

Baekhyun comes home to quite the sight.

You are in your room, your stuff is spewed all around. In the middle of your shared bed is an open suitcase, half stuffed with clothes.

“What are you doing?” Baekhyun asks. He’s standing in the doorway, lazily leaning against the frame. He’s dressed in a sharp charcoal gray suit, and his hair is stylishly slicked to the side. He has just come back from an Exo-related event—the same event that lead to you packing up all of your stuff.

“I’m leaving,” you huff, not even looking his way.

He frowns and stands straight, “why?”

“Because, Baekhyun!” You spin to face him. He’s shocked to see the trail of tears down your face. What had happened? “I’m sick and tired of you blatantly cheating on me and acting like it never happened!”

“Really?” Baekhyun asks, his voice rising with anger. “You’re bringing that up again? First you’re looking through my phone, showing me texts of me supposedly planning on cheating on you, and now this? Tell me, what have I done tonight?”

“I saw you on the television with her!” You snap. “Your arm was around her waist and you were whispering in her ear the entire time!”

“That was because it was so loud! I could barely hear my own thoughts, let alone what someone else was saying!”

You just shake your head, “you’re a liar and a cheater, and this was the last straw, Baekhyun. I’m done, I’m leaving.”

He watches you as you zip up the suitcase and stomp past him. After a quick second to process just what exactly is happening, he follows suit.

“So that’s it then?” He calls after you.

You don’t stop walking, “yup.”

“You’re just going to believe what you saw instead of what I told you?”

“Pretty much.”

“You’re going to give up on a good thing? You’re going to give up on us?”

“Please, Baekhyun, you are anything but good.”

“I’m not like your exes.” Baekhyun grabs your arm and yanks you to a stop. He spins you around so that you are facing him and pushes you until you hit a wall. “Why are you so paranoid, ____?”

His voice is a murmur, an embrace, and you slowly relax in his arms. You sniff and hang your head.

“Do you really want to leave me?” He continues, his fingers skimming your sides. “Who else is going to make you feel as good as I do? I know you, ____, inside and out. I know the exact spots that make you purr, the exact spots that make you scream…”

At that moment, he kisses a certain spot on your neck and you yelp. He smirks and chuckles, his point proven.

“I mean, we could take a break, if that’s truly what you want, but there really isn’t a point. I’m not cheating on you, I wouldn’t dream of it.”

“But, on the news—”

“People want to see us fall, ____. They’re jealous of what we have. They’re jealous that you’re mine. They’re trying to break us apart because they know that they’ll never have what we do, but they don’t know you like I do… ____, they’ll never know you.”

“But… you’re never home. I’m lonely too, Baekhyun.”

“I know, and I’m sorry. But I’m here now. We can talk about it right now, Babe.”

You sigh and look at your feet. Baekhyun presses his hips harder onto yours, “do you still want to leave?”

You don’t answer. His tone becomes darker and he presses his body closer to yours. “Like I said, if you honestly don’t want to be with me anymore, if my lifestyle is too much for you, you can go. I won’t stop you if you are truly unhappy. But you’ll have to live with the fact that I’m the best, Baby. There’s no one better than me.”

His nose trails up your neck, and you can feel your legs start to turn into jelly.

“I just don’t want you to hurt me,” you whisper, and his grasp on your hips tighten.

“Baby, don’t worry about it. Don’t even think about it. You worry about the wrong things, you know that?”

He chuckles and you can’t help but to join in. You do admit that you were slowly becoming paranoid when it came to your relationship with Baeks. But it was because he was so perfect and famous and amazing, and you were scared that someone better was going to snatch him from under you. You were setting yourself up for failure, you were handing him over without a fight, letting all the haters win.

They weren’t going to win.

“I love you, ____,” Baekhyun assures you, his fingers knotting in your hair. His voice is deep with lust, “I don’t want anyone else. Even though all we have been doing lately is fighting, there is literally no other person I would rather fight with… As long as we get to make up in the end.”

You can’t help it, you start to cry. He smiles dotingly at you and uses his thumbs to brush your tears away.

“I’m sorry I make you feel as if I’m hiding something from you,” he continues, his hips rolling against yours, and you feel his bulge against you, growing harder by the second. “It wasn’t my intention. Those texts…”

“It doesn’t matter,” you interrupt. His eyes widen with shock and you two stare at each other. You swallow, “it doesn’t matter. I know you’re not cheating on me. I know that you’re doing nothing wrong. You’re right, when you say that it’s what other people are saying. They’re trying to get me to turn on you. They almost won today.”

With that, you two began to kiss passionately. He moans against your mouth and parts your lips, curling his tongue against yours. You two fight for dominance, but he wins. He lifts you up and pushes you back on the wall so hard you wince, but the pain only makes you hornier and you wrap your legs around him, pulling his hardness closer against your core.

You two are a mess, as he rushes you blindly to the bedroom. There are still clothes and other objects strewn all over the bed, but you guys don’t care. You two fall on top of it and continue kissing as Baekhyun slowly starts undressing you two.

Once fully undressed, Baekhyun kisses every inch of you, causing you to squirm.

“Baekhyun…” you breathe, your fingers tightly woven in his hair. He makes a noise from the back of his throat and you continue. “I want you.”

He moves so that he is on top of you, face to face. For a moment, you two are silent as you stare at one another. Finally he opens his mouth and tells you exactly what you needed to hear for the past month, “you have me.”

You guys make love that night, and with it you are reassured that Baekhyun is yours, and he isn’t going anywhere.  



A/N: Whoo. Gotta fan myself off after this one! Sorry it took me a minutes to publish this, but it was worth the wait, right? I love y manly Baekhyun, he's my favorite. Alright, tell me what you thought about it. Chen is next on the list!! Credit to the owners of the gif and pic. 

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Chapter 1: ...That was beautiful... ^^ I'm usually a silent reader and I'm sure there are many silent readers out there too, but just wanted to let you know that I enjoy your writing! :)