
When We Say

Something ‘bout the way

Something ‘bout the way you look in my eyes

You make everything so damn easy

So easy that I don’t got to worry ‘bout a thing


They were both sitting on the white sand of the beach that stretched quite long from either of their sides. They were facing the sun, about to say good bye for the day, painting the sky with different shades of red and orange. The air was fresh; their lungs felt so new to it. They were used to the fresh air in the city, well, as fresh as the air could get. The small waves that reached the shore gave off a calming sound. The cottages placed along side the palm trees that lined the shore added to the beauty of the place. The beach was quite and peaceful with only a few people also witnessing the scenery. It was a hidden paradise, far away from the busy streets of Seoul. Everything was a perfect picture of a sunset with a couple in their sweet moment.

Kris was buck-hugging Tao, arms around the other’s waist and legs on both sides. He rested his chin on Tao’s shoulder, sweetly whispering words of love and admiration.

“So beautiful, isn’t it?”

“Yes. Thank you for bringing me here, gege. I love it!”

“I am not talking about the place, or the sunset if you would add.”

Tao turned his head, confusion written on his face. Kris chuckled and placed a kiss on Tao’s cheek. “I’m talking about you. You’re beautiful, way more beautiful than the sunset. It’s sad I don’t get to appreciate its beauty. The sunset failed to match yours.”

Tao returned to looking at the setting sun. He softly slapped the hand on his stomach before he lifted it and placed a kiss on it. “I wonder how I managed to put up with your cheesy remarks every now and then.”

“Hey! I was serious when I said that Huang Zi Tao.”

This time Tao completely turned his body to see if Kris was indeed serious. The other’s face first put up a front before giving in. They both laughed heartedly. The wind blew and made them shiver. Kris got up and held his hand out to Tao. Tao smiled and grabbed the offered hand, only to pull it back down, including the owner. He quickly ran his way out of Kris’ grasp, glancing at Kris who didn’t bother to move. The frown on Kris’ face made Tao laughed and walked back to Kris. Kris grabbed the opportunity. He tackled Tao to the ground and started tickling the other. They love it when they could play and tease each other like that.

“Stop it, gege! Stop it already!” Tao said between giggles; his arms and legs flailed on every direction. Kris stopped torturing the other and gently cupped his face. He stared at the black orbs; Tao stared back at his. Those eyes were captivating Kris, him in. Something in those looks was drawing him closer to the other. He didn’t know what is in there, making him calm, making him forget his worries for a while. He doesn’t care of what others would think of their compromising position right now. He just wanted to cherish this moment, hoping to make it last a bit longer, before they go back to their fast-paced lives in the city.

Tao blinked and shivered when the cold wind blew once again. He smiled sweetly and Kris slid off him and pulled Tao up with him. He s his arms around Tao’s shoulder, pulling him closer to his side. They slowly walked back to their cabin, a comfortable silence surrounding them.


And this is the part when we say we’re in love

And the part where we have our first kiss


It was Tao’s coworker’s wedding. He was invited and was told that he could bring someone if he wants. Yes, he brought Kris with him. They were best buddies since college. He had no idea how and why they became one, maybe because they were both Chinese in a foreign land. Tao’s family migrated to South Korea because of work related matters; Kris’ did years ahead.

“Wu Yi Fan, where are you? The ceremony’s about to start.” He said over the phone, tone was agitated. He tends to use someone’s complete name when he’s nervous.

“I’m almost there. What hall is it again?”

Tao sighed in relief and told Kris the hall where the wedding was held. He hung up after that. He would frequently glance at the door, waiting for Kris to arrive. He’s was seated a couple of tables form the door, so when he heard the door opened, he quickly look at the direction of the door. His jaw literally dropped at the sight ahead. There stood Kris in all his glory. He was wearing a crisp black tuxedo; his broad shoulders complemented Kris’ suit. He looked like an anime guy fresh from the manga. He looked stunning there, if only he could wipe the frown on his beautiful face.

Tao waved his hand, catching Kris’ attention. The said guy smiled making all the girls in Tao’s table giggle in their seats. It is not always that they see a prince figure up close. Tao stood and welcomed Kris with a short hug.

“You’re late. Where’s the gift?”

“In the car. I’ll get it later.”


They sat, giving their attention to the wedding ceremony.


The wedding vows ended and the couple was going from table to table greeting each of their visitors.

“Noona~ Congratulations on your wedding!” Tao said as he hugged the bride and shook the hands of the groom. Kris also greeted the couple. The bride whispered something to Tao that made his blush. His ears were red and his cheeks were tinted in pink. He shook his head and whispered back. The bride laughed then left for the other guests.

“What were you two talking about? You’re red.”

“I am??” Tao gently slapped his cheeks, as if to lessen the blush on his face.

“That will worsen, you moron.” Kris then chuckled at Tao’s action, finding it cute. It made the girls squeal. He just smiled at them and winked. Tao saw it and looked down at his suit, pretending to dust it. Before he could dwell deeper in his thought, Kris’ deep voice brought him back to his senses.

