
I didn't proofread this chapter or the previous one, I'm sorry ;___;
But anyways, please enjoy this crap I wrote :D




“Hello?” Daehyun spoke through his phone, holding it in between his cheek and shoulder while simultaneously washing the dishes.

“Daehyun,” a deep voice called to him.

“Speaking,” he replied back, urging the man on the other line to keep talking.

“Is Youngjae home?” he spoke.

“May I know who this is first? I have too many friends with similar voices,” the tan male asked.

“It’s Himchan, for ’s sake,” the male on the other line unintentionally cursed. It must’ve been all that vodka he drank alone. His head hurt like a .

“Oh,” Daehyun replied shortly. Himchan sighed.

“So is he home or not?”

“No, he left for morning classes. He’ll be back at around 2, I think.” Daehyun looked at the clock as he mentioned that.

1:42 PM, the wallclock read.

Time went by fast for someone who barely gets up from the couch to use the bathroom. Daehyun admit he was a lazy bum, only because that’s what Youngjae thought of him. Ahh, Youngjae. The thought of his cute face made Daehyun smile unconsciously.

“Can you tell him I called? Or...well, can I ask you instead?” The other line spoke.

“Sure, whatcha need?” Daehyun said, placing the last dish on the drying rack and wiping his hands on a paper towel before taking his phone from his ear and putting it on speaker.

“You know my roommate, right?” Himchan asked.

“I think. Is he Yang Songgul or something?” Daehyun guessed, taking a seat on the vacant couch and reaching for the remote control.

“Bang Yongguk, actually,” Himchan scoffed, “but yeah, you know how he looks like, right?”

“I guess. He has a gummy smile and monolids, right?”

“Yeah, aren’t they the cutest?” Himchan almost squealed, clearing his throat before Daehyun can reply something even more weird to the other line.

“I mean, yeah, yeah he has those.”

“Sooo…..what about ‘em?” Daehyun flipped through random channels, settling on watching a rerun of Running Man.

“Have you...seen two of the same face before?”

“What?” Now Daehyun was just confused.

“I think Yongguk has a twin brother, but I’m not so sure myself.”

Daehyun pursed his lips, “It’s a possibility. But aren’t you like his best friend? Why wouldn’t you know about this?”

“Boyfriend also,” he mentioned curtly, “and I don’t know...I never put much thought into it.”

“Wait.” Daehyun paused.

“What is it?” Himchan asked.

“How did you even get my number?”

“I called Youngjae’s phone and you picked up, so I thought he was with you but in the bathroom or something.”

Daehyun took a look at the device. The wallpaper wasn’t the same as the one on his phone.

“Um, I think I’ll have to talk to you later,” Daehyun quickly took his leave and tapped the end button.

So many things going through Daehyun’s mind right now. He never even noticed that he and Youngjae had the same black iPhone 5 and couldn’t really tell the difference between the two unless you saw the wallpapers.

And Daehyun being the lazy bum he is, forgot to put a passcode on his phone. Having no case for an expensive piece of glass was really a dumb decision to make.

Youngjae must’ve had already seen the things on his phone. Daehyun wasn’t someone who took nudes, oh goodness no, it’s just that there were many pictures of a certain…someone.

In retrospect, Daehyun didn’t even recall leaving his phone in the bathroom where he found the one he was currently holding. He thought he did, because last night he was using his phone when he used the bathroom after coming back from study hall. He was half asleep, but after he took his pants off only to reveal his boxers, flushed the toilet and stripped from his t-shirt, everything else was a blur.


Daehyun’s beauty sleep was important.


Even though he faceplanted into his headboard.




Daehyun was just about to get up and use the bathroom, until the shuffling of keys was heard on the other side of the door.

He shuffled to the bathroom, almost tripping on the way.

When Youngjae entered the dorm, the only sound that was heard was the sound of Kwangsoo yelling because Jongkook and Jaesuk was was being unfair to him (as always).

Youngjae quickly shuffled out of his shoes and dropped his backpack on the ground. He headed straight for the kitchen and got himself a glass from the cabinet. He hadn’t realized how thirsty he was that day until he took one huge gulp and all the water in the cup was gone. He sighed.

It was 2:22 PM, and Youngjae was already feeling like he was about to pass out. But then he wondered; Where was his roommate?

Youngjae wandered from the kitchen to the living room, and since Daehyun wasn’t there to begin with, he checked their shared bedroom.

He must’ve been in the bathroom, Youngjae assumed. He deemed correct when a flush was heard from the other side of the bathroom door.

