Chapter 17

Distress of Mr Perfect


You felt your cheeks started to burn hot. They were visibly red. Luhan looked at your face with concerned eyes, “Are you sick?” He pulled out his hand and put his palm on your forehead. You quickly slapped his hand away.

He looked at you with a shocked face, “What does that for?” He asked while rubbing his injured hand.

“Uh, n-nothing. Please, excuse me,” you rushed to the ladies.

Tao arched his brow at Luhan, “What wrong dude?” He shrugged, “Women.”

Daehyun has arrived with Yura beside him. He waved at Luhan and his fellow members, “Where’s my lady?” He asked, raising his brow. Luhan pointed to the ladies with his thumb, “Over there.”

Yura sped walked to the ladies, seeing you were touching your cheeks. “What happened?”

You gasped, trying to go out which was a failure since Yura was blocking your path with her arms. Her face showed her curiosity. She arched her brow, not saying anything.

You sighed, “Nothing…”

Yura does not believe you. She knew you too much. She knew that you were lying. She folded her arms, “You know what? That’s the most horrible lie I’ve ever heard. Now spill.”

You pouted, staring at the floor. “I don’t think now is the best time to tell you.”


Luhan shouted from the outside. You jerked in surprise. Yura was looking at you suspiciously, “Luhan? It’s about Luhan?”

You gasped, “N-No. It wasn’t like you’re thinking!”

She rolled her eyes, “What am I thinking? You know I like him. Do you think I take him as a joke?”

“Hanna? Are you okay?” Daehyun’s voice was heard.

“I’m telling the truth Yura.. There’s nothing between me and Luhan. We’re just friends from the childhood.”

“And you want it to be romantic love story like in movies, dramas. Both of you fell in love and I was dumped,” she said, scoffing.

You couldn’t hold your anger anymore. You burst at her, “So that’s what you were thinking.” You smirked, “I can make it true it you wanted it to. Don’t regret, friend.” You snapped your finger at her face, “And you’re calling yourself a best friend?”

You went out, purposely brushed her shoulder with yours. No scratch that. You hit her shoulder hard, making her squealed.

“I’m going home,” you made your way to the exit.

Daehyun and Luhan exchanged look. “Me or you?” Luhan raised his brow. Daehyun motioned him to run over Hanna.

Yura came out, sniffing. Tears washed her face, ruined her make up. She looks like a zombie. Daehyun patted her head, “Cry it out. Don’t keep it in anymore.”

“Hanna! Wait up!” Luhan shouted, gasping for air.

You walked faster. Luhan let out a big sigh, “I can drive you home.”

You turned to him, “Drive me there.” Luhan was smiling, knowing you don’t like walking so drive you home was your favourite.

Luhan took his car, drove to the front door. He asked you to wait there as he’ll take the car. Both of you went in the car. Luhan was awkwardly glancing over you while you were staring outside blankly.

The journey was seems forever. After some good awkward minutes, you reached your home when you suddenly burst out, “I don’t want to go home yet.”

Luhan stuttered, “W-Where s-should we go then?” Oh guys, Luhan was mentally slapped and banged his head on his mental concreted wall.


Luhan drummed his fingers on the wheel, “Want a bubble tea?”

You smiled at him, “Whatever. It sounds great. Even though it’s freezing outside.”

Luhan chuckled, “I’ll take you there then. My friend sells bubble tea nearby here.” You just nodded, responding to him.

He slipped out his phone from his pocket, punching some numbers. “Hey, buddy. Does your shop still open?”

He held his phone with his left hand, while the right was on the wheel.

“Oh, come on. I got a special guest for you.”

Your ears perked up, that was when you started to eavesdrop their conversation. You leaned closer to Luhan, earning a questioned face from Luhan. You ignored him. The voice on the other line was soft but manly.

 It’s a guy.

“A girl?” That voice sounded interested in Luhan’s words.

Luhan chuckled softly, “You’ll know when I get there. Save me two seats!”

Meanwhile at the ball, everyone was searching for you and Luhan. Maybe not. Only Chen was looking for both of you.

“Where’s Hanna?” Chen arched his brow. Daehyun shrugged, “Somewhere with Luhan maybe.”

Yura’s shoulders were tensed. The hawk eyed Kris caught her stiffened expression.

“Did you two fight?”

Daehyun glared at Kris, “Shut up.”

Chen smirked, eyeing the both Yura and Daehyun. “I think I know what’s going on.”

Xiumin casually slung his arm over Chen, “And I don’t think we want to know what you knew.”

The others were snickering at Chen, he was frowning hard. “Come on. You know I’m not that bad.”

Lay rolled his eyes, “You thought you’re not.” He sounded mocking Chen.

Everybody broke into a silence. Speechless. Tao gaped, “You did great in sarcasm!” He said, clapping both of his hands like a retarded panda-like seal.

Chen pouted, “Whatever you say then. I need to get back home. Curfew.” He rolled his eyes, running away to the exit door with some foods in his hands.

Daehyun raised his brow, “Curfew?” Laughter trailed after his question. Chen’s secret was exposed. He’s definitely a mama’s boy.


[Back to Hanna&Luhan(2Han/HanHan)?]

“Are we there yet?” That was the 8346326th time you asked Luhan, earning a groan from him.

“A few meters more!”

You pouted, “You said nearby here and it was like a journey from Seoul to Rome.” Luhan scoffed, “As if you know where Rome is located.”


You did not know where Rome was located. Luhan snickered, “Silence means you didn’t know.”

You rolled your eyes, “Am not.”


Luhan stopped the car, turning off the engine. You raised your brow, “Why did you stop?”

He sighed, ruffling his hair, “We’ve arrive. Now, off!”

You looked outside, a cafe standing next to you. You giddily jumped off the car, pushing the shop door. You frowned. The door is not opening. That café closed on weekends.

You turned around, looking at Luhan. He was laughing out loud. “The bubble tea shop is next to that café,” he said, pointing at the small bubble tea shop next to it.

Blush rushed through your cheeks, you were embarrassed. Hanging low your head, you trailed behind Luhan.

Luhan pushed the door, producing a chiming sound from the wooden wind chime hung upper the door. You stepped inside, gaping in awe. Even though the shop was small, it was cozy and felt like being at home.

A blonde headed guy beamed, waving his hand at both of you.



It had been forever since my last update. I'm so so so sorry! /bows/

Some things happened for the past few weeks. I was busy. Shopping. Exam results. PROBLEMS. School is otw to start in two more weeks. OMG! But I'm sure I'll post at least once a week.

Guess who's the blonde headed guy. xD

Anyway, please excuse any grammar mistakes, typos, left out words. Please inform my mistakes, I'll correct them immediately.

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tanpanama #1
Chapter 22: wou wou please dont delete this story authornim, what will i do if you do that thing. i like your story so please just continue cause i will be right here waiting for you keke ♥ update soon authornim
Chapter 19: woah. i thought it would be somebody from shinee!(x
Chapter 18: Is it Sehunnie? XD update soon authornim~ '3')9
Chapter 17: I LIKE THE LAST PART. THAT CHEN'S SAID "Luhan Likes You" ASDFGHJKL Owww! I Like You Too Luhan.
tanpanama #5
Chapter 17: update sooooooon authornim <3, fighting 'o')9
tanpanama #6
Chapter 17: update sooooooon authornim <3, fighting 'o')9
new reader here!! ^^ your fic interesting~
MysteriousGirl #8
Chapter 10: whoa. luhan is manly XD
update soon~
Anniefan #9
Chapter 10: XD luhan has superman powers or something xP update soon!