Chapter 2: Meeting....and stuff.....yeah....


At the SM building......

Onew: Hmm no one's here! Perfect! I knew coming early was a good idea! I should probably start memorzing my lines...

*le memorizing lines*

Onew: Okay, I've got the song down! Hmm...what should I do now? My parnter's still not here yet....I guess I should practice Lucifer while I'm here....

*le practicing Lucifer*

Onew: Phew! It's so hot! I'm all sweaty! * takes off shirt to cool off*

A/N:  Who sees where this is going? kekeke....


Jessica: Let's see here.........15........16............17! Here we go! *enters*

And right then and there, Jessica froze, for there was a toned bronze god right in front of her, sweating and panting heavily, his body moving is sync with his breath letting Jessica see perfectly the creases in his body and his smooth skin.......

^ yeah like that, except shirtless....and alone......and not in that position.......

Jessica: *stares and drools a little*

Onew: *turns around* AH! Jessica! You scared me! I guess you're my partner....*follows Jessica's eyes*.....and I'm shirtless......

Jessica: You sure are.....

Onew: Right um.....*runs for his shirt and covers himself* y-you see, I was practicing Lucifer, w-well before that I was practicing the song, and ww-well anyway I was practicing Lucifer, and it was r-really hot, so yeah....

Jessica: Huh? Oh! Yeah! It was hot! Yeah! That would explain why you were um...shirtless.....

Onew: Yeah...heh heh *nervous* *thinking* Oh god she saw me shirtless! oh god! I hope she doesn't think it's weird of anything....


Jessica: So um we...uh....should we go over the song?

Onew: O-Okay...

*le practice*

Jessica: So, do you think you've got the song down?

Onew: Yeah! No problems here!

Jessica: Okay, great! Though, don't you think it's a little boring?

Onew: What do you mean?

Jessica: Well, it's just up there standing and singing. Do you think we should, I don't know, move a around a little?

Onew: Well, how about this? We start on opposite sides of the stage and as we sing, we just move slowly towards each other and meet in the middle?

Jessica: Oh! Sounds good! That way, there's something visual and it won't get too boring. Okay, so we're at opposite sides and we gradually get closer.....*step*

Onew: Okay...* step*






*step* currently, the two are about 2ft away from each other


*step* 1ft away


*step* in front of each other

Jessica: So far so good....*step*

Onew: Yup....*step*

*step* now right in front of each other.....

Jessica: *thinking* close....maybe I should move in a little closer...*closer*

Onew: *gulp* *thinking* I hope I'm not blushing right now, we're so close....*closer*

Jessica: *moves her face a little closer*

Onew: *thinking* did she just move her face a little closer? Should I do it too? *moves his face closer so that now their foreheads are touching*

Jessica: *Thinking* Oh my god...our close....

Onew: *thinking* KYAA~~ SKINSHIP~~

Jessica: *moves her chin up a little so that their lips are mere CENTIMETERS apart* .....our close....might........kis- WAIT A MINUTE.

Jessica: Y-YOU'RE TOO C-CLOSE! *push*

Onew: *trips over air and falls* OOF! Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! *while Onew is saying this, he doesn't notice that when he fell, his shirt lifted EVER SO SLIGHTLY ...kekeke*

Jessica: *immediatelly spots the shirt lift* I-it's fine, I'm okay....

Onew: H-how about we practice it again.....n-normally this time...

Jessica: Okay....*so awkward*

*le pratice, but without awkward kiss scene....darn*

Onew: *yawn* I think thats good enough for today.

Jessica: Yeah, good job today1

Onew: Thanks, hey ,are you hungry? I'll treat you to chicken.

Jessica: Haha..chicken? Really?

Onew: What?

Jessica: Nothing, let's go.

At chicken place....

Onew: Can I hav a whole chicken?

Jessica: Omo~...I don't think we can finish that..

Onew: Oh, no that's for me. What would you like?

Jessica: i guess I'll just have some chicken strips or something....

Onew: Okay then....

Jessica: Hahaha...

Onew: What? What's so funny?

Jessica: Hyoyeon was right. You are obsessed with chicken.

Onew: Well, chicken's always been there for me, so yes, you could say I really like chicken.

Jessica: I see, it makes me wonder, between chicken or say, a girlfriend , who would you choose?

Onew: Oh that's easy...

Jessica: *thinking* Don't tell me he chooses the chicken....

Onew: ..I'd choose my girlfriend.

Jessica: Really? I thought that chicken was always there for you..

Onew: It has, but this is my girlfriend, and I love her very much, so not even chicken would come between us.

Jessica: Sounds like a lucky girl....*thinking* I wanna be that girl.

Jessica: So Onew, do you like anybody right now?

Onew: Yo-I mean! Yo-Yonghwa!

Jessica: Yonghwa? Like from C.N. Blue?

Onew: Y-Yeah! He sings really good and he seems like a cool guy to hang out with! * close one*

Jessica: I see... but I meant anyone that you have feelings for.

Onew: Oh! Um....

Jessica: *staring intently* Yeah?

Onew: Um...well you know....

Jessica: *eager* Know what?

Onew: I mean....umm......n-no.....not ....the...moment.

Jessica: *disapointed* Oh. I see.

Onew: Uh yeah....but there is this one girl...

Jessica: Really? Who?

Onew: Well, people think that she's really mean, but she's the kind of person that once you get to know her, she's really nice.

Jessica: Uh huh.....

Onew: And people say she's really pretty....and a lot of guys like her......

Jessica: Ooh...sounds like you hav competition.

Onew: Yeah, but even if I don't win her heart, um, I won't give up...

Jessica: Well, she's lucky that you like her....

Onew: Well, you see, she doesn't know that I like her yet....

Jessica: Well, what are you waiting for? Confess to her!

Onew: Well, I'm still waiting for the right moment.....

Jessica: I see...well, Onew fighting! haha..


TIffany is walking on the street hoping to find a late night snack.....

Tiffany: Hmmm....ooh, dokbukki sounds good, but it's so spicy.....and I don't really want any meat tonight.....ah! Chicken! I can just get something light....wait a that Jessica? With Onew? ohohoho wait until the girls hear about this.......


BAH! that took longer than it should have! i swear I lost my progress twice and  i was so close to not doing this usual, please tell me if there's anything that you think i shud fix and yeah......BYE BYE

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titanium8p #1
more TaecSun pls >.<
Please update soon!!! I love your fanfic, it's one of my favorites. I also love your sense of humor in this and all the couples. Please make more TaecSun moments!!! Fighting! UPDATE.
Are ya gonna update your other fic? O.o
kittydandelion #4
new subs here..<br />
author fighting!!
Mearii_Lee #5
more taecsun, kekeke<br />
taecsica_taecfany #6
taecsun v.v
Yaaa! I like your story!!! Update ok :)<br />
This story is to funny. I almost died. UPDATE! >:D
chocosugaloo #9
<3 liked it ehe >:3
lol i luv this story~ it's so funny (: great job ^.^