Goodbye means Forever

Goodnight Isn't Forever

"Chatting with Joonmyeon again, Chanyeol?" A mellow voice asked from behind the swivel chair Chanyeol was sitting on.

"Shut up, Kris. Tao should keep you busy," Chanyeol pushed his roommate away from his laptop.

A beep was heard, Chanyeol scrambled to his seat and started typing away, occasionally laughing to himself. Kris shook his head, hiding his smile. Yup, Chanyeol was definitely lovesick. It didn't take a genius to know that Chanyeol was exuding love from his eyes. There was always that fluffy aura Chanyeol carried around after he met Joonmyeon online. The boy was in love, head over heels for the petite brunette seen in pictures. Pictures. That was it. Just texting and calling and chatting. It was strange that Joonmyeon always turned down Chanyeol's suggestion of having a video chat.

"I'm not ready yet, Chan," Joonmyeon's voice was tinkling through the phone.

Each time, Chanyeol waved it off with an 'It's okay'. "We can video chat when you're ready," Chanyeol would say.

"I love you Chanyeol," the boy sighed contentedly.

"I love you too Joonmyeon," Chanyeol smiled to himself.

"Yeah," he said weakly. "Goodnight."


It was Sunday evening. Chanyeol was getting ready to go online for his usual chat with Joonmyeon when Kris stopped him. Kris wore a concerned look, something Chanyeol hated. It meant that Kris was seriously worrying about him. Kris' hand lingered on Chanyeol's shoulder. It felt heavy with burden, just like the atmosphere. Chanyeol kept his gaze on Kris, waiting for the tall blonde to start talking.

When Kris remained silent, Chanyeol cleared his throat and questioned, "What is it?"

"Chanyeol," Kris began in a soft voice, "I'm worried for you. That guy you're chatting with, he might not be Joonmyeon."

"What are you trying to say about Joonmyeon?" Chanyeol became defensive.

"Well, you see, Tao and I were worried about you. We were afraid that you might get hurt. And so, we hired some guy from a tv show called Unmasked to help you," Kris explained calmly.

"I don't need any help! Joonmyeon is real. Very much real like you and I. How dare you, Kris! You didn't even ask about my opinion!" Chanyeol bellowed. Anger and frustration flashed across his face.

"You wouldn't agree if we asked, wouldn't you? Come on, Chanyeol. Admit that you want to meet Joonmyeon too," Kris reasoned.

"But Joonmyeon isn't ready. We can't force him," Chanyeol sounded exasperated.

"We aren't forcing him, Chanyeol. We're just catalysing your meeting. He'll eventually agree," Kris sipped the cappuccino he made a while ago.

"Fine," Chanyeol huffed. "I really want to meet Joonmyeon," Chanyeol eventually broke into a grin. "Thanks bro."

"Anything for my homie," Kris was relieved Chanyeol wasn't trying to kill him.

As planned, Chanyeol met up with Jaebum, the host of Unmasked, and his friend, Taesook. Jaebum and Taesook were adamant about helping him find Joonmyeon. Of course Chanyeol told them how he met Joonmyeon online. They became friends through their love for a boyband called Block B. Sharing the same interest made them understand each other better.

"And he told me he had an accident about a year ago," Chanyeol bit his lip.

"Okay, so we'll check his background and whereabouts and we'll get back to you, alright?" Jaebum shook Chanyeol hand and ended the filming.

Over the next few day, Chanyeol waited in anticipation for the news of Joonmyeon. And finally his handphone rang. It was Jaebum.

"Can we meet you at Starbucks in Dongdaemun?" Jaebum asked.

"Yeah, of course," Chanyeol chirped happily.

When he arrived, Chanyeol caught on the looks Jaebum and Taesook wore. Uncertainty were written all over their faces. They were a little stiff, both quite uncomfortable with Chanyeol's presence. Chanyeol knew it was something bad. It had to be.

"How was it?" Chanyeol carefully sipped the warm hot chocolate they ordered for him.

"Well, here's the thing," Jaebum spoke in a serious tone," firstly, the number Joonmyeon gave you was listed under someone named Kim Jungshik, sixty-eight years old, but the address you gave belongs to a Byun Baekhyun, aged twenty-one. He lives in Daegu. There might not be a Joonmyeon," Jaebum sighed, clamping his hands together.

Taesook was filming Chanyeol's reaction with his videocam. Chanyeol wasn't able to hide his disappointment. His eyebrows furrowed. "And?"