“Let’s get the gift before the program starts.”

“Yea. Okay. We’ll just get our gift.” Tao said to his coworkers around the table.

Kris grabbed his hand and led the way to his parked car. Tao’s heart was beating so fast, he could almost feel it jump out of his chest. He didn’t notice that they had already stopped walking, so busy in trying to calm his heart beat. Tao was oblivious to Kris’ stares.

“Earth to Tao!”


“What were you thinking? I called your name a couple of times already.”


Kris sighed, leaning his body on his car, and was about to run his fingers through his hair when Tao stopped him.

“Don’t! You’ll mess it up. It... It looks good on you.” Tao mentally slapped himself fro stuttering. He felt like a high school girl confessing love to her long time crush. He had a big crush on Kris since he saw him play basketball back when they were still in college. Kris was the reason why he joined the basketball varsity team, to know Kris and for Kris to notice him.

Kris looked at Tao. The boy looked great on his tuxedo. His hair was dyed blond and styled to suit the formal occasion. The piercing in his ears didn’t looked bad at all, in fact, it added to his image. The bags under his eyes completed a picture of a bad guy, heading a gang of teenage high schoolers. But actually, his attitude was the exact opposite of his appearance. Kris knew it right after Tao introduced himself on the team. He’s three years older than Tao. The boy was so shy when he joined yet he played good in every game. They grew closer; Kris’ graduation didn’t hinder their growing friendship. He would always visit Tao at the university and would sometimes play basketball with his former teammates.

“I love you, Tao.”

There. Kris blurted it out of the blue. He had been keeping it for a year or even longer than that. He would get jealous when Chanyeol, a teammate, would hug Tao. He knew it meant nothing but he couldn’t help the burning feeling every time he sees anyone hanging around Tao. There was also that certain someone who really gets into his nerves, Sehun. That lisp boy always clung to Tao. He was always around where ever Tao is. He was as if Tao’s shadow. At least a shadow leaves at the absence of light. Sehun? No. He’s worse than it. Kris hated the fact that he can do nothing about it. He has no rights to be jealous. He’s not a coward. He was just not the risky type. He didn’t want to risk the friendship treasured the most. He had been throwing hints that he liked Tao to see if the other would want it or back away. But Tao was so damn naïve to notice it.

Tao was staring at Kris, eyes wide and mouth hanging open. Shock and confusion written his face. He didn’t know if he heard right. It was too good to be true. He looked up and saw Kris staring intently at him. Tao was at loss of words.

Kris straightened and suddenly kissed Tao full on the lips. Tao’s eyes widened even more. Kris was moving, nipping at Tao’s lower lip, asking for a response. Though it was Tao’s first kiss, he moved in sync with Kris. They shared a kiss full of love and joy under the moon that illuminated them.


But this ain’t a movie; I know you can’t come with me

You got your life, he better be treatin’ you right


They’d been together as a couple for almost five years now. They both wanted be legalized but they just can’t. It is not legal for same- couple to be married in Korea. They live together in a condominium in the heart of Seoul. It’s an advantage to both since their works are just a few blocks away.

Kris started running their company more than a year ago after his father stepped down form and decided to retire. Kris filled in as the CEO. His work was not easy as it sounds. He may be at the top but he also gets all the pressure and hard decisions for the company to continue it success. He had to go travel abroad for a lot of times. He couldn’t bring Tao with him because the other had also his work. Kris told him not to bother since he can provide for both of them, but Tao reasoned that he doesn’t want to rely on Kris that matter.

Their daily interaction had become a routine. It was mostly eat, work and sleep. They had not even been going intimate, having no energy left to do so. This situation dragged on for weeks, months and years. They would often fight over little matters, and it would always be Kris to give in first.

Kris noticed something about Tao lately. Tao would always space out, when they’re talking, eating or even when going out. He would ask but the other would simply answer nothing. One time, after finishing their late dinner and Tao was about to go to the bedroom, Kris spoke.

“Tao, let’s talk. I have something to say.”

“Is it important? Can’t it wait till tomorrow?”

“No. Tao, I have noticed something with you lately. Is there a problem? Mind sharing it to me?”

“Nothing. Why do you always ask the same question over and over again?” Tao sounded annoyed.

“Because you always answer me with the same stupid nothing!” Kris snapped.

“You wanna know what the problem is?! This! This is the problem! Why do you always have to ask, when the problem is so damn obvious! You’re so blind, Kris! ing blind!” Tears started to flow out of Tao’s eyes.

“I’m tired of this, Kris. This.. Everything should have ended a long time ago. Let’s just stop this now.”

“WHAT?!” Kris was trying his best to process what Tao was saying.

“No.. No.. N.. No Tao. What are you saying? Yes, we fight, but.. b.. but.. we can still work it out, right? Please, Tao. Please don’t give up on me, on us. Don’t do this, Tao. Please..” Kris was on his knees, begging Tao. He was crying which was a first after years of being a stone. Now he felt like crumbling into pieces.

