
Loving an Icon

“He’s busy. He has no time for me anymore. Im thinking if he really loves a simple girl like me..”

I’ve been thinking of this the whole time, since last 5months.. He’s at Korea right now, doing his career.

We’re committed for about 2years.. April 24,2013 will be our 3years anniversary.


By the way. Im Nadine Eunice Custodio Vergara. A 22 years old girl.

Im working at a company that involves many Korean things.

SHINee’s Lee Taemin is my Boyfriend. A kpop icon. Im just a fan before but things changed too fast. And now we’re already here.


I want to take a break from my work. I want to relax myself. Just me. In short I want to be alone.

Im walking at the sea side, while walking, Im just thinking of him.

“Where is he now??”

“What does he doing??”

“Is he ok there??”

“Does he also missing me??”

“Why he doesn’t texting or calling me??”


Yes, Im talking to myself. Im such a babo! >.< Suddenly my phone rings.

[“Neowae neowae downiya gibooni Owae owae--“]

"Yeoboseyo?" I said

"ya! It’s me. Taemin . where are you?"

its him..

"oh..its you.. why did you suddenly call?" I ask with a cold tone

"Im already here in the Philippines, on my way to your house."

"arasso, Im not in my house."

"why? Where are you?"

"Just here. I suddenly felt that I want to be alone."

"Do you want me to go there at your place?"

"aniya. Im fine here, gukjungma. Just take a rest. I know you’re tired from your own stuffs."

''hmm.. ok , just take care there huh?! Saranghae.'

"na-nado saranghae." I said stuttering..

I ended the call



Im here again at the Philippines, Im with Jjong & Minho hyung. I miss Onew & Key Hyung, most esp. HER. I miss her so much. Im wondering if she still love me, because this passed 1 month she’s not texting nor calling me anymore. I’ve noticed that her treatment for me is too cold not like before. Did she thinks that I don’t really love her because of my career? Well, now, I’ll gonna prove her that I love her more than my anything.



[“Neowae neowae downiya gibooni Owae owae--“]

When I saw my phone, its him again, calling..

"ya! Can you please go back where did you start?"

"huh?! wae?" What? came back from where I start? err.. whats with him again..

"just do it. Jebal."


I hang up the phone


Why all of a sudden?

And why did he know that Im walking?

Did he know that Im here? But how??

I just followed what he wants me to do.

When Im already near to the place where I started walking, I was like ... oh my god!

“OMO!! What’s this?”

I’ve started to have teary eyes, because I saw a box in front of me that full of pictures, our pictures together.

He texted me & told me to take all the pictures out at the box.

I did it, & when im done, I saw a letter, I read it..

“I love you since the day we met.

I love you more than anything.

I love you. I love you so much.

Can you please take a look at your right side.”

I  looked. I saw Onew, Jjong, Key & Minho one of the rest house here.

They holding a placards..and they shouted one by one what’s on their placards..


Jjong- WILL

Key- YOU

Minho- MARRY

Then Taemin suddenly came out of the house..


I can’t handle it anymore. My tears are falling out of my eyes. I don’t know what to do.

Taemin came closer to me. He hugs me tight, and he takes out from his pocket a little & simple ring.

"why are you crying?" he said while smiling

"ya! I can’t explain what I feel right now. I don’t know what am I supposed to feel. I didn’t expect the way. How did you know that Im here?"

"remember?? On our last anniversary you told me that everytime you’re sad you go to this place. Don’t cry. Please?" He said still smiling while wiping my tears away using his thumb

"ya! Please, don’tt smile like that! Im loving you more." :3 I said while doing my ever-manarism.. kitty face :3

 he pinched my nose. wow.. "and you, can you please stop doing that KITTY FACE, you really making me want to marry you."

I just remain my ever-manarism kitty face.

"aish! Why so cute my baby?? Come here. I want to hug you." he said in a lil'bit annoyance. but hell yeah! I found it.. veryyy veryyy cute!! :)

I hug him tightly, he hugs be back, tighter <3

"I missed you so much. You? Did you missed me?"

"ne!" I replied while nodding and crying. just like a kid. kk

"now, do you believe in me that I love you more than anything?"

"hmm-mm" I hummed while nodding again

"so, I’ll repeat. Will you marry me?"

"hmmm…" It looks like Im thinking, even though im not, I just want him to be nervous^^

"morago?" he's really cute!! you can see in his eyes that he's worried :D

in the back of my mind “Taemin ah! Don’t do that, I’ll kiss you!"

He continue smiling. I can’t help it anymore.

"AISH!!"  *tsup*

I gave him a smack kiss in the lips.

OMO OMO!!!! his eyes!! it went so big!! like it was popping out from its socket!! hahaha..

Onew, Jonghyun, Key & Minho oppas just smile.. a big smile. that it can really reach their ears  ^___________________^


It was the first time that we kiss in front of others, even with the oppas. ^___^

Because both of us doesn’t want to do a PDA. (PublicDisplayofAffection)

So he was shock. He still shocked even its already done.


"YA!!" I shout. wearing my kitty face again

he just smiled at me. "I love you. But why did you kiss me in front of our hyungs?"

"because I love you so much! And it is just a practice when we do our kiss in front of many people, in front of the altar.." I said , turning my gaze the other side. I felt that my cheeks are hot. Im blushing. OMO!!

"so it’s a YES?!" even though I cant see his face directly, I can feel that he's smiling..

I faced him and I saw his eyes, he's crying.

I wiped his tears. "It’s the first time I saw you crying in front of me. but still, for me you’re cute" yeah! he's really cute. and. IM SORRY IF I CAN'T CONTROL MY MANARISM?!! :3

I was taken aback when he kissed me. "I told you, don’t do that KITTY FACE."

"its my manarism. Mianhae" I just stick out my tongue at him..

He puts on the ring at my finger




The oppas were coming to us.

"Taemin ah, I guess you want to kiss her more often huh?!" Jonghyun oppa teased Taemin.

all of us just laugh.

"Oppas? Can we have a group hug?" I asked them

and then. we all hugged!! <3


Then after some months. We already got married.

It is so special, because we held it at exactly my birthday.




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DragonJewel #1
Chapter 2: it's cute.