
For Us

Soo Yun POV

"Yunah~ stay close. Arasso?" Hoya yelled.
"Arasso appa." Yunah yelled back as she ran over to the playground.
"You have been doing a great job with Yunah, Howon."
"Thank you. I said I was going to change for her ever since I first saw her."
"I'm glad you did."
"Soo Yun?"
"Do you still have feelings for me?"

I paused for a second. Yes...I still have feelings for you. I thought to myself.


I got cut off by Yunah running over towards me and Hoya.

"Umma, appa. I want ice cream." Yunah said.
"We haven't even had dinner yet Yunah." Hoya responded.
"Can we get ice cream after dinner?"
"Yay! Let's go!" Yunah grabbed me and Hoya's hand and dragged us to the car.

Hoya volunteered to drive back to my apartment. When we entered the apartment, Yunah went into her room and played with her toys. Hoya sat in the living room and watched TV. I went into the kitchen and started to prepare the kimbap, bulgogi, japchae and rice.

"So, what happened to Hyunsik? Weren't you guys supposed to get married?" Hoya asked from the living room.
"It didn't work out. It seemed like he was too busy for me and Yunah since he became an idol, so I just ended it."
"Ahh~. Have you thought about dating again?"
"No, not really. I don't want someone new coming into Yunah's life. It wouldn't be good for her."

When I finished cooking, Yunah came out of her room and helped me set the table. We all sat at the table and began eating.

"So Yunah, do you want to spend time with your appa this weekend?"

She nodded her head.

"I want to see Dinowoo."

Me and Hoya both laughed.

"Who is Dinowoo?"
"Uncle Dongwoo."
"Why do you call him Dinowoo?"
"Because he looks like a dinosaur."
"That's not nice to say about your uncle."
"Mianhae umma."
"She's fine Soo Yun. He told her to call him that."
"Oh~ okay."

Once we finished eating, I cleaned the dishes and then we went out for ice cream. Hoya drove us to Infinite's dorm afterwards. Yunah was fast asleep in the backseat. Hoya kissed her cheek before leaving.

"Howon!" I called out of the window.
He turned around.
"You could have just stayed at my place until the guys came and got you."
"I didn't think it would be a good idea for me or you."
"Because of Yunah. She would think that I'm going to be there permanently and I'm really not."

He's right. I thought to myself.

"You're right. I'll talk to you tomorrow?"
"Yeah sure."

Hoya walked into the dorm and I drove off towards my apartment. When we got home, I tucked Yunah into bed and went into my room and fell asleep.

The Next Day...

Hoya POV

After practicing all morning for the tour, I fell out on the floor. I started thinking about what I asked Soo Yun yesterday. I wish I could have heard her answer because I wanted to know how she felt. I decided to call her and ask her out on a 'friendly date'.

"Yeoboseyo?" She answered.
"Oh hi Howon. What's up?"
"I was just wondering if me and you could possibly meet up somewhere later on tonight?"
"That would be fine. I just have to find someone to watch Yunah."
"The guys can watch her."
"The guys? Really?"
"Yeah. They have been wanting to see her anyway. She can start her weekend with me early."
"Ara. How about 7 at that barbecue restaurant by the dorm?"
"That's fine. I'll see you then."

I smiled to myself after I hung up the phone.

Soo Yun POV

About 6:30, Yunah and I headed over to Infinite's dorm. Hoya and Dongwoo met us outside.
"Dinowoo!!" Yunah ran up to Dongwoo.
"Hey Yunah~!" He scooped her up into his arms.
"All the toys she wanted to bring are in there plus her favorite snacks if you guys don't have any."
"Arasso. Let's head in and see the other guys Yunah." Dongwoo and Yunah walked into the dorm.
"Kaja." Hoya grabbed my hand and we began to walk down the street towards the restaurant.

As soon as we got to the restaurant, we sat down and ordered our food. Hoya then started to make small talk.

"So about that question yesterday..."
I had a surprised look on my face.

"Yeah what about it?"
"I want to hear your answer."
"Umm.. I do.."

We were caught off by the waitress bringing us our food.

"You what?"

I stuffed a piece of beef into my mouth.

"I.. umm.." I tried to say with my mouth full.

I began to grow even more nervous than I already had been. How do I tell him? What if I tell him and then we get back together and he breaks my heart again? Then I will feel stupid. Ugh eotteoke?! I took a deep breath and began to speak.

"Before I answer, I want to ask you the same question."
"Go right ahead."
"Do you still have feelings for me Howon?"
"Of course I do. When we broke out, they never left. They grew even more throughout the years."

My heart began to flutter hearing that.

"Now your answer Yun.."
"I do still have feelings for you. Even though you broke my heart, I forgave you for that. You started coming around more because of Yunah and the feelings came back. Then after Hyunsik and I broke up, I developed more feelings for you."

He smiled sweetly and reached for my hand

"I was wondering if maybe we could get back together?" He asked

I sighed happily.

"Yes. I'm willing to make this work for Yunah.. for us." I responded.

He leaned over the table to kiss my cheek and I smiled at him.

"Why don't we get out of here?"

I nodded my head. Hoya paid the bill and we went back to the dorm. When we walked in, Yunah was playing with her toys and Dongwoo and Sunggyu. She looked up and smiled brightly at me and Hoya.

"Umma~..Appa~!" She ran up and hugged us both.
"You guys are back early." Sunggyu said.
"It was a quick talk." Hoya intertwined his fingers with mine.
"What's that about?" Dongwoo asked, pointing at our hands.
"We're back together."

Yunah grew happy and hugged Hoya again.

"Does that mean Appa is going to live with us now?" She asked.
"I don't..." Hoya began.
"Of course it does." I interjected.
Hoya gave me a look.
"What about when I go on tour?"
"We'll be fine Howon."
"What about when I have to stay at the dorm?"
"That's fine. Trust me." I kissed his cheek.
"Arasso. I'll move back in."

Yunah jumped for joy. I giggled at her. I left the dorm and went back to my apartment. I sat on my couch and smiled to myself. Finally, me and Yunah are both happy.

A/N: YAY!! It's finished! :D Hope you enjoyed it!

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Chapter 1: awwww. that's so sweet! :3 i wish, i was soo yun :( :))
Chapter 1: you should see my face lol sooooooo kawaiiiiii (damn japanese is getting to me lol)
I was like ooh look Cassie made another one! *mini fangirl attack* then I read the description and was like "holy ! OOOOOOHHHH there better be a story to this!" so I clicked the arrow and was aww man only a forward lol I need to post mine but I keep forgetting.