Chapter 2


9:00 AM


A funny clock of a monkey starts to hit its cymbals again and again, creating a special noise while moving around the night table between Dara and Chaerin beds.


The fuss around the room starts to make the angelic girls sleeping peacefully coming back to their senses as their features begin to frown as a reaction.


"Chaerin! Dara! Time to wake up! Come on! Come on! Or the Bominator will come and you don't want that to happen. Right? Come on girls!" 


Chaerin frowns heavily and opens her sleepy eyes, watching the monkey hitting its cymbals animatedly in front of her. - Huh... this clock is worse than Bom when she's anry! - Chaerin thought making Dara open her eyes and a smile appears in her lips as she's stretching her arms and legs. , she pushes herself with her arms to take a sit in the bed facing Chaerin bed.


"Good morning, Chaerin. Like the monkey is saying, it's the time to wake up" greets Dara still with her smile. Chaerin turns around hearing Dara voice and rubs her eyes. "Good morning too, Dara... asshh can you stop already?! Stop playing your cymbals!" Chaerin looks at the monkey with fire in her eyes. The noisy clock just broke a beautiful dream she was having.


The monkey stops abruptly and starts to shake with his little arms against the chest, showing a scared face. Then smirks putting its cymbals each sides of its brown and soft waist. "Chaerin. You shouldn't start to complain in this beaaaautiful mooorningg~" the monkey points at the window when violet birds pass flying and chirping.


- Here we go again with the topic about complaining - Dara giggles and moves away the sheets around her body. "Come on Chaerin. We have a lot of work. We have to do our best as everyday. Mh?" Dara is already standing behind her. Chaerin looks at her and smiles. She nods and stands up too. "You know what? How I wish we could have a mini clock of yourself waking us sweetly instead of this annoying and noisy clock.." Chaerin mutters as she drags her feet to the bathroom.


Dara laughs with blush and shakes playfully her hair as she's following her from behind. "Mh!" The monkey pouts and turns around facing its back as its arms cross in its chest. They two always have the same situation every morning. Chaerin and her complains and the monkey facing its back with angry face. Dara can't help but to laugh everytime that happens.


After having their shower, Chaerin and Dara fingers made a click with their thumb and middle fingers and their pajamas turned into a bright black outfit of their work, making them look really y with their high heels. Showing clearly their curves of their bodies.


"Brush" Chaerin said and opened . A brush with fresh toothpaste went into and started to move by itself up and down as Chaerin was looking her own reflection on the wide mirror. Beside her, was Dara with an eyeliner floating and drawing a black line under her eyes and another one was carefully painting in black her eyelids.


"How's your nose? Looks like it's fine today" Dara smiles while looking at Chaerin nose. Yesterday, Dara had to do a hard efford not to look down to her nose everytime Chaerin was talking and not to burst in laughter because, seriously, Chaerin nose looked like a tomato. But Dara could hide her real expression by an innocent one and kept listening Chaerin with a smile.


Chaerin smiles as she looks back at her. "Ib thinmk it'shh totallym finemb. Oh!" Chaerin realized that she was talking with totally filled by toothpaste so she leaned down to the sink making Dara giggle silently. 


Chaerin cleaned with water as the brush came back inside the glass and looked at Dara smiling easily. "Very good. My nose feels very good" Chaerin lifts her thumb as a positive sign. Dara smiles feeling relieved. Just her heart can tell how worried she was when Chaerin hit her nose hard against the lamp post. She even thought the hit broke it but fortunately, didn't happen.


Chaerin looks at her watch of her wrist. "Let's go Dara. It's the time for us to leave Zamboya. Or else our boss is going to enter by the door like a mad corn" Chaerin grabs her hand as Dara nods with a giggle and they run out of their room.


Inside her office, Bom was starting to frown because Dara and Chaerin use to be the first people to go out from the planet. She's so used to that. If they aren't the first from them all makes her feel weird. She's not used to their lateness because Chaerin and Dara are the best in their job and they NEVER are late. They two are a great team.


Worry growing inside her made her stand up from her swivel chair as her thoughts were eating her from inside and went straight to their room. That's when Chaerin and Dara appeared outside, with their hands interlocked as always. That's a indirect sign of their great friendship. And flew away.


Dara and Chaerin feet stepped out left the ground and started to float in the air heading to the purple sky. Just then, they heard Bom voice. "Chaerin, Dara! Have a good day and work hard huh?!" she screams waving her arm to them. The two of them look back at her and answered her with their thumbs up.


