
I still Love You!

Kyungsoo woke up from the sounds of alarm ringing. He faced the ceiling and let out a sigh, he cried endlessly the night before. His throat is sore and also his eyes, he swears he is not a sight to behold this early in the morning. Remembering what happened the day before just makes the situation worse, he feels the tears coming again but he doesn’t want that, so he restrains his self from crying.

"I'm breaking up with you" 

 "But why?"

 "I don't love you anymore"

 "You're lying!, don't say those things hyung!"

 "I mean it Jongin"

 "But hyung!"

 "Goodbye Jongin."

He doesn’t intend to break up with Jongin, he loves him so much but he has no other choice, his parents found out about their relationship and forced him to break up with him. He sighed once again, ignoring the continued ringing of the alarm clock then stood up to get ready for school. He took a long bath considering the state of his puffy eyes, changed his clothes and went down to eat breakfast with his parents even though he doesn’t feel like facing them.

“Good morning kiddo”, his father said to him.

Kyungsoo just nodded, he does not want to interact with his parents right now, he’s too upset for that. He wants to let his parents know that he is not happy with them interfering with his life.

“We know you’re upset but Soo he’s a boy, you’re supposed to date girls not of your same ”, his mother stated.

“Look I don’t care anymore, you should be happy now that I broke up with him, right?!, Just… please don’t talk to me right now” he bellowed to his parents. He know he’s being rude but who cares?, he wants to get out of the house now and so he did.


He ignored the shouts of his mother and ran away towards the bus stop, he wants to get away from his house immediately. He boarded the bus and sat on the farthest seat, away from everyone. He stared blankly at the window until the bus driver announced that they arrived at his school. He got out of the bus and walked towards the classroom with his bowed down. When he got to his seat, his friends; Chanyeol and Baekhyun immediately crowded around his table.

“Hey Soo, we heard the news” Baekhyun opened the conversation.

“Did your parents find out about your relationship with Jongin?” Chanyeol asked.

“Yes they did and please can we not talk about this?”


The classes went on and Kyungsoo has never been more grateful that Jongin is in a different year or it could have been really awkward. He participated in the lessons and talked with his friends but he is not happy, his friends could tell but they chose not to converse about it. He went to lunch with Chanyeol and Baekhyun when usually he could be with Jongin but they are not together anymore so he scraps the idea. He admits, he misses the younger man, a lot actually but there’s nothing he can do about it.


Kyungsoo haven’t seen Jongin at school for a week now and he also continued ignoring his parents for that long. It was a weekend and he lies on his bed lazily, not wanting to go out. A knock on the door was heard.

“It’s open” and his father emerged.

“Hey kiddo”


“I want to talk to you”

“You’re already doing that obviously”

“Please, stop with the sarcasm”

“Okay, so what do you want to talk about?”


“What about me?”

“Soo, you’ve ignored us for a week now and I did a lot of thinking”

“Hmmm” he urged his father to continue talking

“I just want to say that I really don’t mind my son falling in love with another boy” , his father averted his eyes towards Kyungsoo’s table

“Really?!, do you mean it?” Kyungsoo said , a little too loudly, shocked from his father’s words

“Yah, don’t shout and yes I mean it”, Mr. Do smiled, happy that his son is happy

“Oh, I love you Dad!” Kyungsoo jumped from his bed and hugged his father tightly.

“I love you too kiddo”


Kyungsoo went to school the other day with a happy aura.

“Hey, you look happy” Baekhyun stated.

“I am”

“What happened?”

“My parents doesn’t mind that I’m gay anymore”

“Wow, that’s good news”

“Yeah, good news”

Lunch came and Kyungsoo’s eyes wondered around the cafeteria searching for a certain Jongin. Now that his problem with his parents is settled, he wants to make up with Jongin and only hopes that he isn’t too late. His wandering eyes stopped at the pair that just entered the cafeteria doors, it was Jongin with Oh Sehun, Jongin’s classmate laughing together, sharing jokes and even whispering with each other. Everyone who sees them can tell that they are obviously flirting with each other. Kyungsoo’s chest tightened and it hurt even more when Jongin locked eyes with him and immediately turned away to continue flirting with Sehun. Kyungsoo can’t take it anymore so he excused himself and stood up from his chair.

“Soo, where are you going?” Chanyeol asked him

“I’ll be in the comfort room”

“Okay, come back immediately, you haven’t eaten your lunch yet” Baekhyun said,his voice full of concern

“I will”

He didn’t come back, he was too hurt seeing Jongin with another guy. Instead, he went to the tree behind the school building, it was his and Jongin’s favourite spot. He bitterly smiled at the thought of him and Jongin sitting side by side under that particular tree. He sat down and pulled his knees close to his chest, he bowed his head and continued crying when a voice came to call him. The voice was very familiar, it was the voice he so dearly adores, it was Kim Jongin’s voice.  He looked up and saw Jongin in front of him.


“J-j-jongin”, he stuttered fighting back the tears attempting to come out again from his eyes

“Hyung, don’t cry. You know I hate seeing you cry”

“I-I-I’m really s-s-sorry Jongin, I didn’t mean t-to hurt you”

“Sshhh, stop hyung”

“No!, I want to apologize, it was wrong of me to break up with you!” he shakes his head furiously and Jongin held it with his hands. “I’m really sorry”

“It’s fine” Jongin wiped the tears that came out of Kyungsoo’s eyes with his thumb

“J-j-jongin, I s-still love you”


“I know you don’t feel the same way anymore, you’re together with Sehun right?, I just thought I had to say it, I-“ he was cut off with a pair of lips on his own


“Stupid hyung!, I still love you too!

“But, Sehun-“ he was cut off again by another kiss

“We’re just friends hyung”


“Really” and there was that blinding smile of Kim Jongin. Kyungsoo wrapped his arms around Jongin and buried his face on his shoulders.

“Kim Jongin, I love You”, Kyungsoo looked up and stared at Jongin’s face

“I love you too Do Kyungsoo” .





~Okay, soooo here it is. Hope it's not really bad. It's my first fic and I want to know what you think about it. Criticisms are allowed :D Thanks.

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I posted my first story! yaaay, I hope it's not a load of crap. :D


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Jikook_JeonPark #1
Chapter 1: a sequel would be nice :) its sooo cutee~~ and i would totally do what kyungiee did when my parents wiol interfere -_-
hapyv4eva #2
Chapter 1: OMFG~ its so damn cute~
Chapter 1: asdfghjkl <3 So cuuute!! XD
heyitsJiayun #4
Chapter 1: This is so cute! :D
Ameline1604 #5
Chapter 1: ♥ so cute~ my feelss ♥♥
Jazz_exostan #6
Chapter 1: Ahhhh my kaisoo feel
Can't wait! :D