Chapter 1

Soshi's Tales of The 3 Kingdoms








Chapter 1


Gyeongju, Capital of Silla Kingdom


It’s a one beautiful morning at the Central Market of Gyeongju. Many people crowded the market. Amongst them, there are two tall young girls are walking together along the street. They are busy looking at every vendor while talking animatedly to each other.


“ Hey Unnie, look at this necklace. It’s very pretty. What do you think ? “The shorter ask the taller girl.


“Which one ? Oh, the one at the upper left corner? Yeah, it’s very pretty. Do you want it for yourself, Yoong ? “ The taller girl answers.


“Not for me, but for Umma. She will definitely like it! “


“What? But your Umma already have much jewelry. Your Appa always spoils her. “


“Hahaha…….not just Appa, I like to give presents for her too. You know, Unnie, her reaction is the best! “ Yoong is  telling  this with  twinkles  in her eyes. She loves her family so much, but her Umma is so special !


“Ahjushii, can I look at that necklace ?  Yes, that one over there.  “When the Merchant gave the necklace to the doe eyed girl, she examines the necklace and put it on the taller’s neck.


“Hmm……..very beautiful. What do you think, Unnie ? “ The one called Yoong ask the taller girl.


“Yes, it’s very beautiful. You have sharp eyes, Yoong. Not only for girls, but for jewelries as well, eh ? “ The  tall girl laughed hard.


“I learned from the expert, Unnie ! Hmm…..yup. Girls, jewelries, and food of course ! hahahaha……..“


“Hey Ahjushii, how much is this necklace’s price? “ Yoong asks the jewelry merchant.


“It’ll be 40 silver coins, Miss. “ the Merchant answered.


“Oh, why is it so expensive? Can you give us some discount, Ahjushii ? “ the taller  girl named SooYoung in  their conversation.


“Yes, Ahjushii. Please give us some discounts…….” Yoong also beg, not forget to release her aegyo.


“Oh, it’s just for you two. Sigh……..”


“Okay, you can have this necklace  for 35 silver coins. “ The Merchant finally said.


“Yaay !! Thank you so much Ahjushii ! We’ll tell about your store to our friends. “ Yoong happily answered.


Hearing  this, the Merchant smiles widely, and replies, “ You’re welcome, Miss. And I assure you, I only sell the best jewelries all around this Kingdom. So, my buyer won’t feel disappointed to buy jewelries from me. “

Yoong take out her money pouch, and count the suitable amount of silver coins to hand it over to the merchant.


“Nice doing business with you, Miss. Here’s your necklace, but be careful, there are many evil people around here at this time. “ He warns her.


“Okay Ahjushii. We’ll try to be careful. Thank you. “ The two girls leave the jewelry shop, and continue their stroll.


Next, they stop to look at the clothes store. SooYoung who really like to collect fancy clothes is very happy. Yoong can see that her Unnie’s eyes are shining happily to look at the vast amount of clothes available at the store. Finally, after  around 2 hours look at different clothes, SooYoung  decided to buy a pair of new clothes.

Let out a big sigh of relieved, Yoong smiles happily, and she thought about her family.


I’m lucky that SooYoung Unnie likes to eat a lot. I successfully persuaded her to finish this shopping process quickly. If I go with Umma, different thing will happened. “ She chuckled lowly.


“Okay, Yoong. Now, let’s eat !! “ SooYoung shouts happily, and both of them walk around to find restaurant that pick their interest.


Suddenly, they are being crashed by running men. Both of them fell on their .


“Ouucch !!! Be careful with your running ! “ Yoong shouts, rubbing her as she stood.


“Heyy !!! Use your eyes !! “ SooYoung also shouts angrily, following her friend.


“Sorry, Miss !! We’re in hurry…….” One of the three men who bumped into them replied while still continue his running.


“Geezz…….what a rude guys…..” SooYoung grumbled while patting her pants and shirts from the dust.


“Come on Unnie. I’m hungry ! “ Yoong suggests to the older girl while still patting the dust too.


Finally they find a restaurant that picks their interest. The restaurant is locating at the main road of the market, and it being filled with a lot of guests who want to have lunch in there.


“Look unnie, there are  many guest  in this restaurant. Their food must be very good. Let’s go. “ Yoong suggested.


“Okay. “ SooYoung agree, and they go into the restaurant and take a seat. It’s rather difficult to find empty seat in that restaurant, maybe because it’s lunch time now.


