Memory Café

Running Man One-Shots Collection

“Dear, Take Urban has closed down since last Sunday.” I heard my husband said.

I looped the hair tie over my daughter’s hair one last round and looked out of the car window. The café in the distinctive cheese grater like building was pitch-dark. My eyes lingered momentarily at a particular circle in the exterior wall while our car drove away when the traffic lights changed its colours.

“I love their ice-cream!” My elder son proclaimed from the front seat. I smiled at his words and said, “You just love ice-cream.”

“Can I have some ice-cream later?” He asked excitedly.

Before I could say anything, his ever-indulging father responded, “Sure, we will go for ice-cream after your Taekwondo class, little buddy.”

“Not until you have finished your lunch first,” I protested from the back seat.

My boy replied unenthusiastically in a little sulky voice, “Yes, Mummy.”

“I want some pink ice-cream too.” My girl looked at me with her pair of puppy eyes and a pout.

I cocked my head to one side and looked at her questioningly. She finally uttered, “But I have no Taekwondo class.”

Letting out a soft chuckle, I held her arm and replied, “But you have lunch too.” In return, I received a beaming smile. “Kids are indeed innocent,” I thought.

The news of Take Urban’s closing down reached us a couple of months back. Since then, my husband and I had brought the kids to the café for a few times, mainly for desserts. They loved the ice-cream and cakes while I enjoyed my all-time favourite citrus sorbet. Thereby, new memories of this café were made for me.

With our children, we preferred to sit in the interior front of the café as it was more convenient for us to manoeuvre and the air-conditioning helped to keep our temper cool. The passing traffic was something that could catch and keep my son’s attention, providing us with some moments of peace while we had our food. And my daughter was fascinated with the tall trees in the alfresco section of the café. “Why do these trees grow in the restaurant?” she would ask each time she was there and her father would patiently explain to her.

My husband was like the Vietnamese coffee which he favoured. It takes time to brew that coffee, watching it drip drop by drop from the filter to the cup before you can eventually savour it. He was a man who won my heart little by little. And I finally basked in the concoction of his practical bitterness and his family-oriented sweetness.

Near its entrance glass doors, the third table from the right along the front glass windows had a clear view of the traffic lights outside the café. My eyes would subconsciously glance in that direction whenever I was there.

“I can see you crossing the road to come to me from this seat.” He used to say to me.

Take Urban wasn’t our favourite haunt when we were courting. We came here once in a while when we happened to be in the area. But my husband knew that I liked this place so whenever we were in the area we would definitely come here. Our favourite table was the one in a corner at the back.

My photograph with him sharing a slice of cheese cake and his Caramel Macchiato used to hang from the ceiling a few tables away from the coffee ordering counter.  The picture at that spot had since changed several times over the years. And our copy of that Kodak moment had been sent into trash can years ago in my fit of anger.

I ever glanced at that same spot and wondered if he had brought his family to Take Urban just like I did. I had heard from our mutual friends that he had gotten married and had a son a few years back. His son was one year older than my girl.

This café was by no means comparable to Take Urban in the taste of food and interior design but it had a homely feel. It was a cosy place to sit back and relax while waiting for my son to finish his Taekwondo class. After my husband had placed our daughter into the high chair, he gave her a peck on the cheek – something that he would do when my son was not around. Although I knew it was not a good habit, I passed her my tablet so that she could watch her Pocoyo or Pororo while we took a break.

“The usual?” I asked my husband and he passed me his wallet with a nod.

Staring at the menu, a nostalgic feeling rushed over me and I was tempted to order his Caramel Macchiato. Indeed he was like the Caramel Macchiato. His sweetness and romantic gestures bowled me over during our early days together. But in all the sweetness, I could not taste the grounding of the bitter coffee. The foamy milk and the golden caramel syrup were attractive and interesting to me but not me.

If we had met later, would we have stood a chance? Using his present degree of dependability and my current willingness to accommodate, will our relationship work out? Perhaps we had met at the wrong timing. Perhaps we just weren’t compatible.

With a wistful smile and a soft sigh, I placed my order for a daily brewed coffee for my husband and an apple juice for myself. I was Americano person then and now. I liked my coffee as coffee was but without the intensity of the espresso. But I had since switched to juices so that I could share my drinks with my children. I am a mother now.

Indeed Caramel Macchiato is not my cup of coffee.