Youngjae sighed, so he sat back down on the living room couch and looked towards the television with the variety show currently airing on it.


After a few moments, he heard the door open and sat up straight. He wanted to take Daehyun out for lunch (forgetting the fact that his roommate has probably gotten to eat already), so he took a deep breath when he saw the other emerge from the bathroom.


“Daehyun,” Youngjae called out, “I need to ask you something.”


This made the other stop in his tracks and look towards the male who had just spoken. Had he seen anything in his phone at all?

“Uhh…” Daehyun stalled, “Okay.” He backed up slowly and took steps toward Youngjae instead of the bedroom that was desperately calling out to him at this very moment. He was probably just delusional. Probably.

“Do you wanna go out to lunch? I haven’t eaten all day,” he scratched the back of his neck. Why was he so nervous? It wasn’t like he was asking him out on a date or anything.


Not at all.


Daehyun was surprised. He thought it would be about the pictures in his camera roll that consisted of things that weren’t usually supposed to be in grown mens’ cellphones. But Daehyun had just about as much urges as your average hormonal teen boy. So much for being a college sophomore.


“Sure thing!” He said enthusiastically so Youngjae wouldn’t be suspicious of anything. “Lemme just go get changed.”

“Great,” Youngjae replied, standing up from where he sat and flattening the wrinkles on his top. “Where do you wanna eat?”


“I’ll think about it,” Daehyun said, walking back to their shared bedroom to get ready for “lunch”. Not “lunch date”, but “lunch”. Yeah. That’s what it was.




After Daehyun had gotten changed, he decided to go downtown for some street food. Nothing too expensive, and it was just delicious as small portions of gourmet meals.

They walked out of campus, heading for the hustle and bustling streets of Hongdae, not too far from where their school was.


They found themselves walking towards a cart, a cart that sold fishcakes, to be exact.


Daehyun’s eyes dilated at the appearance and aroma coming from the popular street food loved by many.


“Wow,” Youngjae all but managed to say that one syllable word, because damn, he hadn’t had fishcakes for who knows how long.

“Yeah,” Daehyun replied, up the drool threatening to fall from his two plump lips.

“8 fishcakes please, miss.” Youngjae said, whilst putting his hand into his pocket, fishing out his wallet.

Daehyun saw Youngjae’s wallet appear beside him, and by reflex, he quickly grabbed the other’s wrist and looked him dead in the eye.

“I got it,” Daehyun smiled reassuringly, “you should eat as much as you’d like.”

“But I asked you out!” Youngjae exclaimed, “I wouldn’t be the proper gentleman if I didn’t pay for the person I asked out in the first place.”

Daehyun blushed deeply.

“A-asked me out?”

Youngjae’s eyes had widened to the point where they were as big as platters.

“N-no, not in that way, I meant it in a friendly way! We’re friends, right? It’s only a friendly gesture!” Youngjae blabbered on.

Daehyun nodded as a reply. Youngjae blushed.

“Oh look, they’re ready.” Daehyun said to avoid the awkward atmosphere.


Youngjae quickly grabbed the ends of the sticks and held the street food together, quickly turning away with a heated face. Daehyun just chuckled, tailing on right behind him with three sticks in each hand.

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Chapter 2: Omg the last part xD
I smiled like crazy in while class bcs their cuteness, rlly ;3;

Update soon!
Chapter 2: They're so nervous and freaking adorable:) love the banghim, btw
Chapter 2: Gahh this two are just so kyoot I wanna cry ;u; Daehyun you lazy bum (because i am not a lazy bum too) I wonder what Youngjae thought about that certain someone's photos on Daehyun's phone. And Himdae's conversation was awesome :D side Banghim is killing me ;;
Chapter 2: ehhhh YAY =] heheh they're too cute =]
Chapter 1: yeyy Can't want for the next chapter ^_^
Chapter 1: this is pretty good =]

I can't wait for the next chapter =]
Chapter 1: Ohh finally *^*

Uh yeah no one can be able to focus when shirtless daehyun is in front of you u-u

Update soon!
Chapter 1: Awww I love the college au ;u; When I first saw this story, I'd thought Youngjae would be someone getting harmed because of his ambitions bUT HE IS JUST SO FLUFFY I LOVE HIS CHARACTER HERE. And roommates with Daehyun gahh so cute ; ; i love the subtle Banghim and their strange relationship~
Chapter 1: Wowww this sounds interesting~ and fluff by you is the best thing ever.
And don't ever apologize, take your time ;D school and life are more important, we can wait ;D