"Well everything else seems to be the truth. This person you talked to, went to Shinsa Highschool. We can take a look at the yearbooks put up in Daegu's museum. There might be something," Jaebum suggested.

Chanyeol's happiness and excitement were drained. Joonmyeon wasn't entirely real. It was either a twenty-one year old Byun Baekhyun or a sixty-eight year old Kim Jungshik. Chanyeol had no choice but to agree. He needed answers from whoever who deceived him.

It was about a three hour drive to Daegu. Three hours passed much too slowly in Chanyeol's perspective. He was antsy, very restless throughout the car ride. He would drum his fingers on the dashboard or hum some random song to fill the silence or just plainly fidgeting in his seat. Jaebum or Taesook made no attempts to start a conversation until they reached the museum. When they entered, they were greeted by a friendly and smiley lady. She assisted them in searching for the yearbooks.

"Here, class of 2010," she said politely. Chanyeol made no effort to return a flashy smile. Jaebum thanked her and she went back to the front counter.

"Okay, so let us flip through," Jaebum announced as he opened the book.

Chanyeol's heart was beating fast. Who was this Byun Baekhyun? They continued flipping until Chanyeol's eyes fell upon a picture of a handsome brunette with a dazzling smile. Byun Baekhyun.

I've found him,Chanyeol thought. He was awed by the boy's beauty. He was far more better-looking than the pictures of 'Joonmyeon' he used.

"We found him. Wow, he's gorgeous," Jaebum mumbled. Taesook nodded, his videocam fixated on Chanyeol.

Chanyeol was speechless.

"I think it's time for you to meet him. Let's give him a call," Jaebum took out his phone and dialed.

The phone rang for a minute or two before the line was connected.

"Hello?" Came the tinkling voice Chanyeol grew to love.

"Hi, Joonmyeon-ssi, I'm Yuk Jaebum from a tv show called Unmasked. Right now we're in Daegu together with your friend, Chanyeol," Jaebum was being polite.

"Oh, um okay," the boy mumbled.

"Chanyeol would like to meet you, if that's okay with you," Jaebum asked him.

"He still wants to meet me?" The boy squeaked.

Jaebum passed the phone to Chanyeol for him to continue the conversation. "Of course I'd like to meet you. We've been chatting for three years. Don't you think we should take another step?"

"I'm scared," his voice wavered.

"You're scared, I'm scared too. We can be scared together," Chanyeol murmured into the phone.

There was a pregnant pause. "Okay," he finally agreed. The line went dead right after.

"You've got mad convincing skills, dude," Taesook commented in his raspy voice.

"Alright boys, lets get going," Jaebum stood up, thanked the lady for her assistance and let the building. Both Chanyeol and Taesook followed after him like little ducklings.

"Expect the unexpected," Jaebum had said before. It was his motto. To Chanyeol, it sounded like a death sentence.

The drive to the boy's house was short and soon they entered the driveway. Chanyeol hopped off his seat and stood by Taesook while Jaebum went to knock the door. The door opened up to reveal a thin, frail boy with a cast on his leg. There was a long scar on the right side of his face. The scar stopped just beneath the eye. Half his face was ruined and ugly while the other half remained flawless.

"Hi Chanyeol. I'm sorry I lied to you about being Joonmyeon. My name's Byun Baekhyun. And my feelings for you are not lies," Baekhyun gave a small smile.

The smile was the exact same smile in the yearbook. Bright like the sun. Chanyeol realised that Baekhyun's voice had that tinkling effect when he talked. Just like the wind chimes in mother's room.

Even though Chanyeol was angry he was deceived, he felt sorry for Baekhyun's state. "But you lied to me for three years. I had actual relationships with people but you told me to break off. You lied Baekhyun. If you'd told me earlier, maybe I won't be so mad," Chanyeol's voice was strained.

"I understand that you have the right to be mad at me," Baekhyun shuffled uneasily. "I just didn't want to lose you, Chanyeol. You're so special to me."

"I didn't use to be this ugly freak with a ruined face. I was good-looking, I have a bright future ahead of me. I could sing freely and people would applaud. I had what it took to be an idol. After that accident, everything changed.

One night was all it took to change everything. My boyfriend was drunk when he was driving. And he collided head-on with another car. It took him two weeks to finally visit me. But all he said was 'Have a nice life as a pirate'. I was the one who suffered. Not my boyfriend. He only broke his leg. I lost my right eye. My face was ruined. My whole life was ruined along with my face," Baekhyun explained in a soft voice, tearing up.

