
Destiny Bond

Despite all efforts, getting back to sleep at 4AM just seemed impossible. All the way through the night, you'd been paralyzed with fear

with being so concerned about Jaehyo. Not ontakino sleep next to you in your own home wasn't going down brilliantly either. Already,

everything was getting bad. After pulling your eyelids open - they were heavy due to lack of sleep and food - you analyzed your

surroundings. Light was breaking, but only slightly, over the distant hills. 

When noticing Tao was still fast asleep, you adjusted yourself slightly so you could slip out without him noticing. Carefully, you lifted

one arm... Well you tried too, his hug was quite strong. Eventually, you resulted into blowing cold air into his face so he'd roll over...

Flipping heck, it'd take a tsunami to get him to wake up. Finally - when you did manage to sneak out - he rolled over twice then

resumed sleeping. Throwing on a gown and a pair of worn shoes, you crept out of the house with a torch to look for Jaehyo...

The door behind you creaked shut but unexpectedly slammed when it was at its last stretch.

No, no, no! You hold you breath, but instead of waiting for any sign of movement from Tao you just break for it. Running with all the

ebbing stamina and thoughts of Jaehyo which acted as the only fuel and reason for you to be here.

It was only a matter of time before Tao would realize you'd woken...

JUST RUN! You wanted your legs to run faster, you could feel a blister coming on but no matter... Jaehyo was probably going through way worse than you were~

By the time you reached the boulders - now dotted with deep red spots of blood with where you had been the previous day... All was quiet, and fortunately it was still dark somewhat...

Wheezing, you collapsed against the rock - desperately trying to recover you breath. You closed your eyes for a moment, then again and then...

Surprised at the presence of a stranger standing right in front of you, you leapt back. You hadn't seen this guy before, but a glint in his eye was somewhat similar to that of Jaehyo's.

'Smell good, don't you?' You were practically cornered. 'What's a pretty girl you like doing here?'

He slammed one of your fists against the boulder. The other hand was now useless for all you cared. 

'I'm looking for Jae-' You put up some resistance, but he made a quick kick to your shin with a sickening crack. Something flared even

wilder than before in his eyes. You wanted to scream, but your throat became desperately hurt when he leaned his head closer to it. 

'You know, you look so much like your m-' The words drained, as did the blood from your neck.

Life was flashing before your eyes like fireworks here and there. You couldn't scream, fight or cry. Lumps of skin was just falling off, no - it seemed to just shed off like snake's skin. 

Darkness, again.




Now getting used to wake up in the wierdest of places, you didn't move when you began to pull through. The broken veins on your

neck were giving off so much pain it was hard to not scream like you did. Although they were bandaged - the poor healthcare you were getting meant the bandages were just everywhere. At least the main atery hadn't been hit. 

 You winced, surely there was a parasite of somesort gnawing at you inside of the wound, but it didn't feel as painful as it did. Maybe you were on seditants, maybe not - who knew.

'No way - she came around.'

'Seems like she did survive the bite after all...'

'_____!' You felt someone come right up to your face. No it couldn't be... Chanyeol?

What was he doing here?

'How did oyu freaking survive that?' He threw his arms around you, dotting you with kisses.


'Zico didn't think you'd pull through - he says he's sorry but the hunger overcame him...'

Feeling your head overload you asked,

'Just slow down - my memory's been rubbish from all this blacking out... Please just explain to me why I'm here, why I got attacked, why I-'

You broke down in his arms. 

'Go -' He hissed at someone over you shoulders. 

'Now be brave okay?' He sits you down and kneels down to the same height as you as if he were talking to a child...


'Have you ever heard of vampires?'

'Only in tales-'

'They're not stories...' He became serious.

'What about the wolves? Are they were-'

'No, everyone you've met here are of vampire origin somehow. Personally, I can transform into an unnaturally large wolf, but only at certain times. I still need blood, like the others...' Dissapointed at himself, he looses eye contact with you.


'Vampires.' He confirmed, still uncomofrtably serious.

'All of you?'


'H-hang on... Almost?'

'There's clans that has stuff that pass on different qualities to their spawn. If you don't forfeit the parasite Zico's implanted, then you'll have to join their clan... And there's Tao...'


'He's the youngest, aging 20 human years... He's actually a half-born and we've only ever seen one other like him...'

'Tao's a half what?'

'He's part human... I know this is a lot to take in.'

'So... I'm going to become part of his clan...' You gestured at who you presumed to be Zico who walked past in the corridor.


'Can I become a human again?' 

'Woah, woah, woah - you seem to be coping with this pretty well - too well.'


'There are a few ways, the most reliable one being unorthodox... It's a ritual - you don't want to go through it, though.'

'I have one more question... Why are the clans fighting over me??'

Bracing himself, he gripped your hands tigher, and sighed,


'You are also a half-blood...'


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Chapter 5: more more~^o^
Kpopfan20 #2
Chapter 1: Looking forward to the next chapter!