Chapter 2 - October 21

Counting down to October 31st

I certainly never believed in Halloween’s lousy myths. When black cats cross you path, there is no difference in whether you would have bad luck or good luck the following day.

And the one about black cats mewling at your doorstep? Just a bunch of nonsense. A cat can’t climb up 20 floors just to meow on my porch and tell me someone in my family was going to die. They had better things to do. Like play with a ball of yarn or catch the big purple butterfly that had just flown by.

Taemin was no black cat, that’s for sure. Wearing my way-too-big white shirt complete with a pair of comfortable jeans, I’d say he was more like a housebroken white kitten than some black cat of omens and bad fortune.

He smiled up at me, his pearly white teeth seeming to glow in my dark apartment. Yup, for the second day the blackout in my house was still not fixed. Sheesh, can’t they cut a guy some slack and just fix it already? I didn’t even want to leave the house anymore, just because of thinking about how many stairs I have to climb when I come back.

Jonghyun was lounging on the sofa too, staring warily at Taemin. He knew better than to think I would lie to him; we were close enough to know who was lying and who wasn’t. And right now, he trusted me that Taemin fell from the sky. He just didn’t know how to react to Taemin.

Opening his mouth wide, Taemin yawned, showing his strangely pointed teeth. I shuddered when I saw his canines; they were a little longer than normal, but I was sure he was no vampire. They didn’t exist anymore than flying unicorns did, and he seemed perfectly fine with eating normal things without the juice out.

I just assumed his teeth were……a special genetics thing.

Key handed him a towel, wiping the remains of his breakfast; a peanut butter sandwich from his mouth. Taemin whined a little, sticking out his abnormally long pink tongue and the side of his cheek, which Key found a bit annoying.

Oh yes, Key had decided to stay for the day. He claimed that I was absolutely not to be counted on to care for someone younger than me. Well look who’s talking.

“Stop and let me wipe your…..Just let me wipe your face for goodness sake, and stay still

I could really tell Key was getting annoyed by the restless kid who bounced about the couch.

“I would just ask him to stay still really nicely.” I added beside the blonde. Key gritted his teeth as Taemin stayed still for a second, staring at me at wide eyes before I gestured for the small boy to continue enjoying himself.

“Shut up.” Key growled at me, while I laughed triumphantly by the sidelines.

In the end, Jonghyun pinched onto Taemin’s cheeks, while Key made a big fuss over the small boy. I didn’t know where the sudden fondness came from, but I just smiled. I was glad that they were fine with a newcomer.

“Do you have any sweets?” Taemin turned to me, his eyes glittering. For a moment, I saw a hint of maliciousness and darkness in his eyes, but it passed away so quickly that I wondered if it was just my imagination.

“Will this do?” Key appeared, tossing him some banana milk.

“Hey I was saving that up for later!” I protested, but Key shot me a glare that made me close my mouth.

“Sorry Taemin. Minho was just joking, help yourself!” Key smiled kindly at the young boy, recieving a bright grin in return.

Taking a handful of those teeth rotting chocolates, he smiled and popped it into his mouth in one time. Key let out a gasp when a few went down, wrappers and all.

“Taemin you’ll get poisoned by the foil!” He snapped, managing to take them back out before they were swallowed. Though Key looked horrified, holding onto the corner of the wrappers as saliva dripped from it.

Taemin gave him a glare, while Key sighed and unwrapped it before handing it to Taemin.

“I just don’t want you to die, okay?”

He raised his eyebrows at Key, opening his mouth about to say something, but then thought better of it and sullenly chewed on the sweets.

“Do you want to go out for a walk?”

“If that means we can get more candy, then yes please.” Taemin smiled, showing his brown-stained sharp teeth while Key sighed.

“We have to get some. He finished it all.”


Sighing, we headed out. Jonghyun and Key headed to the mart, while Taemin pulled me the other way, towards the park.

The park was milling with children, even if it was still daylight. Some already had little lantern bags tucked under their arms as they scurried about, shouting and screaming about some costume or anything.

There were no costumes worn though. Of course, it was way too early. Right now, kids only cared about candy. Then again, they only cared about sweet stuff 24 hours a day anyway.

Ignoring the noisy bunch, Taemin pulled me to a more secluded part of the park. There were less….almost no people around. I couldn’t hear any birds chirping, which was strange at this time at day.

A soft mew attracted my attention, and I blinked as a tiny kitten came to view. It had a jet-black coat and a white mark on its chest, its amber eyes shimmering under the sunlight.

“Hello there.” I reached forward, and tickled the bottom of its chin. It purred, winding its body around my hand, and giving it a for good measure.

“Aren’t you adorable?” I cooed softly. I didn’t notice Key beside me until he kneeled down, a carton of milk in his hand.

“Who’s this little kit?”

“I don’t know. But he’s adorable.”

“That’s a she-cat, Minho.” Taemin blinked at me, his eyes clouded. He was probably a little allergic, or afraid of cats. He was keeping his distance.

I shrugged, as Key found a plate (yes I don’t know where he got it) and poured it with milk. The kit daintily from the plate, then halfway, it looked up to me with eyes that shone with wisdom, and warning.


 I shook my head a little. I was probably just imagining things. After I blinked the kit simply had wide eyes, butting its head against my hand as it continued to lap at the milk.

“You really like getting , don’t you?” I chuckled softly. Jonghyun tapped his foot on the floor a little impatiently.

“Hey dude, I know you love the kit, but we need to go back and prepare, if I might remind you.”

I nodded, stepping back reluctantly. The kit gazed up at me once more, before bounding away into the shrubs, leaving me a little disappointed.

“Let’s go.” Taemin’s voice was suddenly deep and low, his face grave and disturbed. I gazed at him, surprised.

“Do you hate cats?”

“That was no cat, Minho.” He spat back, his eyes blazing, before he spun on his heels and stalked off.

Key scurried after Taemin, his eyes filled with concern as they walked side by side. I exchanged a look with Jonghyun.

“What’s wrong with him?” I sighed, shaking my head.

“I have no idea. But one thing’s for sure, he’s definitely off his rocker.”




When we reached our floor, I noticed Taemin staring at the open door of my neighbour’s house, his eyes glazed. Key was avoiding from looking through the door, muttering quick words to Taemin.

“What’s up?”

Taemin turned to me, his face pale.

“The cat was right. Someone close to you would die. That someone meaning that guy.”

He pointed through the door, and I peered, just to recoil in horror. The old man that used to live next door to me was on the ground, surrounded by people who were solemnly moving his body away. A trail of blood was left on the floor, and I could hear people crying softly, so softly as they grieved.

And that was when I realized. Never doubt a cat. Especially when it’s almost October 31st.


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oh well I'll be the first then :)
*patiently waiting for an update*