
The boys who feel like a brother, a best friend and a lover

 I was facing Minhyuk with my back facing the door, so i didn’t realize that he had joined us until I heard his voice. That was the very first thing that drew me in. Not to be overly dramatic, but it was a voice that sounded like an angel; soft and gentle yet manly and reassuring. I felt completely at ease hearing his voice, even though I was kinda surprised that I didn’t hear him approaching. This was a ballad singer’s voice.

Minhyuk got up and did a fist bump with him. “Eyy hyung! It sure took you very long to end your meeting. Look, there’s someone I’d like you to meet. She’s interested in playing the drums and I taught her some cool moves.” I turned around and started to get up to greet this new oppa.

“Ah annyeonghasaeyo, I’m Lee Jeimi from Class 2-B. Nice to meet.. you..“ I faltered in my introduction as I took in the new oppa. He was gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous. In fact he did not even look Korean at all. He had an European feel to his features; perhaps it was those thick and long eyelashes, the high and defined nose bridge, or maybe the sharp jawline and light brown hair. That hair was long and sweeping his eyes.. which blinked slowly as they looked at me.

“Ah hello. Nice to meet you too, I am Lee Jong Hyun and the second eldest in this band. I also play the lead guitar.” He bowed a little and managed to look blank and sheepish at the same time. He then moved over to Yonghwa’s side and talked about their upcoming gigs. I lowered my eyes and breathed out dreamily. How could I not have noticed a guy like this in our school?

I poked Minhyuk and asked, “Minhyuk oppa, how come I’ve never seen Jonghyun-sshi before?” Although I could comfortably call Minhyuk and Jungshin oppa shortly after meeting for the first time, I was neither comfortable nor close with Jonghyun, and therefore could not bring myself to call him oppa.

“Aigoo you dumb dumb! Jonghyun hyung recently transferred to our school just this week. He was from Busan but moved to Seoul. We’ve known him not that much longer than you. But he’s a really good guy.” Minhyuk loved to tease me, and I enjoyed the playful camaraderie between us. I pouted and retorted, “I was only asking because I didn’t know!”

“Ya Minhyuk did you bully our Jeimi?” Jungshin suddenly appeared and smacked Minhyuk’s head. “Be nice to her, I only have one sister.” My brother’s words were heartwarming and I clutched his hand. Minhyuk threw a fake tantrum and acted hurt. No matter what he did, Minhyuk was always cute. I looked around for that beautiful boy, but he had disappeared with Yonghwa. I turned back to see Jungshin and Minhyuk bickering playfully. I stood up and tried to make my way towards them.

Unfortunately, I was also a clumsy klutz and I slipped on a music sheet someone left on the floor. It was as effective as a banana peel as the floor and paper were both smooth. “Ahh!”As though I was in slow motion, I felt myself slip backwards and fall. I closed my eyes and threw out my hands, preparing myself and my to hit the hard floor. The worst that could happen was that I would injure my spine.

Instead of the hard ground, I fell into the strong arms of someone. My eyes flew open and my breath hitched. His golden brown hair covered half his face as he stared at me worriedly. My heart hammered in my chest. I was sure he could hear my heartbeat. I felt the heat creeping up my face and was pretty certain my face was as red as a tomato.

The others had heard the commotion and rushed over. Jonghyun righted me and gave me a once over, making sure I wasn’t hurt anywhere. He seemed to be relieved and moved to the back as the rest of the gang fussed over me.

“You pabo ah, how could you be so clumsy?” 

“Watch where you’re going stupid!”

The voices of Minhyuk and Jungshin chimed in and mixed with each other. After they made sure I was alright, they went back to their instruments. I moved hesitantly to Jonghyun, who was wiping down his guitar. “Th-thanks for saving me, Jonghyun-sshi. I’ll buy you a drink later.” I fidgeted nervously. Jonghyun looked up at me, his brown eyes seeming to stare right into my soul. “Don’t worry about it. Just be careful or your brother will be hurt.” He smiled then, and it was as though I lost my senses for a while. It was a heartwarming and dazzling smile that shook my heart. His dimples showed, and his eyes crinkled. He was like a vision of perfection. “Don’t buy me a drink. I just wanna eat pork soup. Guys let’s go eat pork soup now!” He turned away and shouted to the others. I breathed out, still stunned by his gorgeousness.