"Yesss Bom!! FIGHTINGG!" Chaerin screamed and waved their hands and focused on their flight until they disappeared from Bom sight.



Inside her office, Bom was starting to frown because Dara and Chaerin use to be the first people to go out from the planet. She's so used to that. If they aren't the first from them all makes her feel weird. She's not used to their lateness because Chaerin and Dara are the best in their job and they NEVER are tardy. They are a great team.


Worry growing inside her made her stand up from her swivel chair as her thoughts were eating her from inside and went straight to their room. That's when Chaerin and Dara appeared outside, with their hands interlocked as always. That's a indirect sign of their great friendship. And flew away, leaving a smiling Bom behind. 


- Good luck, girls - Bom thought while looking at the little sigh of the sky. The castle has a big square with a cupola in circle form, raising in top of everyone head and at the end of it, a hole of 4 meters wide uses to be the entrance and the exit of the super re-charger girls. Dara smiles as she can hear Bom voice saying those words. She just can hear or read the people mind who's close to her.


Bom is like a sister for Dara.


Stopping in the sky, Dara presses the button in her wrist and a black hole appears in top of their heads. No trail of them when they go in and disappear like ghosts.


The wind makes fly their long hair once they are in the human world. Chaerin and Dara are invisible for the humans. This world is obviously so different from their world. The wind is colorless. All the people walk in the street, some of them with their pets jumping and barking happily when their owners let them go to a ride. That's why Chaerin likes this world so much, specially in the night. Zamboya planet doesn't have any moon, just empty space out there. But at least they can see an amazing rain of meteorites traversing the atmosphere every month or even every week.


But there's nothing compared with the human world. The sunsets are just awesome and the colours of the sky, make Chaerin feel amazed by it. Grateful to be here in this planet, to see something so beautiful like that.


Chaerin and Dara left eyes see in green suddenly when a glass covers it. They are exploring the people. Scanning them through the green template, they can see many symbols towards every person. "... ... .. huh." Dara eyes glued on a girl. " That person looks bad" Dara mutters as she looks at the girl who's walking sadly with her eyes glued at the ground. The people throws her unsure gazes to her.


Chaerin is looking at her and turns to see Dara when she had an idea. "Dara. Let me do something.. and we revive her okay?" she says and smiles at her before looking at the sad girl turning to the left of the street. Dara nods smiling back. "Okay. What do you want to do?"


Chaerin smiles again and tells her her plan. Dara looks at her unsurely but she sees Chaerin secure eyes with a smile in her face. She looks confident.


"Okay. Let's go to do that and we'll see if works" Dara smile and they nod at each other. Then they float closer to the girl and a dog suddenly appeared running behind Dara while barking. 


A cute brown labrador runs straight to her and bites her heel from behind. Animals are the only species who can see them. Dara looks Dara and scream. She's really scared about animals, although she's from another planet. "Aaaahhh Chaerinnn! This beast is biting meee!!" Dara moves in all directions her heel trying to release herself from his teeth but the more she moves, the dog more bites her heel hard while growls.


Chaerin looks at the commotion as the sad girl looks confusedly behind her. She sees the dog biting something but only can see his mouth open and nothing more. - What the hell...?" - Dara looks quickly at the girl when she read her mind.


Chaerin laughs and approaches to her and whistles at the dog to call his attention. "Come here, cute puppy! Stop attacking my Sanda Rin heel" Chaerin kneels in the ground while she claps her hands and opens her arms wide to receive him. Dara face drawing a smile after listening her comment.


The dog stops biting Dara heel and goes to Chaerin feeling curious by the beautiful woman in front of him. Dara sighs heavily and looks at the sad girl who's watching confusedly the dog behavior. Chaerin looks up at Dara and they are eyes met. Then she grabs the little paws of the dog and lifts them to a side of her face while facing them. 


The girl widened her eyes when the dog stood up by himself. "Ehhh?!"


Chaerin started to move softly his little paws up and down. "Baby. You shouldn't scare my mate and this girl. But it's okay. I made her scare her lifting your cute paws like you can walk with only your hind legs. But please, make me a favor and give her a cute flower to make her smile. Can you see her sad face? She don't deserve that. If you do this, you'll be my pet. Do you want to be my pet?" Chaerin asked facing the dog and she received a in her face making her giggle.


