Chapter 1 : My Witch of a Sister

Save me from my Noona!!


**"Chapter 1"**



Once upon a time in land far away there lived two beautiful siblings an older sister and younger brother…..


… Ngeeh... what am I doing let’s just get straight to the point here.


Hi, my name is Lu Han and yes I’m the younger brother and as you know I have an older sister her name is Lu Mei Ai, as her name means my Noona beauty is out of this world, plus she’s smart too. She works in one of the largest business company in Seoul, she sound so perfect, right?, Wrong …..

No one know but me the True Nature of my Noona…


~Early in the Morning~


“ LU HAN! Hurry up now, dear!” my mother yelled form downstairs

“YEAH!” I shouted back as I ruffled my hair into place.

After making sure it looked good, I grab my bag and headed down . And I so happen to pass by our hallway mirror and checked myself again “I have to look good in front of Krystal” I muttered

“LU HAN!?” my Umma shouted sounding a bit annoyed, “Yes!” I took a last quick look before running to the dining room.

“Morning” I greeted as I place my bag down and quickly ate my breakfast which she had just placed down.

“you’re always like this.” She scolded as placed the place my glass of milk “if you would had just wake up 10 minutes earlier you won’t be in a hurry.” She added as move to the living room to iron our clothes

“honey where my tie?” my dad ask as he entered the room “ sorry, honey I’ll iron it first, ok?”
my dad only hummed as he prepared his coffee.

Mom kneeled down and prepared to iron dad tie when she lightly burn herself when she touched the iron.
When dad heard yelp he quickly placed everything down and checked on mom I turn around if mom was really ok.


“aiigoo… are you hurt honey? Ahh.. jinja your so clumsy” dad scolded as he saw the tiny burn mark on mom index finger.

My mom pouted and looked at dad with her infamous puppy dog eyes, which he always falls for.“ hahaha, don’t worry love I’ll do it for you, just sit there, ne?” mom smiled and complied to his. she just sat there watching dad iron his tie.

I rolled my eye thinking how could dad still gets fooled by mom cutie acts she only does that whenever she doesn’t want to do something, which is always. I turn my attention over to my Noona who is having her Lemon tea on  our mini balcony reading the daily news on her comfy grand chair that I had to buy for  her which I had to Pay with my money. I sighed life is cruel and went back to eating.

Then remember the handkerchief that Krystal let me I scrambled out of my bag and run over to dad

“Appa iron this for me please” I handed him over the white handkerchief with knitted k on bottom

“omo.. who is this?” umma ask as she graze over the knitter k,  I grin “it’s from my girlfriend” I said appa looked at me “really tell me about your girl son you never told us about her?” he ask.

I swallowed down my toast first before answering them “she the hottest girl in our school, she rejected every boy that confesses to her everyone but me, she si awesome dad i tell yah, plus she much cuter than mom when she does agyeo” I teased. umma gasp a little while dad laughed out loud  “that’s my boy, hahahaha” I high fived him and laughed along.

Mom though was not amused she sulked a bit turn away from us, dad quickly to console her by saying she was  the cutest and was most beautiful woman in world. Mom happily took the complement and told dad that he was the most handsomest man she had ever meet.

Which almost made barf ….  My Parents can be so cheesy sometimes.


“Luhan… don’t you think you should close those buttons up?” my mom ask I looked down on polo shirt, I had left 3 buttons open purposely “why? Everyone’s doing it like this” I told her “there was nothing wrong with this, I think it make me look cool.” Tugging the hem’s of my collar.

 “whatever… you better hurry now or you’ll be late” she told me I nodded and went back to the dining table to eat the rest of my food. few sec after I sat back I heard my Noona stand up and  told our parents that she’ll be leaving, as usual they responded “ok take care then” Noona grab her bag and as she passed by I bid her “take care” with mouth full of food


 Author POV

Mei Ai stepped out of their house with signature poker face,  the streets were empty and quite that cause the people that mostly live in that area were old couples who spend their days indoors, Anyway Mei Ai was descending down the stairs when she notice saw a pretty young girl leaning against the railings. Mei Ai notice she had the same uniform as Lu han but this girl had her skirt up to high for Mei Ai liking. Then Mei Ai remember what Lu han said this morning

“she the hottest girl in our school”

Mei Ai smirked this what you call hot?  Mei Ai walked up to Krystal and stopped in front of her, getting Krystal attention aslo leaving her speeches.  To Krystal perspective Mei Ai beauty beyond words she had never meant such a lady before.

