

Running a tired hand through his hair, Sunggyu almost wished he’d never encountered that demon last year.  He’d been perfectly content with his lifestyle until then.

…though maybe perfectly was a slight overstatement.  As was content.  But he’d been complacent, and having a routine in such an unpredictable lifestyle was better than endless questioning.  Or so he wanted to believe.  Sunggyu didn’t like admitting that a monster had sent him down an existential crisis.  Not that she did, of course, because their world was black and white - kill first lest you’re killed, and nothing should be simpler.


Written as my entry for xitslisax3Nara1214, luv4yen, and spilledink's The Sky Is The Limit || Writing Contest - Round 4, Subround 2.

Seated at Round Table 2, my community cards are

Ending - there is a reunion
Prompt - “I hope that someday, somebody wants to hold you for twenty minutes straight, and that’s all they do. They don’t pull away. They don’t look at your face. They don’t try to kiss you. All they do is wrap you in their arms, without an ounce of selfishness in it.” -Jenna, Waitress
Phrase - “I hope you know that giving up won’t solve things. But this is your life. And I guess it’s not my place to tell you how to live it.”

+ the cards I was dealt

Prompt - “Sometimes I find myself sitting in one spot for hours, staring at nothing, thinking of nothing, feeling nothing, and, most disturbingly, caring about nothing.” -Mahbod Seraji, Rooftops of Tehran
Prompt - “He who fights with monsters should look to it that he does not become a monster. Because when you gaze into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.” -Friedrich Nietzsche

Alternate universe - OC and setting inspired by the demon slaying trope and some combination of its variations—helps that he-who-fights-monsters is itself a trope that fits in nicely.



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