Chapter 1

Vidorra; The School of the Fly Four



In my adolescent years, I remember my parents would take me to the Han River where we would just sit on the grassy area and watch the sunset or on some occasions, at night, to see the fireworks. During these times my parents were going through some economic struggles with my father's newly built school coming to it's abrupt end and my mother becoming a housewife due to losing her teaching job at a beauty school. My father would usually be gone for what he said would be two days but those two  would turn into two weeks and soon enough, two months. My mother and I both knew the reason why, it wasn't some sort of business trip as he'd say but a scandal. My father would use women and as a way to keep himself from crumbling due to stress from work.  My mother and I found out about it when we caught him kissing another woman around her late 20's inside of his school's parking lot. My mother was disappointed, I'd sometimes hear her bicker with my father when they thought I wasn't at a close hearing range when actually, I was. Divorce was brought up and down constantly but never happened. 

       At that time I discovered my love for games. I would lock myself in my room while they fought and play games with the volume up as loud as it could get. I would play a large variety of games, stealing coins from my mom's wallet here and there and sneaking off to the arcade when my umma and appa where busy with each other. If you know what I mean. I didn't have friends since in my point of view, everyone was inferior to me, the great Cho Kyuhyun of the Cho household. Which brings me back to the topic of my parents. 

            My parents were filthy rich, I could literally bathe, eat, and sleep money with no financial worries whatsoever. How was this possible? Even though both of my parents had problems with their jobs, my father came from a wealthy family. He was spoiled, never having to learn how to cook or clean for himself since the maids did it for him, his parents always bought him everything he wanted  including my mom. My mom was from a poor family but believed in the concept of true love. Numerous times my father tried to buy her love offering gifts such as the finest jewelery, chocolates imported and made from the richest of ingredients, flowers that have been grown in the most exotic of places yet, none of it worked. It was until the point where my appa decided to give up that she became generous enough to give him a chance and that's how their relationship bloomed after that. My dad was still the spoiled brat he had always been though. If he wanted something his way then that's the way everything would be run, no exceptions. 

             It wasn't until after my father's school had shut down that he had realized his mistakes. I even remember him telling me on that nice cool evening at the Han River, "Son, don't ever become someone like your father; you will regret it for the rest of your life." After that, their expectations for me sky rocketed. Stacks placed on top of stacks of books were what they would expect me to read in less than a week. My precious gaming time was cut off for study time. 

             My parents got worse, their bickering would now lead to the demise of their marriage.  My father would bring random to the house at night and my mom would go days without eating. The stress of having to please and meet both of my parents expectations that I would scare those who even tried to challenge my knowledge with theirs just so I could become top student. 

It wasn't until I was sent an invitation and scholarship to a brand new school that my life changed...

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MeinAltire2 #1
Chapter 1: looking forward....
MeinAltire #2
Chapter 1: sound great...please update soon
good luck
257471 #3
Chapter 1: this one sound good, goodluck
hwaiting~ <3
e u e First comment <3