"Oww thank you so much! I'll be very happy to have you as my pet! So now, do that for me, little one" Chaerin leaves him softly back to the ground and the dog run away heading to a flower shop. Dara looking at her with shocked face while the other girl trying to process what's going on in front of her eyes.


Chaerin smiles at Dara and winks at her. "You can talk with this animal? He can understand you?" Dara asks unable to change her expression. Chaerin stands up. "Yes. I can" Chaerin says proudly. "You can read minds, and I can talk with animals. Surpriseee!" Chaerin stucks her tongue and turns around when she hears the dog running closer with two roses into his mouth. 


Chaerin smiles at the scene. The dog supports its paws over the girl legs. - This isn't what I planned but it's okay.. I hope the girl can feel better so her symbol will be - Chaerin thinking unconsciously again. Dara blinks after listening Chaerin thought as she looks at her. - What a discovery! I never thought Chaerin could have the ability to talk with these creatures! -


They two look at the girl who's shocked looking at the dog. Her symbol still is . The girl starts to smile. A weak smile. "This flower is for me? Why are you giving it to me?" she asks to the dog as she kneels, caressing him while grabbing it sweetly into her arms. The dog barks. Suddenly Dara and Chaerin see a change at the state of the girl. 


The dog began to her face making her lying on the ground by the sudden attack and she started to giggle while trying to stop him.


".. yes! She's improving!" says excitedly Chaerin with a wide smile. But the girl can't pass from that symbol. It's not enough. The try is good but it's not enough. Chaerin ducked her head letting out a sigh when her hopes fell down and looked at Dara. "We have to use the electrical connector! So come on!" Chaerin says and Dara nods firmly with a smile. Then they fly up and looked for an electric pole close to the girl. They found it.


Chaerin introduced her hands into it and a big electrical connector went out from her as Chaerin hands were moving out. "Haha! Girl! Say goodbye to your sadness and worries!" Chaerin said and fly straight to her as Dara is already in front of the girl and introduced the electrical connector into her back without hesitations. The girl gasped noisily and her eyes widened. She was frozen making the flower in her hand fall to the ground. Electric sparks were flying out of each sides of her back.


"It's working! Her mood is changing Chaerin!" Dara smiles widely as she sees the symbol changing to the highest category. ♠! *piip pip pip pip pip!* The constant electronic noise of pip in their templates makes them know that they got what they were looking for. They got to revive the girl.


Chaerin smiles ear to ear as the electric light vanishes when she moves away the electrical connector from the girl back and blows the weak smoke flying from it.


"Woaa!! Thank you dog!! You totally changed my mood! Aah! I feel so happy suddenly! Woohooooo!!!" the girl hugged affectionately the dog, caught the flower and ran away full of energy, without care about the people who was looking at her.


Chaerin and Dara looked at each other smiling widely and hugged at each other. "Woohoo!! We did it! A point for us!" says Chaerin between their embrace.


Dara shakes softly her head. "You did it. I just was staring like I always do"


Chaerin softly breaks the hug. "No... we're a team. Two. You and me. My success it's yours like yours is mine too. So we did it. Together!" Chaerin smiles sweetly and hugs Dara again.


Dara sighs as she hugs her back. Chaerin always makes her feel good when she says comments like that. She always counts with her when Dara denies that she did nothing but no matter what how many times Chaerin can hear it from her, she's going to say the opposite, making her feel a valuable person. Someone important.


They broke the affectionate hug when the dog barked. Dara startled a bit. "Ah... Chaerin. This dog... you really want him as your pet? But he has a bell under his neck..." Dara worried. It's not like she doesn't like animals but when she sees their teeth although can be the most sweet and innocent criature, seems like they turn themselves into monsters.


Chaerin looks at him. "Oh.. a bell? I didn't saw that before" Chaerin face turns slightly sad and kneels in the ground. The dog comes to her and gives her the other flower that he bought earlier. He puts his paws over her knees and leans up his mouth against her ear.


Dara looks expectantly, wondering what it's going to say the dog to her. "Oh really...? Oh.. you're so cute! She's really going to love it!" Chaerin smiles and grabs carefully the rose. The dog sits at the floor as he looks at them.


Chaerin stands up. "This is for you. He told me to give it to you so you're going to lose your fear about him and the other animals" Chaerin gives her the red rose. Dara grabs slowly the rose from Chaerin hand and looks at the dog with surprised face. "Really? Wow... ah.."