“are you Krystal?” Mei Ai ask, Krystal snap out of her daze and answered “ah.. yes” wondering how this Angel knew her name.

“so you must be Lu han girlfriend, i’m his Noona Lu Mei Ai”  she introduce herself

Krystal quickly bowed “ ne , annyeonghaseyo I’m Krsytal” she looked Me Ai with flustered look.

Mei Ai let small chuckle “well, I’m sorry that his making you wait like this .” Me Ai said Krystal shook her head “no!, its ok really”.  waving her around Mei Ai gave her smile before exclaiming “ his pooping right now, wait just a bit more ok?” this surprised Krystal, she wasn't excepting that kind of information. 

Mei Ai smiled last time before walking away but when she was a few feet away she said “I suggest you don’t hold hands today that boy always forget to wash his hand” and with that said, she left Krystal dumbfounded.

 Luhan POV

I run out of the house, thinking “shoot Krystal going to kill me” I hurried down the stairs and I saw Krystal waiting on the usual spot. “Hey, babe!” I greeted I was about give her a hug, when she puts her hand up to my face and said straight out with a disgusted face.

“were done” and she left just like that and leaving me shock and confused.

What the heck just happen??!!


A scary, horrible witch Posing a Beautiful human...  That’s her true nature… My Noona is a Witch.

~˜EXO Academy˜~

(a/n: i couldn't think of any other name)


“EH!! You Got dumped?!” Exclaimed my friends 

“she’s sick of me” I told them lifelessly. “why?” asked Xuimin I whimpered and placed my head onto my desk “she said that I disgust her and that I was different from her expectation” I sobbed

“you’ve only been dating for 1 week now” Sehun chipped in “ that right” I muttered

“isn’t she being a ” Tao retorted “no she not!” I shouted making everyone flinch to my sudden outburst. Then I realize what I did and quickly apologized “Sorry Tao”.

 He silently nodded “it ok” he whispered I slumped down back to my desk “but why?” I whined.

“it ok Luhan, it’s natural for people’s hearts to change” Suho comforted I sighed sat up “yeah I guess you right. Life can be worse” I yammered as I pulled out my notebook and pencil “that’s our hyung, he can easily move on” Sehun said sarcastically, I which made me snort at him, then I saw Taemin grumpily walked into the room.

"what wrong with Taemin" i muttered.

“You ok Tae?” Kai ask Taemin looked at us “no, this really pisses me off.” He grumbled as he walked over to us “it happen again!” he exclaimed Kai flinched “molester?” Taemin nodded.

“Molester?” i repeated Taemin glared at him “yes,  molester’s”   he click his tongue looking really pissed
“I’ll never take the train ever again!” he hissed.


“Tae has been getting molested a lot lately” Kai inform us, the guys nodded synoptically 

Not really surprising Taemin can be easily be mistaken for a girl he was thin and slim, he had small face and pretty face too, a total flower boy.

“Who was it this time,A salary man or Businessman?” Kai ask Taemin glared at him “an old ” he said looking disgusted, so did we cringe just imagining it, but then i realized something.

“I’ve never encountered that before” I spoke out everyone looked at surprised.

Not saying that I’m proud of it but I do also have a pretty face and I’m quite popular in school on both genders, well   my are friend too so i wonder...

“not even once?”  Sehun ask sounding surprised I looked at him and shook my head “no have you guys ever been molested before?” I ask and every one of them looked away awkwardly while some rubbed back of their necks.

“no way… even you Kris” I laughed at kris who is cleary blushing and he wasn't even denying it just stood, glaring at me. No way even hot shot Kris got molested! I looked at everyone wanting tease them more when  Suho cleared his throat. “so you haven’t been molested not even once?” he ask I shook my head “no even once, promise” I crossed my finger over my chest.

