and time didn’t change this habit, just like how time didn’t change how much he loves the younger male.

Once everybody was settled down, Joonmyun didn't hesitate to call a group meeting.

It’s been a while since they held group meetings - their last one was right before they disbanded - and they awkwardly arrange themselves until everybody is sitting at least somewhat comfortably.

Joonmyun starts the meeting with the usual talk. Luhan feels nostalgic all of a sudden because it really has been a long time and the usual boring speech Joonmyun gives suddenly seems that much more interesting.

His usual speech ends uneventfully just like how it always does and Joonmyun looks expectantly at the person next to him, who just so happens to be Tao.

Luhan listens in interest as Tao starts animatedly talking about his new movie deal. The movie he was cast in is said to be the next big thing.

"I got a supporting role," Tao claps his hands excitedly, "Guys, this could be my breakthrough! Next thing you know, I’m going to get a ton of movie deals and you’ll have to proudly tell people that Huang Zitao is your friend."

"I think we already have enough popularity since we used to be EXO members," Kris mutters. "You have no idea how many people come up to me and ask for an autograph."

Luhan agrees with the rest of the members, shuddering a bit at the memory of two especially crazed fans that chased him until he agreed to an autograph.

"Congratulations, though, Tao," Kris says, placing a hand on Tao’s knee. Luhan doesn’t miss how his hand lingers just the tiniest bit longer.

Kris mentions that he’s been traveling all over the world and plans on settling down soon - there’s a particular glance at Tao, who is obliviously eating his tenth slice of pizza - and making his own fashion line or something along those works. Baekhyun jokes around that Kris would make the worst possible clothes ever which earns him a punch - albeit weak as Baekhyun so claims - in the arm.

Kyungsoo recounts his stories as a popular radio show host, sighing when he mentions the current idol groups. “It’s like seeing your own children grow up except you skip that annoying little kid phase.”

"We grew up like that too. Stop making us sound like sixty year olds, Soo," Jongdae laughs.

"Sometimes, I feel like one. I’m so unfit now," Kyungsoo flails his arms wildly. Luhan has to fight back the urge to roll his eyes because Kyungsoo was anything but old, maybe a little less devilish but more or less the same squishy boy he was introduced to years ago.

Jongin is next. He is curled into a ball and rocking back and forth as he talks, nothing like the charismatic guy on stage. He expresses his desire to buy a Chelsea seasonal ticket - “It’s always sold out, I swear!” - and how he still wants to marry and have a kid, even if he had to adopt one. At those words, Jongin rubs his empty ring finger and throws shy glances in Kyungsoo’s direction, chewing on his lip.

When it’s finally his turn, Yixing is smiling a great, big, dimpled smile as he talks about his current job as a producer and composer. "It's so fun! I'll be setting up my own stage soon and performing and I'm definitely inviting all of you," he bounces a little bit at the prospect. 

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," Joonmyun says an the others murmur their agreement. 

Joonmyun looks a bit absentminded as he talks about MCing. He seems happy with his job, though, so Luhan doesn't question his lack of concentration. 

Jongdae starts talking immediately after Joonmyun finishes. After EXO's disbandment, Jongdae continued on being a singer, abandoning his stage name, Chen, and promoting with his real name. Jongdae was very well known, selling out concerts left and right. Sometimes, Luhan would turn on the radio and one of Jongdae's songs would be playing. He never fails to smile at this because his friend was living out his dream to its fullest. 

Minseok looks like he can't contain himself once it's his turn. He rambles on about his coffee shop and how well it's doing and how much he just loves being a barista. Minseok has a proud smile on his face, making his still chubby face brighten up. 

"I should go visit some time, Baozi," Luhan remarks, watching the smile die down on his friend's face.

"It's been years, Luhan! Would you stop calling me that," Minseok sounds exasperated but his grin is back and Luhan knows that after all these years, Minseok really hasn't tired of that nickname. 

"Anyways, what about you, Luhan? Done anything interesting?" Joonmyun interrupts. 

Luhan is at a loss for words. Compared to all his friends, he hasn't done much since disbandment.

"I, uh, visited my family and helped out around the house." 

They wait for him to say more and only then does Luhan realize that, wow, he really hasn't done much. 

"I also traveled a bit?" Luhan shrugs hesitantly before sighing. "I really haven't done much." 

Everybody nods understandingly and they move on to Baekhyun, who immediately launches into a story about the amount of variety shows he is now hosting. Jongdae says that Baekhyun might as be the next Nation's MC after Yoo Jaesuk, which earns him a myriad of hand flailing and "Jaesuk sunbaenim is legendary, I can't be that!" 

Chanyeol looks a little out of it but one nudge from Baekhyun pulls him back to Joonmyun's living room. He looks a bit confused, staring with wide eyes.

"Your turn, Yeol," Baekhyun murmurs to him. 

"Oh, right," Chanyeol blinks. He starts talking about the music he's composing for all the idol groups now, smiling that wide, twitchy smile of his. He looks like he wants to say more but he keeps glancing at Baekhyun hesitantly. 

