
one winter morning
you couldn't believe what you had just read it didn't seem real you start to think what did i do wrong? what happened from earlier to now ? he's just gunna throw 3 years of dating away like that? like i never even meant anything to him. you start crying even more now
Tao comes and brings you your soup he sees you crying he puts the soup down 
" yah yah whats wrong what happened are you okay?" 
" Yixing just broke up with me and i don't know why"
"what why he was fine a while ago"
"i don't  know  why i don't know why "
" maybe he was joking"
" who jokes like that!"
you start crying even more Tao hugs you your face was smothered  in his chest 
you say to him " i feel so broken inside i don't know what to do"
then you feel tears falling on your head Tao was crying with you 
" i know but I'm here its Okay you'll be okay i promise"  
" no i wont be okay  you don't understand how much he meant  to me"
" trust me i do"
" what do you mean, every girl you've dated you dumped because you dint even like them so how would you know what it feels like to lose somebody you love?"
" oh really 3 years ago next month i fell in love with this girl i was to scared to tell her anything and confess when  i finally got the courage to i lost her to someone else i was hurt for a while and i didn't know what to do at first i was mad at her for falling in love with someone else but then i started hating myself because it was my fault because i never said anything to her so yeah i do know what it feels like" 
you look up wiping your tears  " I'm sorry panda its her loss you're amazing any girl that you end up with will be lucky to have you" 
you hug him. " yeah i guess so " after hugging him you sit there with your head down still crying a little 
" will you please go talk to him for me please?"
he sighs " yeah fine but no promises that i wont kick his for hurting you"
you say back " okay thank you i really don't know what i would do if i didn't have you 
" he blushes " I'm gunna call Valeria to come over and keep you company you cant be here alone" 
" alright" you say Valeria is your Older Brother Chanyeol's girlfriend of course you've know her longer but once she started coming around the family her and Chanyeol fell in love Valeria wasn't just your bestfriend but she was like the sister you never had you trusted her with your life.
 tao calls Valeria  and explains to her what happened he hangs up the phone " she said shell be here soon , so ill wait for her to get here and then leave "
" alright" 
" come you should lye down"
" will you come lye down with me please?"
" sure"
 you guys walk to your bedroom he lets you get in bed first then he lays down after you
 you put your arms over him and you start crying more still in disbelief of what happened.  you eventually cry yourself to sleep when you wake up you see tao isn't laying besides you  anymore you rub your eyes and get out of bed and go into your living room and there you see your bestfriend  Valeria 
she walks up to you and says " oh unnie I'm so sorry" then she hugs you tight 
" its alright i guess wheres tao ?"
"oh he went to go look for Yixing like you asked and to talk to him" 
" oh okay "
She says " here lets sit down and talk"
" i had this weird dream that Tao kissed me on the lips and confessed to me the thing is it felt so real and i felt this spark" 
" you've told me before how you used to like tao"
" i know but then i met yixing and he just made me forget about everyone and everything i mean i would've told Tao how i felt but he was going through his own things ya know i never really lost those feelings for him but they just aren't as strong"
Valeria looks at you not knowing what to say 
"i really feel like a part of me is missing"
" im so sorry unnie you know me and tao are here for you always"
" i feel like im just bothering tao with my problems"
" trust me you're not he loves you he could never be bothered by you "
" eh yeah i guess"
on other side of town tao finally found yixing 
" oh what are you doing here?"
" so you broke up with (your name here) why?" 
" its none of your business"
" what do you mean its none of my business" tao yelled 
" shes over here crying to me about how bad you hurt her so i think it is my business"
" you don't get it thats just it! shes always going to you for everything it can never be just me and her you always have to be brought up some how i know how you feel about her i see the way you look at her and i see the way she looks at you i broke it off before i could get hurt because i feel like shes gunna end up leaving me for you"
"what are you talking about shes in love with you not with me she is crushed that you just left her for no reason if she didn't love you why would she even show any emotion that you dumped her?"