“NOOOO NOT PORK SOUP AGAIN WE JUST ATE THAT YESTERDAY!” Yonghwa and Minhyuk groaned. Jungshin shrugged, he was okay with eating anything. “Hmph then I will eat pork soup with Jeimi, she said she will give me a treat!” Like an angry child, Jonghyun stomped his feet and grabbed my hand, pulling me away from the others and towards the exit. I shivered at his sudden touch, excited and awed by this mysterious new feeling. I have never felt this way to any guy before. I wondered if it was his gorgeousness, his 4D personality or just this connection that I felt with Jonghyun. I saw Jungshin look on at us, at our entwined hands, and for a split second, a look crossed his face that I could not place. It was as though he was unhappy, or disappointed. Then he forced a smile and waved at us along with Minhyuk and Yonghwa. However, my thoughts did not linger long on Jungshin as Jonghyun was still grabbing my hand while walking to the restaurant.

It seemed as though he did not realize it. I was content to let him continue. It felt warm and very reassuring in this cold weather. We reached the restaurant after walking a distance, and the ahjumma at the restaurant welcomed us. “Table for two? Ah you guys look so good together, sure reminds me of my dating days.” She cooed over us. Jonghyun belatedly realized that we were still holding hands and quickly let go, his cheeks and ears turning a little pink. I hid a smile; this boy was a little clueless.

We were ushered to a window seat that overlooked the little river in the park. The restaurant was homely, run by the ahjumma and her husband, and had posters of idol stars on every available wall. It was probably a tactic to attract young girls to the shop, but it worked its effect on me. “Wow look it’s Big Bang! I love them so much, T.O.P is so hot!” I gushed over a charismatic poster right above Jonghyun’s head. Jonghyun scoffed and grunted an acknowledgement. He passed the menu to me, and our hands touched by accident. I gasped as an electric current passed through us. Embarrassed, I pretended to cough to cover up my gasp and held the menu high to hide my face from Jonghyun. As I found what I wanted to eat right away, I slowly lowered the menu and peeked at him. His eyes were downcast, scanning the menu for his favourite dishes. I admired his perfect features once again, the long eyelashes gently touching his high cheekbones; his pouty mouth, turned up at the mere sight of the pork soup pictures. “When are you going to stop peeking at me?” He asked. I jumped and buried my face in my hands, too embarrassed to do anything else. “I know I’m attractive, but don’t fangirl over me like that. It makes me shy too.” He smirked, raising his eyes to look at me mischievously. I swear I could have died of humiliation right there and then, but thank god the restaurant ahjumma appeared right at this time to take our orders.

We made our orders, and I kept my eyes to myself, and took out my phone to play with, for something to distract me. I could feel Jonghyun studying me, and I tried to think of something to say to break the atmosphere. “So you like Big Bang? You know I’ve always wanted to be like them. Doing the things I love, and receiving the love of my fans. I want to make music and share it with the world. And I hope I can do it step by step with the guys.” Jonghyun said to me. I looked up, and he was staring into the distance. His passion and determination showed on his face, and made me like him even more. This was a man who had ambition and passion, so different from the others who were living life a day at a time.

“You’re so charismatic.” I surprised myself by saying. Jonghyun turned back and looked at me, surprise also evident on his face. I held his gaze, both mesmerized by each other. As if the timing couldn’t be any better, the food arrived and we broke our gazes. I felt dazed. Who was this guy that I just met a few hours ago that could make me feel like that? As we started our meal, Jonghyun tried to break the awkwardness by talking about school. I had to give him points for trying, although school was boring. We talked about the teachers that we disliked and laughed at them, and about the various haunted places in school. It turned out that both of us liked horror movies. As we talked and laughed, the wind outside picked up and became colder.

“Ahhh, this is so good. I can eat pork soup everyday!” Jonghyun sighed contently. I rubbed my stomach and stretched out on the sofa seat. It was a really good meal, and the warm soup made me feel happy and drowsy after eating. “Woah it’s so late already! We better hurry back before Jungshin oppa starts to worry!” I urged. Jonghyun got up and paid for the food while I grabbed my things. Apparently he was a gentleman, or he had forgotten that I said I would give him a treat.

As we talked, rain started to pour. It had started drizzling while we were eating, but it was a downright mess out here now. The rain was coming down in large sheets, and hammered on the metal roof of the restaurant. “Wow daebak, how are you supposed to get back? We don’t have an umbrella.” Jonghyun sighed. I looked at the rain, it seemed like it had no intention of stopping. “Oh well, I guess we should wait it out here then. I should call oppa and let him know.” I replied. I dug in my bag for my phone. I found it, and tried to unlock it. The screen would not power up. Crap, it was out of battery!

