
The Figure in the Long, Black Coat

Krystal will be fifteen years old this year. However, she is a girl who seldom experienced joy. Krystal only lives with her mother, who often travels around the world for busines since her father died just a month ago. As a result, the house always has a lonely atmosphere with no maids to do housework. Fortunately, Krystal is an independent girl who can take care of both her house and herself.

Being in a poor family, Krystal was always bulied by her classmates in school everyday. That was only one of her problems in life. In addition to her already miserable days, her father was not there to cheer her up, give her encouraging words or accompany her in the empty house. She wished that the horrifying car accident which caused his tragic death had never happened but how could she prevent that from happening? It was really sudden. Every night, Krystal slept with teary eyes and when she opens them the next day, no one was there to comfort her, not even her own mother.

One day, on the way home from school, Krystal spotted a beautifully decorated shop which sold a wide variety of cakes. They looked extremely delicious and wished she could have that for her upcoming birthday. Unfortunately, she was not able to afford it. She sighed when she saw her reflection on the mirror for the display of cakes. There were a lot of bruises and scratches on her body because of what those horrible bullies did to her like purposely stretching out their legs to trip her even beat her up and say hurtful things to her like "You don't belong in this world" or "Get out of our sight" Like always, nobody bothered to even look at her situation at that time.

Krystal was never a strong girl, physically or mentally. She always felt so vulnerable. When bullies bully her, she won't even report to the teachers or principal. She won't talk back, she won't fight back, nothing. Why? Because she was simply afraid that they will do worse to her. Worse than what she was experiencing that time. She didn't want her already injured heart to get destroyed completely. 

Life, for Krystal is very cruel. Life won't let her life a normally and happily without any worries. Life won't let her do what she lives for. Faith is toying with her life. Sometimes, Krystal would agree on the words the bullies threw at her, like "You don't belong in this world." Yes she always felt that she don't, and never belonged in this world. And the proof is that no one wanted to become friends with her. She always faced misery. And that is why she thought, this world doesn't want her anymore, or maybe this world never wanted her. Did her mother want her? She didn't even know herself. With the behaviour her mother had towards her, it feels like she didn't care about Krystal at all. 

Why does no one want her in their life? Krystal kept asking that question to herself. Of course, she was poor but her mother only cared about money more than her own child. She wished someone would answer that question for her because she gave up trying to answer. It doesn't have to be right at that time, but at least someday, someone can help her understand herself. 

Krystal was lost in her own thoughts but suddenly, she felt a prescence beside her. She took a glimpse of what the person looked like form the reflection on the mirror and saw a figure in a long, black coat. "What is he doing here?" she thought to herself. it looked like he was staring at her for quite some time and Krystal felt frightened because he was a complete stranger. However, he actually looked harmless and she got less firghtened. The mysterious guy walked closer towards her and asked, "What are you doing here, young lady?" She wanted to answer, "I could've asked the same thing." But she wanted to be polite and even though she remembered what her father told her about not talking to strangers, she really needed someone to let out all her problems to at that time. Like a bird trapped in a cage, her troubles were all caged inside her heart because she never had the nerve to tell them to anyone. She had only let them out that time. However, it felt weird because even though she let them out, she let them out to a complete stranger.

Krystal sighed and answered, "I really want to have that cake for my birthday but I can't afford it. I probably won't even celebrate it with my mother who is currently away for a business trip." The man's gaze softened after knowing how miserable her life was and even saw her bruises. "How about your father?" he asked. Krystal was in the verge of tears but she had to answer, "He died because of a car accident." 

"I'm really sorry-" "No, it's fine. In fact, I feel much better after I released all of the things I wanted to say out of my heart for people to actually understand," Krystal continued. The man was really surprised of her personality and he really wanted to know more about her. "I hate life. Why is life so cruel? Why does life not want me? And most importantly, why is faith toying with my life? Why me?" Krystal asked, her eyes filled with sorrow. Can she finally find someone who can actually answer that question for her? After months of trying?

The man patted Krystal's head and told her, "I cannot answer those questions. But I can only tell you that life has its ups and downs and I'm sure that everything happens for a good reason. Therefore, do not feel depressed and worried anymore, because I know that someday, just someday, you will eventually see light in the end of the tunnel and find your way out of your misery. Someday, you will find joy and happiness in your life. Like what they say, patience is a virtue and all good things come to those who wait. So you just have to wait." 

Those words sounded so familiar and Krystal felt like crying. Those words were like music to her ears because it reminded her of her loving father who used to give her advice like that. It was so familiar, that she almost thought that the man beside her that time was her own father. She couldn't take it anymore so just like that, she cried, touched of what the father-like stranger told her. The man just smiled and pulled her into a hug.

For the first time, Krystal felt warm in a stranger's hug because it was special. It was a miracle how she could meet such a guy. Just then it hit her, was meeting that mysterious guy a start of finding her happiness? She'll find out soon enough. The figure in the long black coat, Krystal will never ever forget him. 



Thanks to any of you who took your time to read this oneshot ! ^^ I really appreciate it! I extended it a bit and I hope I can receive comments! Whether they are compliments or criticizm, i don't mind because comments are always my inspiration! Please tell me if I created mistakes so I can learn from them. (:

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Chapter 1: omf. this is so deep and touching. ; u ;
i love it!