They're about to move on to Sehun when Luhan interrupts. "Anything else you want to tell us, Yeol?" 

Chanyeol looks panicked and he keeps throwing frantic looks at Baekhyun and his hands are fidgeting with his shirt and he is practically the epitome of a nervous bundle. Luhan narrows his eyes suspiciously before Baekhyun speaks. 

"Chanyeol and I are engaged," he announces. 

There is silence and Luhan finds that his suspicions were half correct. Now that he looks more closely, Chanyeol and Baekhyun were wearing identical rings on their ring finger. Since nobody else was talking, Luhan clears his throat. 

"Honestly, I thought Chanyeol had gone straight and turned his back on you. No offense, Yeol," he adds when Chanyeol throws him an offended look. "But, hey. You guys were apparently engaged. Congratulations, guys." 

Minseok seems to snap out of his frozen state beside him and also congratulates the couple and soon, the room is buzzing with well wishes. When the noise starts to die down, they move on to Sehun. 

Sehun has his usual stoic face on and the more Luhan stares at Sehun, the more he can't help falling in love with him all over again. He starts noticing how Sehun still wets his lips before he talks and how he taps his knee as he considers what to talk about. Luhan continues noticing these small little things as Sehun starts talking about his current life. He is only halfheartedly listening, not because it was uninteresting or anything - nothing about Sehun was uninteresting, to be quite honest - but it was simply the fact that Luhan is struck by how amazing and perfect this boy is and how much he loved and still loves him and just god, Sehun was so attractive. 

He comes crashing down to Earth and reality, though, when Sehun's next words reach his ears. 

"I found the one I love with all my heart and I'm going to propose today," Sehun is his lips continuously now, his leg bouncing up and down, a sure sign that he is nervous. 

Luhan's vision starts caving in but he blinks repeatedly because he has to stay strong; he can't be weak just because the one he loves is marrying somebody else that isn't him. It's reality, he tells himself but he can't help but wish his dream could last longer.

The room is silent, just like when Baekhyun and Chanyeol announced their engagement, but the atmosphere is tense and suffocating. Maybe it was just Luhan but he feels like he is going to choke. 

Joonmyun, the ever kind leader, is the first one to break the silence. "Congratulations, Sehun. You've grown up a lot. What happened to our bratty maknae?" Joonmyun jokes but it sounded halfhearted and forced, like even the leader couldn't believe the news. 

There are a few more empty congratulations. Luhan swallows the lump in his throat and, praying that his voice won't crack, also gives his congratulations. 

The warm atmosphere is gone now, replaced with cold, cold silence. Luhan excuses himself for a glass of water, no longer able to handle the news. But once he passes Sehun, he feels a slight pressure on his wrist and he is abruptly spun around. 

He sputters in shock and the other members look startled, too. 

Sehun his lips and his leg is bouncing up and down violently and Luhan realizes the hand around his wrist is trembling and a bit wet. Sehun hastily lets go and wipes his palms on his jeans before opening his mouth. 

"Lu-luhan. It-It's been two years since I've last seen you," Sehun stutters out and Luhan can't help but think he's absolutely endearing and he has to quickly remind himself that Sehun is going to be taken soon.

"And-and," Luhan blinks repeatedly, waiting for Sehun to ask him to give him the best wishes for his marriage. Sehun fumbles with his shirt some more before continuing. "And, there hasn't been one second of the day that I stopped thinking about you." 

Well, that took an unexpected turn, Luhan thinks. It was almost exactly like Sehun was- 

And Luhan's thoughts were proven correct when Sehun slides down the couch onto one knee, his hands visibly shaking as he takes out a box from his back pocket. Luhan's jaw drops involuntarily, his own hands starting to shake as he waits for the next four words.

"Will you marry me?" Sehun cracks a nervous grin and that's when Luhan breaks. 

He now remembers what happened two years ago. He remembers tears blurring his vision as his flight is announced and how he went around and hugged all s, his body shaking from tears. He remembers the forced smiles they all gave each other and he remembers when he reached Sehun, he had grasped his hands. Sehun pulled him in for that one last kiss, promising Luhan that he will always love him and that he will be lawfully his one day. He remembers Sehun crying into the kiss and how he had brushed the younger's tears away before leaving those arms for two years. But now, he was finally returning to his rightful place with Sehun.

Luhan starts sobbing, his memories and his joy mixing into one as he nods and says over and over, "Yes, Sehun, god ing damn yes." He briefly hears cheering from the others until he is surrounded by everything Sehun. 

And this is his totally, unbiased opinion but Luhan thinks that this may be the best reunion he's ever been to. 

The future careers that are mentioned are actually what EXO said that they wanted to be in 10 years. Also all the ninja OTPs asjldfadios;f 
This is personally one of my most favorite fics I've written and I hoped everyone else enjoyed it ^^ Merry Christmas (Eve) to everybody :D
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Chapter 1: :')

Happy tears.. Thank you for this story.
Chapter 1: omg when luhan thought sehun was going to propose to someone else my heart broke but ofc those two will always be together
this was adorable ♥