Jonghyun looked for his phone, but could not find it anywhere. “Aishhh I think I left it with Yonghwa hyung earlier.” He hit the table, frustrated. “You know what, we can’t stay here forever. I think we should run to my house, it’s just a couple of streets away. At least you can call Jungshin there.” I agreed and Jonghyun started to take off his coat. “The rain is going to be cold and I can’t let you catch a cold.” Jonghyun said as he wrapped the coat around me. He made sure to cover my head with the hood and tied it tight so as not to let the cold rain seep in. “Oppa will you be okay? Let’s run fast and make it home.” I asked him worriedly. He nodded and smiled reassuringly. “Let’s run now, follow me closely okay?” Jonghyun grabbed my hand tightly.

We opened the door of the restaurant and a blast of frigid air hit us. It was the beginning of winter and winters were unbearably cold in Seoul. Before I had time to worry about Jonghyun who was just wearing a sweatshirt, he pulled me along and I broke into a run. The heavy rain battered us and I felt rain begin to soak the coat quickly. Before long, the thick coat was soggy with rain and started to feel heavy. We kicked up puddles as we ran blindly, the rain pounding the pavement along with our heavy steps. Dang, a red light was up ahead. Unable to cross, we waited impatiently at the junction. I didn’t think it was possible, but the rain came down even harder. Poor Jonghyun was soaked to the skin and shivered uncontrollably. His hair was plastered to his face, and he kept brushing his fringe up to get it out of his eyes. At that moment, he looked like a waterlogged chicken but he still looked as gorgeous as ever to me. Before I had the time to admire his wet hair even more, the light turned green and he yanked on my hand. I nearly fell on the slippery ground but recovered and we dashed across the road, a final sprint as we reached his house. The rain splattered in even though we were at the porch of the large apartment complex. The guard noticed us and quickly let us in. As we stood in the lobby, a strong gust of cold wind blew again and chilled me to the bone. I wondered how Jonghyun was able to withstand the immense coldness. Poor boy..

“Ah-choo!” Jonghyun sneezed loudly. Oh my god, he was probably going to catch a cold because of me. The guard noticed and quickly the heater in the building. The lift came promptly and we got in. Jonghyun was shivering uncontrollably. “Oppa are you okay? I’m sorry.. it was a bad idea to run in the rain.” I apologized meekly, unable to help him. “I-I-It’s okay. As long as we get into the house it’ll be a-a-alright.” His teeth was chattering, he was not able to stop shaking. My heart hurt at his predicament. The lift reached his floor and he quickly rushed to the door, opening it and getting in. He made sure I got in, then locked the door and rushed to the toilet to get out of his soaking clothes.

I stood in the doorway, unsure of what to do. The rain from the heavy coat was making a pool of water on the floor. I explored the house for another toilet to wash up. Jonghyun’s house was small but cozy. A soft-looking brown couch was placed in the middle of the living room, where a small flat screen TV was hung on the wall. The coffee table was neat and tidy, with a few magazines piled up, but next to this was a pile of song sheets. It looked like Jonghyun had composed songs himself, as there were some crumpled pieces of paper, and a pencil on top of these sheets. A couple of guitars were displayed proudly on their stands next to the table. On the walls were family photos which featured Jonghyun’s parents and sisters.

Oh yes! How could I have forgotten to call Jungshin oppa? But first I needed to locate the phone. After looking around, I spotted the house phone at a corner of the living room. I punched in the numbers, and the dial tone was heard. “Yeobeosaeyo? Have you heard from Jeimi yet?” Jungshin’s worried voice filled the earpiece. “Oppa it’s me! I’m so sorry; my phone was out of battery! Jonghyun and I just ran to his house to take shelter. I think I’ll stay the night here, don’t come out please, it’s raining too heavily for that and I don’t want you to fall sick.” I tried to reassure my oppa. “Okay, please be careful. Jonghyun is a nice guy, I trust him. Change out of the wet clothes and don’t get a cold yourself. Take care Jeimi, I want you back home tomorrow morning. Goodnight, I love you.” Jungshin still sounded worried, but he hung up after making sure that I will listen to him and change out of my wet clothes. I felt sorry for the late notice, and making oppa and halmeoni worry about me.