“how you do it?” Taemin eagerly ask


I sat up straight “ well, during grades school my Noona taught me a trick”

It was when Noona and I had gone to see a movie. At that time I thought that everything Noona said was the truth. I was a naïve baby. So I did she told me too.

(a/n: i dare you to follow this)

“first you open your mouth wide” I open my mouth wide “like this, then you ruffle you hair” I messed my hair “then cross your eyes and tilt you head to side like this”

And Voila! you looked like retarded high school kid.

But Remembering it now, I stuck to that method for 6 years. man i was one stupid kid

~˜ S. M Company˜~

Author POV

Everyone In the office were all busy typing down their paper work Mei Ai was one of them se diligently worked down her paper work.

As everyone worked their head manger came in along with his Secretary “Sir, you’ll be having meeting at 2:00pm today.” She said, the head manger only hummed as he headed over to his office.

Mena while Mei Ai was finishing typing her work when she accidentally broker her nail, she gasp and quickly went to find her nail files in one of her drawers. She was too preoccupied with her nail to notice that the Head manger secretary was glaring at her from behind “Ms. Lu?” she spoke but it didn’t get Mei Ai attention, so she gave up and went to report her to the Head manager.

“Sir, Ms.Lu is” she gesture him to look at her, he did and saw Mei Ai still doing her nail he open and nodded he stood up and made his way over to Mei Ai

“Ms. Lu” he said as he lean down on side of Mei Ai desk, she stopped doing her nail and looked at Head manager “ about your nail… it won’t be a hindrance of your nail color wear off, correct” he paused stared at Me Ai with her usual poker face.

“doing your nails during work hour is a bit…” he trailed of “ we are working here to manage marketing, sales, and customer accounts we have the responsibility to work hard.” He continued.

 Mai Ai looked him unhappily as he blabbered on how we must work hard or what not.

“Do you understand Ms. Lu” he finished.

Mei Ai faced away and raised her left brow “no, I don’t understand at all” she exclaimed

She slam her nail file down and stood up towering over the Head Manager “eh?!”.

Everyone stopped working and watched what was the commotion was about. Mei ai gaze down to the Head manger “with all due respect” she paused “you went to the smoking room 9 times yesterday, you take 5 min each time.” The head manger didn’t utter a word cause it was true.

Mei Ai took a step forward while head manger took step back “in short, you wasted 45 minutes of working hours to smoke” the head manger tried to defend himself but Mei Ai wasn’t giving him a chance “and compared to your 45  minutes  smoking, my nail care will only take 15  minutes” she snapped, she lifted her well-polished nails to his face “ pretty nail calm the heart, compared your smoking… do you know it will ruin your body?”

The head manger shrunk down “well, yeah” Mei Ai smiled “its fine, if you understand” she said, she sat back down and continued her work “ you go take your leave now” she said as she typed down her work. Head manger blinked and turn to face his angry secretary “Victoria…” was all he had to say as he headed back to his office, speechless.

Victoria gawked on how cowardly their Head manger was and glared at Mei Ai who could care less about her glare.



 My Noona would bet her life to talk down to a person , with her vast knowledge she wouldn’t lose to any master.


~Female Comfort Room~

Mei Ai had finished using the toilet and was washing her hand when someone open the  opposite cubicle next to her and it was  Secretary Victoria they made eyed contact but briefly, Mei ai went back washing and drying her hand while victoria went over next sink to hers.

“you may argue your way off with the H.Manger but it won’t work on me.”  Victoria stood straight tied to look intimidating to Mei Ai , they had stare down before Mei Ai turn and leave.

Making Victoria growl. She quickly followed her out on the hall way “besides,!” she exclaimed “I’ve never seen a large business employee who doesn’t work overtime.”  Mei Ai stopped walking and listens to her rant “I was working until 3: 00 am because I had to do your work too.” Victoria stood next to Mei Ai with a smirk on her face “ I hope you would work instead of playing with your nails” she mocked but Mei Ai remain unfazed.


Victoria was about to leave thinking she had won when Mei Ai spoke “err.. Sunbae” Victoria halted and turn around “isn’t it too open?” she said.