"T-thank you..." she says hesitantly with a little smile, Then she realizes something. The dog came with two roses. The dog knew that Dara is scared about him or it's something else? "Chaerin. This dog really came to give me this rose because you told him that I'm scared about animals? How he could know it? " Dara looks at Chaerin as she lifts an eyebrow hile her firefinger roll side to side the rose. 


"Well... for being honest. I wanted you to lose definedly your fear so I thought giving you a rose could erase it.. that's why this dog did it" some seconds after hearing her own words Chaerin widened her eyes. Dara frozen momentarily and smiles when she realized something else. "Ahh..." Chaerin blushes as she scratches her nape looking away.


- Ah damn it! I let out a direct..! - Chaerin palms her face. "So... that means that you gave me this rose while using the dog an an excuse? That was your idea?" Dara looking at Chaerin deeply with a smirk.


Chaerin wishes to be swallowed by a black hole right now. Her blush invades her face. "Well yes!! Yes! I admit it! I did it, but it's nothing weird right? Best friends can give roses too so that's what I did with you. I'm just showing what means our friendship for me with this rose!" Chaerin sighs heavily trying to calm herself as she scratches her cheek. Dara smiles widely.


"Come on let's go. We still have to do many work here" Chaerin looks the rose and later up at Dara. "Y-you can throw the rose now to the trash bin if you want... if you do that.. seriously. I'll don't mind, besides people like us can't wear roses because of our outfit. But..." Chaerin stops. - No way. I'm not going to throw it to the trash... how can you say that Chaerin? Roses so beautiful like this one doesn't need to end in the trash bin... -  


"But?" Dara raises an eyebrow as she's smelling the red rose. "Someone that I know could look really amazing if she wears that rose on her hair..." Chaerin smiles at her sincerely. This time she look at her without avoiding Dara stare as she holds it about some seconds, until she speaks again. 


"Well. We're wasting time here... we should work instead of.. this cute dog giving presents" Chaerin looks away slowly from her. Chaerin hair fly against her cheek as Dara look at her without blink. Chaerin last words replaying inside her head. Then she looks down at the rose. How bright is looking under the sun light.


Dara lifts her arms to a side of her head as she put the rose traversing her hair making Chaerin surprised but soon smiled. A smile that she didn't show never before to someone. Their hands were close to each other. Dara right hand grabbed hers with the most gentleness way and their lips dedicated a smile to each other. Chaerin felt warm inside her chest as the heat was waving through her body.


Then Chaerin looks down at the dog who's still sitting. "I'm sorry little one but you have to stay here. We have a lot of work. Go back to your owner.. he or she can be missing you. Goodbye and take care" Chaerin said. Dara looked at him as well. "Goodbye cute puppy" they smiled and started to fly away from the ground as the dog was barking saying goodbye too while raising his front paws.


They fly around the city, searching new people who need to be revived. They revived people until the sun was starting to hide behind the sea. But they were lucky today because seemed that the people was quite stable. Giving them a little chance to enjoy the sunset who was starting to set behind the sea and rest a little. Chaerin and Dara stayed there, contemplating it in the same spot where Dara came to see her that night.


Once the sun was already out of their sight, they went back to Zamboya to have a well deserved rest after so many hours of work. Dara still was having the beautiful rose in her hair. 


Black clouds in the background of the human world are getting closer to the city as wild thunders are flashing on it.  



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kzhee123 #1
Chapter 13: I wish you will continue this precious story authornim. I was really late n just reading this story now. I really like n love all your story authornim. Up date pleaaasssee..!!!!^^
Chapter 13: I would want a turle as my deity because then I can stay alive for a long time. :) I wish that Pokémons were real!!! I want a Pikachu for myself!!!
I love your story :)
Chapter 12: My regret is that I just found this one just now.I really like the story it was fun to read and I'm enjoying it. thank you author-nim you made my day ^.^ can't wait for the next chap XD
Chapter 12: FNALLLLYYYYY!! Yayyyy, muah muah... gomawo!! This was great...
Yeayyyyyyyyyy!!! Gomawo~~~
Chapter 10: Authorrr im waiting for ur updatezzz ♡♡♡
Chapter 5: i don't think this fic is bad. but it's great! i love the funny moments. You have to continue the fic and attract the readers attention!! *Subcribed!