It was then Chanyeol noticed that Baekhyun's right eye remained unmoved. While the left eye darts around, the right eye fixated on a spot. It was a fake eye.

Jaebum cleared his throat and asked on Chanyeol's behalf, "Why did you create that fake profile?"

"I was at a really low point. My friends left me, my boyfriend left me. I couldn't sing at clubs without drinks and glasses thrown in my way. I had nightmares every night about dying in that accident. I was reliving it again and again. When I stumbled upon Chanyeol, I knew he could help me. He prevented me, a boy he barely knew, from killing myself. I tried committing suicide a few times but I couldn't every time Chanyeol stopped me. I was that worthless, ugly freak, sitting by the computer, waiting giddily for someone who made my life worth living. And that was you Chanyeol," Baekhyun wiped away his tears with his dainty fingers.

Chanyeol eventually spoke up, "I'm glad I was there to stop you from killing yourself and I'm proud of that. But I hope you won't do that anymore. Don't lie to people."

"I'm sorry, I really am," Baekhyun's voice became squeaky. "Can we at least remain as friends?"


"Goodnight," Baekhyun said softly.

"Goodnight? Shouldn't be goodbye?"Chanyeol raised his eyebrow. It was a good four hours before nighttime came.

"After that accident, I've never said goodbye anymore. Goodbye means forever," Baekhyun gave a sad smile.

"Goodnight then," Chanyeol returned a genuine smile.

And with that, Chanyeol, Jaebum and Taesook left Daegu with a heavy heart. When Chanyeol returned to his apartment, Kris was waiting patiently with Tao by his side. Tao was flipping the channels lazily.

"So how was it?" Kris asked. Tao finally stopped changing channels when the news was on.

"It wasn't Joonmyeon. It was a broken boy named Baekhyun," Chanyeol took of his jacket.

Just then, there was a news flash.

"A boy by the name of Byun Baekhyun was found dead in his home in Daegu. He had hanged himself despite relentless knocking of his door by his brother. Pleas by family members were left unheard. It was confirmed to be a suicide attempt."

"Baekhyun called me. He was crying, saying that everything's over. He had nothing to live for. He even wrote a suicide note."

To my sunshine,

Will you want me once I become beautiful again? Will you forgive me then?

I love you. And that isn't a lie.

Once I redeem myself, I shall be beautiful once more. If we ever happen to crosspaths, don't ever forget that I still love you.

Goodbye, my sunshine.

"Chanyeol?" Kris asked, his voice dangerously low.

Chanyeol's knees trembled. His lips were quivering. He bit his lips hard, trying to hold back his tears. "That note was for me," he whispered, voice barely audible.

Kris got off the sofa and walked towards Chanyeol who was starting to be hysterical. He engulfed Channel in a tight hug, stopping him from thrashing around.

"That note was for me," Chanyeol cried. "My poor Baekhyun," he wept.

Chanyeol was devastated. Not because he lost Baekhyun. He was devastated because the guilt was slowly haunting him. Baekhyun killed himself because Chanyeol wasn't there to stop him.

And Baekhyun's last words scared him to death.

It wasn't a goodnight. It was a goodbye.

Goodbye means forever


Hi. It's me again. This time it is Baekyeol for you. Just to clear some doubts, Unmasked is not real. I just came up with some name for a show like Catfish. The storyline is something like an episode I watched yesterday. I just made the suicide up. The actual person didn't kill herself.

So.. yeah. I hope you enjoy the Baekyeol. Itxs not much, I know. My English O levels started today. Exams will end on 11 Nov. Expect me by then. Ciao.

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pardon me for my mistakes. mianhae... i had to update it asap.


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:O Why Baekhyun? :(
Damn, this is one of the saddest baekyeol fan fictions I've read.
Sequel please? (:
Chapter 2: Sequel please!!
Andreagoon27 #3
Chapter 2: Sequel~Sequel~
very good story so I need a sequel..
Chapter 2: Sequel! Just because I'm curious about what's going to happen after that~
yeolieefreakk #5
Chapter 1: I wish it didn't end so fast... The way Baekhyun seems to only need Chanyeol to be able to survive in this world is just too saddening! :-( And when the part during the news about Baekhyun... my heart literally dropped.. :-( Please do a sequel~Thanks for a beautifully written Chanbaek fic. :-) Would recommend this to all readers, suitable for very emotional people like me! HAHA. Hwaiting!