Chapter 2

My Missing Brother

Yesung's POV:

Is the kid staring at me even we sit next to each other? I know my parents are still researching something in Germany something very important. "Are you okay?" I asked. "I'm fine and I am not staring at you but you can leave me alone for the whole year." said the kid next to me. What? Leave hime alone? I cannot allow anyone to be alone at all times because my parents told me that when I see anyone being alone, I must make new friends so that they will be popular like celebraties or at least my parents. "Anyway, I'm Jongwoon or you can call me Yesung. I prefer Yesung." I introduced to the loner kid. "I'm Ryeowook, my actual name. Some call me the lone kid and my best friends call me Wookie." said the kid. Now that I know his name, I need to know his best friends' names first before I can make him into happy and attractive student. "You can call me the lone kid will do Yesung because I prefer alone so no more talking." said Ryeowook. There's no way I'm letting this kid to be alone forever and ever.

Ryeowook's POV:

I may be afraid that Yesung, now I know that new kid's name will hate me sooner or later. After the class ends, Kyuhyun jumped into me but this time I punched him in the face because after many years, it is time for my revenge. "Ouch! What did you do that for? Hyung!" he wined. If you don't know why I'm being called hyung becuase I'm 1 year older than him and he is the only youngest I have. He's like my little brother except annoying. "Guys! How about we hang out after school?" Donghae asked as he was approaching towards me. Donghae is the only oldest and he is the leader of this group but his friends keep telling him to stay away from me because I'm a lone wolf. In fact, he is more like father-figured to me better than my actual father who is drunk everytime he goes home after work. "Sorry hyung, I can't hang out with you because I need to come home early after school okay? How about other times when I'm free." I said. Both of my best friends agreed with me and they were walking towards the cafe. I was seen looking for my books in my locker until I bumped into Yesung. My heart are still beating faster than I thought. "Okay, slowly Ryeowook-shii, you are not in love with Yesung." I thought. "Hey! May I make new friends with you? I cannot leave you alone all the times." he said. Wait? He doesn't hate me at all? This is the first time he never hates me at all.


A/N: What are Ryeowook's thoughts in his head? Will he accept Yesung or not? Fing out in the next chapter! See you soon!

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DinojiRyeo #1
Chapter 19: Omo!!! The next one. Is the last chapter hope u update soon^__^
DinojiRyeo #2
Chapter 16: Omo!!! eottokke update soon^__^
DinojiRyeo #3
Chapter 15: Ahh an update i was about to leavs our house to buy anss5 cd when i saw an update OMO!!! what will happen to them yeye hope soon u will know that wookie was your baby brother, wookie stay strong for your yeye hyung.... Anyway hope u update soon... Bye^__^
DinojiRyeo #4
Chapter 14: OMO!!! O____0 what will happen next,?!! im really excited for this. Story hope u update soon!!
DinojiRyeo #5
Chapter 13: AHHHHH!!!!!! im very excited hope u updatesoon^__^
DinojiRyeo #6
Chapter 12: OMG!!!! Im so excited, dear yesungs mom please let them re unite.... Kekkeke they suppose to be re unite because they are real brothers any way update soon hehehe^__^
DinojiRyeo #7
Chapter 11: Unnie jebal update soon... I want them to re unite again... Hope u update soon^__^