Looking at the father-and-daughter pair, I know where my heart is now.

My feelings for him may have faded. The place may be gone. But the memories of him reside in me.





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Micalbautista #1
Chapter 6: I know I'm a bit late to the party, but I hope you'd write more MC fics soon. Although a bit angsty, your works are the best here! Daebak!
ikoiko #2
Chapter 6: like always..great story, authornim... :)
I miss Gil too and LeeSsang comeback...
Chapter 6: simple but sweet :)
Chapter 6: I see you've finally taken a break from Farm Heroes, IC and 3 Day 2 Nights(Or whatever it was called. You know I don't have a good memory.) And came outta retirement to write this. So how could I not drop by and give you my thoughts? :)

I like this story. Kinda show the evolution of Gil's and Gary's brotherhood and how it should be. No jealousy between brothers, each understanding that fame and fortune is a very fickle thing. Like how Gil at first was popular in the variety circle and now it's Gary turn to shine.

I like that Gary's heart is in Leessang. I've always found the man, contrary to his image on RM to be very serious when it comes to his music. And I like his passion for it. It is always nice to see someone who is passionate about his/her craft talk about it.

On another hand, I understand what inspired you and to a great extent, I agree with you. He should just be given a punishment for his wrongdoings and not this... This ambiguous hiatus thing. Oh Korea and your quirks... Gawd I love you.

This story brings a sense of nostalgia to me. Having Gary think about his bro. It got me missing my own brotherhood. Not that the sisterhood of you and jcat aren't worthy company on Fridays. Hehe. I just miss talking about girls to the guys and just having them understand what I'm talking about when it comes to women!!! :(

Alas, those days may never come back. Still thanks for this lovely update. It was very nice in a bro way!
aleiya #5
Hi AK, I haven't a clue about Running Man or any Korean Drama. Just the fact that your stories captivated my interest proves how great a writer you are :) I hope you keep writing. Haven't read much updates from you lately...but I haven't been here much either. Thanks again for sharing your work, always a pleasure :)
its one-shot? but why is this story related to each other? hahaha i feel like that when i read from chap 1 - 5.
isthemoon #7
Chapter 5: Good but sad.
Chapter 5: This wasn't as badly written as you say it is! It's really good. I love the complexities in the story. A break up isn't just on the part of one party. It takes both parties. In this, Gary was not as open as a person should be in a relationship. If he has problems in his business, he should have shared it with Ji Hyo and together they could work on it. At least, knowing his problems, she may be better able to help and sympathize.

Ji Hyo too had her faults in it. Knowing that Dong Wook was after her favor, she could have done more to turn away his advances. However, I guess it must also be hard on her to not have her partner around on her special days. Days where by she may want some pampering. Perhaps there is a more materialistic side to the Ji Hyo in your story, since she seems to enjoy the pampering that DW gave her. As such, it only makes sense that she would take it personally(sorta) that Gary isn't with her on her birthday.

But perhaps Gary did the right thing. Giving her up. If he isn't willing to fight for her and takes the coward approach in breaking up. Well this rs was never meant to last.

:) Ok, since I have done something productive for the day by giving you a review, I shall get down my bimbo useless moments by going out for lunch and heading to the city! Last Sunday in Sydney! Woooooo!!
Chapter 5: Wow, AK! This story was absolutely incredible! It's really impressive how you were able to capture the complications of each character in so short a time! I could understand each of their motivations and struggles and sympathized with all three, even Dong Wook because you could get the sense that he really liked SJH and was a good enough man to be patient for at least this past year, between her last birthday and now. (In a strange coincidence, I just wrote a one-shot that showed SJH with Dong Wook, too! He has a tiny part in Part 1 of my Spartace spy story).

I think what I like most about this story is how despite getting a great sense of the three main characters, Dong Wook and SJH are kind of ethereally layered into the background while Gary kind of shines through. And man, you really broke my heart with his true story about the business... why do men never open up about these things?!?! Aah, it kills me just knowing that if he would just open up to SJH and tell her everything, that she would understand. Well, actually, now I'm wondering if she would understand or not. She did seem to appreciate the shopping trip and being taken out for a nice expensive dinner so maybe she does have a materialistic nature... but then again she also seemed to enjoy Gary's small gift. Aaah! Such good writing.Really enjoyed this ^_^