“No. Just let me go. There’s no longer ‘us’. This is so messed up; we can no longer work on it! I don’t know why we let this go on for years! We’ll just hurt ourselves even more if we let this continue. I’m so tired already. Just.. let me go.” Tao said between sobs, the last sentence almost a whisper.

It hurts so much saying those but he knew that this was the best for them. Their relationship was no longer working. They grew apart over the years. They were now strangers trapped in a relationship, strangling them, suffocating them. They better end it before everything turns worse and end up hating each other.

Tao stood and went to the bedroom, locking it tight.

Kris would always arrive late from work. He could barely open his eyes when he arrives home. Tao would wait for him at the sofa every night. In the morning when Kris woke up, Tao’s no longer in the house, already left to work. He doesn’t want to burden Kris further if he would complain about it. He would just busy himself to work, thinking that it would help him forget his pain. All these things happened for years, and tonight, Tao decided to put an end to it. He cried harder, letting his tears flow out freely, letting his heart burst out all the hurt and pain. He cried all the tears he prevented from flowing out every night of the past years.

Kris was left at the living room, still on his knees. He didn’t move from his position, hoping that if he didn’t, he would wake up from this dream, this horrible dream. He was crying hard, not giving a damn if neighbors would hear him. He no longer cared when he decided to beg Tao, letting all his pride fly out of the window. He couldn’t blame anybody but himself. He didn’t do his best as a friend, as a companion, as a partner. As a lover. He was so busy worrying about work, failing to notice that his relationship with Tao was already on the rocks. He blamed himself for hurting Tao; that was the thing he dread the most. But if he would force Tao to their relationship, he’ll just choke him and hurt him even more. He didn’t want that. He didn’t want Tao to hate him.

Kris stood and walked to the closed door of their shared bedroom. He softly knocked. Tao didn’t open the door nor answered back. Kris knew that he’s just listening. He’s trying his best to stop his tears. He was biting his lower lip so hard he drew blood from it.

“Tao, please listen.” He breathed deeply. “I’m going to China. I.. I am needed there. I might stay there for months or it might take a year. My flight is tomorrow afternoon at four.” He was waiting for Tao to say something. He got nothing but silence.

Tao pretended not to hear. Kris’ voice outside the door sounded hoarse and was slightly trembling. He didn’t respond, afraid of what might happen if he did. He waited for minutes. He didn’t have to wait long when he heard the front door opened than shut. It was either someone came in or Kris went out. He slowly opened the door and true to the latter, Kris did go out. He left him.


Kris was at the airport waiting for his flight schedule to be announced. He was hoping that Tao would somehow show up and decided to come with him to China. Yes, he had it planned a month ago that he would bring Tao with him to China, whether the other likes it or not. He even asked form Tao’s work a month-long leave. He was to say it last night but happens--it happened. He left a plane ticket with the same schedule as his at the front of the bedroom door before he left.

An announcement on the intercom was heard. Kris checked everything he needed. He walked slowly, hoping against hope that maybe, just maybe, that Tao would come. He already let a staff check his ticket before taking a last glance back. Nothing, there was no sign of Tao anywhere he look. He stepped in, finally letting his tears trail down his face.

It had been a year since he left. It had been a year of endless guilt, pain and sorrow. He still loved Tao so much, so much he can’t let him go in his heart. He was wondering how Tao was. If he was doing well. If he was already happy. He’s so afraid to call him again. The last time he did, someone else’s voice answered his call. It killed him inside. If he would call again and the same thing happens, he might just get a heart attack. He didn’t want to suffer more than he already did.

The telephone ringing on his table brought him back to reality. “What is it?”

“Someone wants to meet you, Sir?”

“Is he or she checked?”

“Yes, Sir, He’s checked.”

“Okay. Let him in.”

He’s not strict with anyone meeting him, with or without a scheduled appointment. If he’s free, he can meet anyone. He just wanted to drown himself with work. He trusted his security personnel. If he dies, then he’ll die. There’s nothing left of him to live for, anyway.

He was looking at the busy streets of Beijing below before the door creaked open and revealed a guy. The guy had blood-shot and fluffy eyes. Kris walked towards him and engulfed him in a bone-breaking hug.



the voice Kris heard on the phone when he called Tao was JUST a coworker. ^^ just saying to avoid confusion. enjoy!

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ill post when we say today. ._. chores always get in the way.


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hztttaoohs #1
Omg before I read this lol I just to tell you that I know this song haha I love this song actually aaah AJ Rafael
westkitsune #2
Chapter 1: I kind of feel like by the end you're really curious about what happened next, haha, but then again that was the purpose of the ending placed like that right? ^^;;
tippytoetao #3
Chapter 1: Bravo. This is beautifully written, emotional, and heart warming. Well done! Bravo! Wait did I say bravo? Yes.
Chapter 1: I love this i just asdhfhdjf
zaraaki #5
Chapter 1: This is nice!! I like it.. *thumbs up*