Victoria Looked down thinking she referring to her Blouse which was open in the chest area. she Gave Mei Ai an arrogant look before saying “I like this was”  Mei Ai smiled “is that so?” she then bowed and gesture her over to the office door “sunbae please go in first then” she said.

Victoria Looked at her weirdly “ what’s with you?” she retorted and ramped down to the office. Unknown to her that her skirt back zipper was wide open revealing her Poof bear pattern  .

Mei Ai face front held out her 3 fingers and started to count down  "1...2...3" and snapped her finger

“uh! Sunbae! I can see your !”

few sec  later.......

“KYAAAAAH!!!!!” *Crash* 

"Sunabe you ok!?"

With that a smirk played on Mei Ai lips   


“if you get me. I’ll get you”






nice to meet all of you .... as you can see the first chapter up and i hope you enjoy it and find it amusing cause that was our  intention

now if you notice this  story somewhat familiar then the  reason behind it is cause we base it from that drama. and were just adding our little own twist to it at very last chapter will give credit to that drama  that inspired us and if you know don't tell let be our little secret. 

anyway look forward to up coming chapter cause  there will be more weird and surprise moment with Luhan and his sister Mei Ai

many more plot twist to it, so don't get discourage ok this story has a different feel of it own then the drama. 

so stay Tune!!


bye, bye fro now LOVE YAH....

and new reader please don't hesitate to Subscribe and  also comment and tell what you think...

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Chapter 9: Awwww poor Luhan :(
I could cry a river!
Author-nim, pease send him a girl who will stay by him and make him happy! Someone who won't be affected by anything his sister might do to try and sabotage them!
Update again soon!~~
Chapter 7: This was funny! I love how Luhan was laughing so much when he realised that his sister wouldn't be able to torment him after she gets married!!
Still, I hope that Luhan will find a nice girlfriend who will stick with him no matter what and who will stick up for him. :3
Update again as soon as you can~~
Chapter 6: I am glad I don't have a sister like that! I have a half sister who is really nice!
I would definitely save Luhan from his evil Noona! I would give that harpy a piece of my mind! I wouldn't let her trick me like she tricked that other girl at the beginning! If it was me and she said he didn't wash his hands I would just say "boys will be boys, good job I have hand sanitiser with me" coz I always have hand sanitiser me! Unlike that dimbo I would stick with him no matter what if I had the chance to be with him! Aish!! His sister really drives me crazy!! I would tell her exactly what I think of her! I would say "look here you manipulative little witch! I don't give a crap if people think you're a goody two shoes! You're nothing but a nasty brat! How can you treat Luhan the way you do!? Huh!? Are you proud of yourself? You shouldn't be!! You're a horrible horrible person!! Luhan doesn't deserve to have someone as nasty as you tormenting him and black mailing him!! I wonder what everyone would think of your true nature huh! You're a disgrace! A disgusting human being, if you can be called a human! Because anyone who would treat someone as nice, sweet and thoughtful as Luhan the way you treat him, is nothing more that a monster!" I would like to see that harpy try to defend herself after that!
Chapter 5: I really hate Luhan's sister! I HATE her SO much!!!!
She is so selfish and y! She bullies Luhan!
She says going up to someone and asking them what their interests are is "cheap"? Skulking around and forcing your brother to stalk someone is CHEAP! And just plain wrong! If I was Luhan then i would just collect evidence against her and then tell everyone who she really is!
She could deny All she wants but the evidence would be there.
If I were Luhan then I would tell Donghae all about what Mei Ai is really like so he won't like her.

Anyway, enough raging at that...PERSON...
Hope Luhan can witness some Karmic retribution
Chapter 4: I hope that Luhan can get to see the results of some karmic retribution, when his sister eventually gets her comeuppance!
His sister is an evil, nasty person! I feel really sorry for Luhan
Chapter 2: Awwww I feel so bad for Luhan!
His sister is so evil to him!! :(
Update quickly!! :3
Chapter 1: She is so mean to Luhan!
Gotta admit that she's really funny though!!
Update quickly~~