Stormy Night

EXO chatroom (moved to put-da-light-baek-on)

MidnightDeer started a conversation with BaoiziBuns


MidnightDeer: Xiumin hyung, I can't sleep. The thunder is scaring me.

BaoziBuns: Just close your eyes and count to 100.

MidnightDeer: I can't. The thunder is too loud.

BaoziBuns: I'll count with you.


MidnightDeer: ...

BaoziBuns: 2

MidnightDeer: hyung

BaoziBuns: 3

MidnightDeer: It's not working

sent at 1:32am

MidnightDeer: Xiumin hyung?



                       are you there?

                       Why aren't you answering?






sent at 1:34

Midnight Deer is idle.

BaoziBuns: Dang it Luhan! Why did you slap me?!

MidnightDeer: You fell asleep on me!

BaoziBuns: I told you to count to 100

MidnightDeer: Counting doesn't help! In fact, it makes me more--

BaoziBuns: WTH why'd you scream?! What happened? Are you okay? 

MidnightDeer: The stupid thunder took away 6 years of my life ಥ‿ಥ

BaoziBuns: Gosh Luhan. It's just thunder. I thought you fell and broke your hip or something

MidnightDeer: I almost had a heart attack dang it! And break my hip? I'm only 23. I'm not that old!

BaoziBuns: Okay okay calm your pants. 

MidnightDeer: Great just great. My blood pressure rose. I definitely can't sleep now. Now what am I going to do? We have to get up at 5 and it's already 1:45! 

BaoziBuns: Dude, you need to take a chill pill

MidnightDeer: And we won't be back at our dorms till 11pm! I'll be half-dead by then. 

BaoziBuns: Luhan, calm down

MidgnightDeer: I have dark bags under my eyes and I'll look like this!

MidnightDeer uploaded a picture:


BaoziBuns: woah there

MidnightDeer: then I'll be all over the news, and all my fans would burn every single picture of me and wash there eyes with soap

BaoziBuns: I don't think--

MidnightDeer: and then I'll be kicked out of EXO and be marked as a disgrace heck, I'll be awarded "Ugliest Face in History"

BaoziBuns: What?! No I'm sure they won't--

MidnightDeer: and the whole world would point their fingers and laugh at me

BaoziBuns: Luhan, I--

MidnightDeer: and it's all because of some stupid storm and the stupid thunder..why oh Mr. Storm, why do you hate me? What did I do to be punished like this? Is it because of that one time when I made a promise to eat some mandu with Xiumin hyung but didn't because I was out drinking bubble tea with Sehun?

BaoziBuns: But you told me you were visiting your parents!

MidnightDeer: Or was it when I stole Kris' chocochip cookie and blamed it on Xiumin hyung?

BaoziBuns: You stole his cookie?!

MidnightDeer: Oh I know! It was when I secretly used Xiumin hyung's card to pay for my meal but pretended it was mine, right?

BaoziBuns: Why you--

MidnightDeer: Mr. Storm, I promise I won't do it again! Please just let me go to sleep

BaoziBuns: Luhan

MidnightDeer: I promise to be a good boy starting now. Just let me have at least an hour of sleep

BaoziBuns: Luhan

MidnightDeer: I'll even sing a song for you! "When the rain drips down my window, I--

BaoziBuns: LUHAN

MidnightDeer: What? I was in the middle of singing a song!


BaoziBuns is idle.

MidnightDeer: What? Hello? Where'd you go? Oh hi hyu--

MidnightDeer is idle.


Hmm... that was a different ending than what I originally planned. I was actually planning for Luhan to go next door and sleep on Xiumin's bed (nothing inappropriate guys. It's like when a child sleeps with his parents b/c he is scared). I'm not sure if I like this ending, but I'll go with it. 

Important News

There was a tie between Sehun and Xiumin. So I chose Xiumin, since Sehun is quite popular with fanfics (not saying Xiumin is unpopular. I've just seen more of Sehun than Xiumin in fanfics). Also, I have some sad news. Although there are only 4 chapters of this fanfic, I'm thinking of ending it b/c I don't feel any motivation nor ideas to continue. But, that would be a shame and I'm sure you'll be disappointed as well. As a result, I am taking suggestions/situations for each chapter. For example: "What if one of Kai's dogs ran away? 

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I moved to a new account, and I update there :)
xiao_juna #2
Chapter 6: dont end make my day
Chapter 3: lmoa. sehun and the kid wearing the bubble tea costume e u e
caffeine_cat #5
Chapter 8: wtf.. how are we sure he's not trolling?! lol thumbs up for this chappy!
Chapter 8: Lol, poor Chen
Chapter 3: ._. I'll dress up as bubble tea for Sehun.
Chapter 6: Awwwww Kyunggie ur so kyute!
JouJouBexotobap #9
Chapter 6: D'awwwww D.O YOU SO SQUISHYYYY