"  you're always there  call it jealously if you want but she is mine and i don't want anyone taking her away from me especially you of all people"  
" she doesn't even give me the time of day , im over talking about this just go talk to her alright?! i promised her i wouldn't kick your " 
" yeah alright ill go by later"
Tao finally gets back to your place 
" hey so i talked to yixing" 
Valeria says "i think im going to go so yall can talk bye unnie by tao"   
" bye dongsaeng thank you"
tao sits down on the couch next to you 
"before  i tell you what yixing said i wanna talk to you about something"
" okay what is it?"
" remember how earlier i was telling you about how i fell in love with someone and i lost them to someone else? well i was talking about you i fell in love with you since the moment we first talked i knew you were the one for me but then you started dated yixing i know this is bad timing to tell you but i just had to tell you and i kinda want to know how you feel about me?"
you look shocked 
" well honestly i liked you alot after awhile but then i met yixing my feelings haven't changed for you so i do still like you it was just that i was with someone if i could go back in time i would chose you because i know you wouldn't of  hurt me like he did"
"oh well yixing said.."
you cut him off 
 " you know i had a dream earlier that you kissed me and you confessed the weird thing is that it felt real and i liked it and i forgot all about yixing i felt complete again"
"well before i left i kissed you and i did confess i thought you were in deep sleep and wouldnt remember guess i was wrong"  he looks down 
" whats wrong?"
"nothing it nothing yixing said he would stop by ill let him tell you what he told me"
" i don't really think im up for seeing him will you stay when he comes over?" you asked 
"sure anything for you"
you couldn't help but smile 
you give tao a huge hug when yixing walks in and sees you hugging tao
" and you wonder why i broke up with you"
you quickly get up
"what is that supposed to mean?"
" you always want to be around him you always want him over its like you cant be without him for 5 seconds ! its like youre dating him not me"
" he's my bestfriend what do you expect maybe you shouldn't be so jealous of him "
"jealous I'm not jealous of that "
Tao cleared his throat obnoxiously "thats not what you told me earlier"
"i dont care what i told you earlier I'm not jealous maybe you two should just date since you want him around all the time"
"yixing why are you acting like this weve done nothing to you cant you see youre breaking whats left of my heart?"
" i have things to do i got to go" yixing walks out 
you stand there in shock and you fall to your knees crying 
tao doesn't know what to do
he helps you up and walks you to your bed again 
" just sleep it off you'll feel better  trust me "
you soon fall asleep
when you wake up you realize its already 2 in the afternoon the next day  
i don't feel like getting out of bed all of a sudden you grab your phone and you see 20 text messages from  tao and Valeria 
you only opened one that was from tao
" panda<3:
im worried about you , you havent responded to anything i sent you gunna stop by later oaky? see ya soon"
the last thing you wanted to do was face tao after everything that happened yesterday 
you manage some how to get up and shower and feed yourself 
you just lye around your house doing nothing sometimes almost wanting to cry sometimes 
you felt so alone you were used to spending time with lay everyday you just felt lost 
you hear your door bell ring you open the door and see its your panda 
he automatically gives you a hug you just stand there not really hugging him back 
" hi , want something to drink ?"
" ill get it go sit down want anything ill bring it to you? "
" no I'm fine i just ate "
" oh alright then how are you feeling ?"
" i was hoping you wouldn't ask that I'm alright but i feel dead inside " you laugh a lil "nothing im not used to this normally always happens i should've known it was to good to be true"
" i really thought he was the one, the break up was just so out of the blue and unexpected "
"lets not talk about him want to go do something?"
"no not really i just wanna stay in"
"alright then we could just watch movies"
"watch movies?" you said don't you wanna talk about our talk yesterday?
" well what about it tao said?"
" did you mean any of it?"
" what do you mean ? "
" when you said you fell in love with me?"
" yeah i meant it why?"
" because i meant what i said too about the whole dream thing"
" oh well i know you're not in the place right now to start dating again but when you're ready i think we should give it a try "
" i don't think im gunna be ready for a while nor do i want to be for a while "
" thats alright im willing to wait I've been waiting for 3 years now whats a lil while longer we can just stay best friends for now sound good?"
" i like you both a lot but i don't think ill ever be able to get over yixing but i guess that sounds good to me, dont get me wrong i love you i really do but this is gunna take some time" 
" i understand  thats why i said i would wait for you"
ill update tomorrow theres more sorry its not that good hope you like it 
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