I think I like you.

Meet Me.

Daehyun’s POV

We had made it back to my home as he had pulled up in my driveway. He had turned off the car and I had taken off my seatbelt fixing to get out of the car before I was stopped. I turned to see Jongup’s hand on my wrist just looking out of his car window.

I turned back around slowly, “What is it?”

He had turned to me and smiled before he had released my hand. “It’s nothing. I just hope that you had a good time.”

I had smiled at him and nodded my head. “Yeah, I had a great time. Thanks for taking me out.”

He nodded his head back and turned to look out of the window. “I’ll get going now.” I had said before I had gotten out of the car. I shut the car door before walking up to my door reaching for my keys in my coat pocket to unlock the door but was stopped once again before I could even unlock the door.

“Wait.” I heard Jongup say as I had turned back to face him. He looked like he really wanted to tell me something but was a bit afraid to do so.

“Yeah? What is it?” I had asked him with a smile on my face to let him know that it was okay to say on what he wanted to say.

“Uh well…” He seemed like he couldn’t say it as he had lifted his hand up behind his head as he ruffled his hair a bit.

“It’s okay, you can tell me.” I assured him. He nodded his head before he had leaned in and kissed my cheek. I froze feeling my cheek burn as he had back away from me. I lifted my hand as I gave him a bit of a confusing look.

“S…sorry, it’s just…I think that I like you.” He said. He looked like he really serious but I couldn’t understand on why, or wether or not to believe him.

“I uh, It looks like its about to rain so I think that you should head home.” That was the last thing that I had said before I had turned to quickly unlock my door and opened it.

“Wait, Dae…” He had tried stopping me but I had quickly enter my house and quickly shut the door behind me leaning up against the door. My mind was over flowing of thoughts that I couldn’t really think straight.

“What was that?” I had asked myself all confused. *Why did he say that he like me?*

I didn’t know, I still thought about Youngjae a lot. I mean Jongup is a really nice guy and I thank him for warning me about Younjae, but I still thought about him. He was my first kiss, the very first guy to say that he liked me. *Why am I still thinking about Youngjae?*



Here's another update. Sorry that I didn't update sooner but I just found out yesterday that My kitty might be pregnanat. Omo! That made me so excitied yesterday. :D Anyways, I haope that you enjoy the chapter. I'll update soon. ^^

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ddtwins12 #1
Chapter 18: I would love a sequel to this. How is bangjim gonna end up?? And will jongup end up alone??
Chapter 18: That was umm really fast ... I'm happy that they're together though ...
Hmm maybe a sequel would explain it :)
Chapter 18: Well that ended fast :( maybe abit more detail or have it a little more drawn out would make it more satisfying. Otherwise I am happy they are together. ♥ a sequel wouod lovely ♥
Chapter 17: Props to Jongup i love him for what he just did
Chapter 16: ahhh Jonguppie likes Daehyun but Daehyun totally likes Youngjae... hmmm

at the moment I'm rooting for DaeUp BUT BUT BUT I love DaeJae.. I just want Youngjae to treat Daehyun better hmmm
Chapter 15: BangHim =] heheh LOVE THEM
cheesecakesoulmusic #7
Chapter 15: awesome banghim! am a huge banghim shipper!! hee hee
Chapter 14: OoOoOO it's getting more and more interesting as Jongup tries to swoop in and steal Daehyun =]
Chapter 13: i hope daehyun gets super duper uper hot and attempts to play youngjae, but then he cant do it bc hes too nice aw cute
Chapter 13: Wth Youngjae --- Jongup's right in this case --- Youngjae can't just play people's emotions like that ugh

Someone needs to teach Youngjae a lesson hmmmp