

It was D-2 before Sharon’s flight back to Seoul. Life had been great and Daniel had been a great company. Early morning trip to Nami Island, night jogs along Han River, talking under the stars in the wee hours in the heart of Seoul, watching meteor shower at 3am in the morning, cleaning the house together – there was nothing else you could ask for. You had called yourself delusional when you caught yourself daydreaming about Daniel as the perfect soulmate, laughing on the impossibility of it even happening. Then those things came to mind again. How can society be so cruel when everybody makes mistakes? Daniel was one of the nicest person you have ever known. People judged him so hard for a grave mistake he had made they would not give him a proper chance to redeem himself. But Daniel is strong and he had proved to you and Sharon and himself so far, that he was able to move on and put the most of the past behind him.


Daniel was attending Church that morning and you decided to clean the apartment here and there. You even cleaned the kitchen since you accidentally woke up early on a Sunday morning because of the weird body clock. The dining table had papers stacked messily over one of the edges and through the doodles, you knew Daniel probably slept late the night before. You held the papers in your hands and admired his doodles which you had not come across for so long. Daniel loved art as much as you did. But you could never imitate his style no matter how hard you tried. It was impromptu, quick and full of intricate details. Five pieces of paper worth his random doodling, the words ‘strength’, ‘you’, ‘believe’, ‘dannyboy’ were all over the place. Then something caught your eyes. The last piece of paper was not all doodles. He wrote a poem? A song? You were unable to figure it out cause it was unfinished.


Listen now

Would you hold me close forever?

Would you keep me safe under protection, in your embrace?

Listen girl

I’ve never had someone so beautiful

Come into my life, too wonderful to let go


To my heart cause its bleeding pleading



The verses were simple yet you figured out he must be deep in his thoughts to come up with this randomly at night. Who is it for? Did he find a love interest? You giggled alone while putting the papers together and placing it on the smaller table opposite.


“If its really for a girl, that girl must be lucky”, you sighed as you sank your bum onto the sofa. However you could not seem to ignore the sudden aching in your heart. “I’m not jealous, am i?” You wondered out loud.


When Daniel came back you had lunch together and you asked him about the verses you saw earlier. Daniel responded with a shy smile and told you that it was just some random stuff in his mind the previous night.


“So is it a song? Or a poem? Or… I don’t know… Haiku?”


“Hmm… I was thinking of making it into a song.” He flashed his eyesmile to you. “A melody just popped into my head. Want me to sing a verse or two for you?” he offered.


“You gotta be kidding me. Of course I would love to listen to it! Its going to be real good!” you exclaimed excitedly, accidentally flinging your chicken drumstick on to the table. Gentleman Daniel picked it up before you could even try and salvage it and replaced it with his untouched drumstick.


“You know you don’t have to do that. The chicken isn’t dirty”, you said softly as you devoured the noodles cautiously.


“Nope, visitors should have the best food. It’s the owner’s responsibility to ensure that!”


After the filling meal, Daniel called you over since he promised to sing a verse of what he had written down. It was simple yet beautiful. Daniel singing to you with much feels made you feel like you have fallen in love with him. His endearing eyes staring longingly at you as he sang and it made you blush unexpectedly. It was difficult to get hold of your feelings, they were in a mess because he was singing a song he had written to you and only you.


“How do you like it?”


“Like? No. I love it. Simple but wow.”


“Haha, thanks. This is nothing much actually”, he scratched his head in full of cute. At that moment you forgot that he was actually a year older than you despite the birthday on March 31st. After all he had two birthday, not sure what registered birthday was for but the real deal was December 21st.


“Since you are free why not you continue the lyrics for me? Maybe we can try to record a duet?”


You let out a big sigh. “I totally at coming up with such stuff. I enjoy music a lot but when it comes to contribution my brain simply refuses to function.”


“Oh come on, I know you. That song you wrote for me? It was more than awesome, so I will be looking forward to it!”


“But I am going to ruin that song!”


Daniel shook his head and patted your shoulder on his way to grab a drink in the kitchen. “Your song told me to believe in myself. Maybe you should too.”


Ouch. So he used the song you wrote for him as a form of defense.


“I’m going to bring Yangsuni for a jog, wanna tag along? You can ride my bicycle if you want.”


