Chapter One


As Exo stepped onto the floor of Sydney Airport, many fans were crowded around them, screaming their bias' names and crying but this all ended when Exo walked into their vans and drove off.

"Aish Jinjja fans..."Sehun mumbled. To Sehun fans were the ones he performed for and the ones who had brought him to the fame he had now but they were also the ones that stalked him all day and night and that he did not like one bit at all!

As they arrived at a relatively large house that was situated in Sydney's koreatown, The exo members gazed out the window looking at the view of the foreign country.


Meanwhile, inside the house was an old couple and a daughter. The family came from a chinese background but living in Australia they knew english. "What?! So some random people are gonna come live with us no me for a few months?" Seoyeon asked. (Seoyeon is korean but can be chinese in case if any of you were wondering. In chinese her name would be translated to Xiu Yin秀音 but because Sehuns korean so yea..heheheh her english name is Sera Lee.) "Yes and while we are gone you have to do all the house chores with them and treat them nicely okay?" her mother told her sternly. " yes" she replied and with that the doorbell rung.


Okay so the first chapter is short but I need to go to sleep now becos I have school tmrwㅠㅜ. I'll briefly do an introduction of myself here:)

My name is Sheran and I'm from Australia. I'm chinese but i speak fluent english, cantonese, most korean and most mandarin. My bias is Luhan and the reason why I used Sehun was becuae I think his image suits this character better. hehehehe off to bed now~ any questions for me pls comment down below!


네 첫 챕터가 올렸어요. 내일 학교가 있어서 좀 자기소개를 할게요. 제이름은 셰란이고요. 호주에서 살고있어요. 중국사람인데 저는 영어, 광등어, 한국어 그리고 중국어를 알아요. 제가 엑소중에 제일 좋아하는 멤버는 루한이에요. 질문이 있으면 코멘트를 하세요! 빠이빠이

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Chapter 2: That was amazing..good story you have here...Fighting...