Just then, Jonghyun came out of the room. He was only wearing a pair of boxers, and was toweling his hair dry. “Have you called your brother? Ya why are you still in those soaking wet clothes, you’ll get a cold!” He scolded me. “I.. don’t have spare clothes to change into, oppa.” I said shyly. I averted my eyes to keep from looking at his skin. I felt my cheeks grow warm. “Oh.. yes, I’m sorry, I forgot about that.” Jonghyun said softly. He took off my soaking wet coat and threw it into the laundry basket in the pantry. “Wait here, I’ll look for some warm clothes.” He left and then returned with a sweatshirt and sweatpants. “The toilet is there, and I placed a new towel on the table.”

I nodded and went into the toilet. I grabbed the towel and started to change out of the wet clothes. After I toweled myself dry, I put on the thick sweatshirt. It was huge. Jonghyun had very wide shoulders and probably wore an L size. The shirt reached to mid-thigh and the pants sagged. I opened the door and headed outside.

Jonghyun had put on warm clothes. However, the temperature in the apartment was freezing. “Sorry about it, the heater broke down and I haven’t had a chance to fix it yet. So it’ll be quite cold..” He trailed off as he looked at me in his clothes. I was sure I looked like a penguin, like a dwarf in these oversized clothes. “Gwiyeopda. How cute.” Jonghyun whispered softly. I turned into a tomato as my cheeks heated up again. He walked over and took the wet clothes from me, and threw them into the laundry basket. He then steered me toward to sofa and made me sit down. He switched on the TV and went to the kitchen to make us some hot drinks.

A horror movie was showing. I like horror movies but I was also scared of them. The music was intimidating and eerie in the empty living room. Suddenly the ghoul appeared on the screen and I screamed out, covering my eyes.

“What happened?! Are you alright?” Jonghyun rushed into the living room with the drinks. He saw me huddled into a ball on the sofa, and he saw the movie showing on the screen. “I thought you liked horror movies?” He laughed. “It’s not funny. I like them but I’m also scared..” I whimpered. Jonghyun’s gaze turned soft and he placed the mugs on the table. He sat on the couch beside me and hesitated, not sure how he should comfort me. Suddenly, the girl in the TV screamed as she was haunted by the ghost. I whimpered again and sank further into my ball position. Jonghyun hesitantly placed an arm over my shoulder and brought me close. I opened my eyes and looked up. He was so near, his face just inches from mine. I gulped and placed my head on his chest instead, avoiding looking at him. Thump-thump-thump. Oh god I can hear the sound of my own heart racing now. I focused on the movie.



Jonghyun blushed. His heart was racing furiously. It was wonderful, this new feeling that this girl brought to him. He was looking at the TV, but not registering anything that was happening. All he could think about was the girl huddled in his embrace, her face on his chest as she half watched the movie. He wanted to her hair, to hug her tight. She was so warm and the room was so cold. He was cold, his hands were freezing. He was sure that he had caught a cold from the storm.

AH-CHOO! Jonghyun sneezed violently. His sneeze shook Jeimi and she got up and out of his embrace. No, don’t do that, stay within my embrace forever. Jonghyun was sad that she got up. He reached around for a tissue to blow his nose, and he felt warm hands envelope his free hand. He turned and looked at her. “Oppa your hands are cold. So cold. Are you alright?” She asked him sweetly. She reached out a hand to his forehead. Her hands were tiny, barely able to cover half his forehead. Overcome by the sweet atmosphere, Jonghyun reached up and held her hand. Her eyes reflected her uncertainty, yet also showed her true feelings. He brought her hand to his lips, and kissed her fingers lightly. With his other hand, he tilted her chin up. Now they were inches from each other’s face. He stared deep into her light brown eyes, those sweet brown orbs that were looking back into his with worry. Jonghyun closed his eyes and let feeling and intuition guide him. He drew even closer to her, his heart thumping even faster. His lips brushed her soft ones.

The lights went out.


Author's Note:

Hi guys, sorry you had to wait so long for it to heat up! kekeke hope it makes your hearts thump as well~ Do look forward to more of Jonghyun's inner thoughts, will probably be writing from the different characters' viewpoints as well. How do you like the story so far? Do let me know! :) Jonghyun is such a cutie haha, a tough cookie on the outside but so cute and warm on the inside. hehehe <3

Here's a dumbdumb Jonghyun for yall! ;)



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Sorry but this story is on hiatus for now, until i decide how to move the plot along! >


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waaaaah update soon please :)