“Hmm… its okay you go on. I shall get dinner ready. Plus I need to repack my luggage.” Actually you wanted to take on the challenge of continuing the lyrics from where he left off without him knowing.


“Repack my luggage?” Daniel repeated after you. “Where are you running to?”


“No don’t be ridiculous, I’m not running anywhere, not even into Simon’s arms”, you assured him. Earlier you finally confessed that Simon was your ultimate bias in DMTN and he was all upset with you because he thought all along it was him. It was epic because the whole day he tried not talking to you and he went to bed early instead of watching the tv like he used to before sleeping. Maybe he could not stand it anymore that the next day he finally spoke to you as per normal and apologized for being a little jealous over your ‘love’ for Simon. “Since Sharon is coming home and I’m using her room right now, I need to keep everything in place so she won’t be all pissy about her room. It’s good enough she let me stay in here.”


He pulled a chair beside you and rested his elbow on the table, his body facing towards you. “So when Sharon comes back… you are going away?” There was a tinge of disappointment in his voice this time round. You dropped whatever you were doing and turned to look at him.


“Well, not that soon. We three could still hang out if you want. My days here with the Chaes have been nothing but awesome! I am really thankful for this opportunity. I even got to babysit a huge baby Chae! What else could I ask for, Daniel?” You cheekily poked his cheek to cheer him up. “You still have yet to bring me to the beach to enjoy the sea breeze”, you reminded him.


You probably were going to miss him and the memories you made in Seoul. Soon, you were going to leave South Korea and return to Singapore. Soon, you were going to come back to reality. Soon, you were going to leave Daniel.


“Then, I will have three more days after that before I finally return to Singapore.” You told him reluctantly.


“I know”, he muttered softly as he looked down to his fingers. Then the atmosphere went silent for a moment as both of you finally digested the fact that reality was going to separate you and him again. All you heard was the slow spinning ceiling fan. You had always told yourself that your job here was done though the purpose of your trip to Seoul was because of holidays. Then you met Daniel, he looked up to you as his strength. It hurt you to put yourself in his shoes – his pillar of strength was going to leave him. You had seen him as an idol-turned-friend but you were not sure why your heart ached so much at the point of time. Like you could not bear to leave him too but you need to.


“I’m going to miss you when I leave.”


“I guess we had too much fun we forgot about the existence of reality, though all of these have been a part of it. You know?”


“Mm.” Silence again.


“I think I’m going to… fetch Yangsuni and bring her for a jog.” He stood up without looking at you. “I will see you later.” And he went out the door. His life had been hard. Even you had unintentionally hurt him because of your departure in a few days’ time.


I’m sorry, Daniel. Time caught up with us too quickly.


Tears unexpectedly rolled down your cheeks and suddenly your heart hurt so much. As you crouched over, you subconsciously began to sob. All those memories flashed through your mind, making your heart ache even more.


If I have a choice, I won’t leave you either.


You had been convincing yourself that you felt nothing towards him except for a friend. Maybe you were wrong? The short stay had probably opened up your heart - the fragile heart with walls high up after your previous relationship ended a few years back. The same one that said you will not fall in love so easily again. Did you accidentally fall for him like what your best friend, Petra had predicted?


Petra: Are you sure?

You: Hmm, yeah.

Petra: I’m warning you in the end both party is going to hurt.

You: Its not like we are going to fall in love with each other or something, Petra! Chill. I think I can handle it. Plus I am sincerely doing this.

Petra: I am not going for it nor am I not supporting it. I mean its good and all, helping him to get back on his feet. But the future is unpredictable. If he doesn’t fall for you, maybe you will fall for him. Believe me, I am your unnie right here. Been there done that!

You: Nonsense! I am his fan. Why would he even fall for me? And why would I even fall for him? Its not going to happen, Petra. I am going to prove you wrong.

Petra: Hmm, up to you, girl. Just remember that your telepathy with him is strong. And so far, Petra has never been wrong. It’s time to heal your broken heart too, dear.

You: I’m doing fine, Petra. No worries. J Thanks for being here for me when I need you. You are the best.


Daniel got home late after 9pm and dinner was quiet without the usual chitchats. He did not eat much either and spent the rest of the night watching music shows reruns since APink had a comeback. Years passed, still a dedicated fanboy. You quietly slid the song he wrote into your pocket and headed for your room. 

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missing daniel chae so much :') hope he is doing fine.


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