“Okaay…….let’s see. Please give me 4 bowls of white rice, 3 portion of dak galbi, 2 portion of dubuseon, 1 portion of kongnamul, 2 portion of doenjang jjigae, and 3 portions of jajangmyun. Hmm…..anything else, Yoong ? “ The older girl ask the younger.


“Ohh, how about add yakshik as dessert, Unnie ? “ the younger girl suggests.


“Nice Yoong. Okay, waiter. Please add 2 portion of yakshik. For the drink… about yujacha ? “


“Agree ! Yes, Mam. That will be all, for now. Please double her order, because I want the same thing with her. “ The doe eyed girl says to the poor waiter whose eyes are bulging from disbelieve. How can 2 skinny young girls eat that much food by themselves? But, they must follow the guest’s order, so she just shrugs her shoulder, and take their order to the cook.


When all of their orders finish, the waiter must put 2 big tables together so all of their food can put in front of the 2 shikshins.
Already drooling, SooYoung & Yoong start to devour the tasty cuisine in front of them.





Finishing all of their food, the 2 young girls feel very full & happy.

Rubbing her tummy, SooYoung let out a big happy sigh, and says to the younger girl in front of her, “ These food are very yummy. We must go back to eat here again. “


“Yes, let’s bring all of them here. I’m sure  Umma & Appa, Oppa  will enjoy eating here. “ Yoong says happily.SooYoung nodded, and call the waiter to finish their bill.


“All of it will be 4 bronze coins, Miss. “ The waiter says.SooYoung reaches for her money pouch in her pocket, but suddenly her face changes.She’s patting her left pocket, right pocket, inside her tunic, but to no avail. Her money pouch is lost !

She looks at Yoong who observes her confusedly, and mouthed, “My money pouch is lost ! “

Yoong approaching her, and reach for her money pouch, ready to solve the problem.




She can’t find it either !


She’s searching in all of her pockets, but still can’t find it !


“Omo! My pouch is also lost, Unnie ! “ She states. Both of them looking at each other, panicking.


“ Strange !! How can my money pouch lost ? “ SooYoung asks, puzzled.


“Yes, and more strange thing is my money pouch also disappear! “ Yoong responds.


Suddenly an answer is coming to both of them.


“Those damn guys !! “ SooYoung hit her left palm with her right fist.


“They must picked us when they bumped us! “ Yoong states the fact.


“Yeah, they must follow us for some time! “Hearing their conversation, the waiter’s face in front of them become sour. She’s eyeing both of young girls, and clears to stop their conversation.


“So ? Miss ? The payment ? “ she asks.


“Uggh…….Ahjumma. Sorry, we lost all of our money. Can we go back tomorrow to finish the payment ? “ Yoong answers her.


“No ! Do you think that I’ll believe your pity reason ? I’ve met many people who try to fool me before. You just want to eat for free, right ? Just admit it, you rascals ! “


“ What ? No ! Our money really was picked. We never think to deceive you ! “ SooYoung barks back, irritated. Now, their arguing  has already attracted many people’s attention. They are approaching them, and centering around them.


“Just pay your bill now, Missy ! “ The Waiter shouts in anger.


“How can we pay it ? We’ve suggested to pay it tomorrow so we can take our money first, but you didn’t let us to do it. Any other bright ideas, Ahjumma ? Huuh ?? “ SooYoung shouts back.


“Okay. I’ll call the police. You can  sleep at the jail for tonight. Hmmpph……..” The waiter answer back, and ready to go to call the police.


Yoong and Soo are very panic. What can we do ? They ask in their mind, trying to solve the problem.


But suddenly………






“Stop ! “






to be continued...











Chyan here!

Today is my Partner’s birthday! Yaaayyy!!! Congrats, Partner! Wish you all the best! GBU
That’s why I decided to upload this story today. I successfully tricked her to edit & make poster for her own birthday’s present! (Evil grin…….) LOL.

Everybody, please wish her happy birthday, okay? She’s a really nice girl & writer. ^_^

I just heard that VIUSketch01 successfully passed her faculty entrance exam with highest score, and Sokkwan also passed her semester brilliantly with multiple As. I’m so proud of you, my friends. Congrats!! 

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Chapter 2: OWWWHH BOY~! Chyan-sunbaenim, crusoe-sunbaenim, you two back with another collab! I'm dying for Genie for your wish update...

YoonHyun with ancient Korean taste is great! Boy, why didn't i find this earlier? Damn school...-_-

Can't wait for the next!
Jumma! You finally do it, yay~ Good luck yoo!

All Hail TaeNy~