Under the Stars (E.DenxAmber)

Amber x ? (AnyBer One Shots and Drabbles)

A/N: If you don't know who E.Den is then I will tell you. He's in k-pop boy group LC9 and is from Canada and also won an Ulzzang contest for Soompi in 2011. 

Okay, that's it. 



We were both from different circles.
We both wanted different things.
Both of us followed different paths.
Though somehow one day when neither of us expected it, we met once again.
She was dressed in leggings and a long shirt that almost reached her knees with black Vans on her feet. I was in my work uniform and a dirty apron. 
She smiled at me and said, “Are you by any chance Jaedyn? You look just like him except... older.”
And by that one question, I was back to feeling what I thought went away.
Two months later found me at her apartment with her and some of her friends, watching a scary movie. She sat beside me and would hold on to my arm whenever she jumped and I found it hard to focus on anything except for the warmth of her body close to mine. 
Two days later we had decided to head out for dinner, only as friends. We headed out of the diner and I noticed it was starting to get late and the sky became darker. 
As we reached our cars I gently grabbed her wrist then let go and she turned to me and gave me a questioning look.
I smiled, “I want to take you somewhere.”
She smiled wide and grabbed onto my outstretched hand towards her.
We both climbed out of my car and I grabbed onto her hand and led her to the middle of the field. 
“Look up.” I said looking at her.
She stared at me for a while before looking up and gasping. I smiled knowingly. This was the same field my Mom had told me Dad had proposed to her at and how whenever she felt sad she would drive here at night and look up at the stars in the sky.
“It's beautiful.” She said as she looked back at me.
I smiled softly, “My Mom has good memories of this place. Makes me wish I could've gotten the chance to get to know my Dad more.”
“I'm so sorry.”
I looked at her and smiled even more, “I want to make my own memories here.”
Her eyebrows disappeared into her bangs, “Like?”
“Well for starters, I always wanted to bring the girl I love here and show her this beautiful scenery.”
She gasped then became quiet then asked, “Wait. Why didn't you bring her? Why did you bring me?”
I chuckled and pulled her into a hug. “I did bring her.” I whispered into her ear.
She pulled away and I could see her eyes shining with unshed tears. “Please don't play with me, Jaedyn. It's not f-”
I leaned in and looked straight into her beautiful brown colored, almond shaped eyes. “I'm not.” 
She seemed to stop breathing for a second before I closed the distance between our lips and finally did the one thing I wanted to do since the last day I saw her at our graduation where I realized I had fallen in love with my friend. 
She didn't respond at first but then slowly melted against me as she wrapped her arms around my neck. 
What was actually less than a minute seemed like an eternity to me. We pressed our foreheads together, staring into each other's eyes and smiling wide. 
“I've waited forever you to do that.” She said, breathless.
That day was when I realized that no matter what paths we took, we would always find each other. She was the one to bring me true happiness as a teenager and she still does to this day.
Today is our wedding day. 
We're saying our vows under the stars in the same field we had our first kiss and where I proposed to her a year after being together. Now it's been two months since that day and I couldn't be happier.
She wanted the wedding to be at night on the beach and say our vows under the stars. 
I turned around to see my Mom standing there and she held a hand over as she let out a sob. I walked over to her and hugged her tightly. “Don't cry, Mom. It's okay.”
She sobbed, “My boy is so grown now.” She pulled away. “I know Amber will make you the happiest man on earth. She's just as beautiful as the last time I saw her. I made her promise to take care of you.”
I smiled at my Mom's words and handed her a tissue, “Mom, I'm already the happiest man on earth. I'm getting married to the love of my life and you're here too.”
She smiled and gave me one last hug before disappearing to go help Amber and her bridesmaids. 
I stood at the end of the cloth laid out in the middle of the chairs on top of the sand beside the man who would be marrying us. Beside me were some of Amber's best friends and my best man who was a good friend of mine. 
When she appeared in front down the aisle made, I was love struck. She was beautiful. I remembered how she had said she didn't want to wear a dress for her wedding and she didn't. She didn't wear a veil. She wore white shorts that went well with the beautiful flower patterned white strapless blouse and attached to her shorts was a trail that looked like she wore a dress if you saw her from behind but it was perfect and unique. Just like her.
The flowers in her hands was arranged with all different kinds of flowers in different colors. And her makeup consisted of only eyeliner and light lipstick. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. 
Her Dad who had been beside her the whole way down, grabbed both of our hands and then placed her's in mine and smiled at me before sitting down beside his wife. She looked up at me and smiled wide and we turned toward the man conducting the ceremony.
Thirty minutes later found us looking at each other as the man asked us each the same question before ending the ceremony.
“Jaedyn, do you take this woman whose hands you now hold, choosing her alone to be your wedded wife? Will you love her, comfort her with kindness, understanding and respect throughout your lives?”
“I will.”
“Amber, do you take this man whose hands you now hold, choosing him alone to be your wedded husband? Will you love him, comfort him with kindness, understanding and respect throughout your lives?”
“I will.”
“Please exchange your vows.”
“Amber. My love. My light. My best friend. I promise to stay by you for as long as life lets us. I will become a better man for you. I will make sure you live in peace and that nothing is left out. Let this day be forever in our memories and a story to tell our future kids when the time comes. My heart has always been and is now forever yours, take care of it.”
“Jaedyn. My best friend. My heart. My hero. I promise to always be by your side no matter what happens or what situation we find ourselves in. I will forever be the one to make you smile when you're upset and comfort you when you're stressed. I wish to tell our future children about our story and how we found each other after five years. My heart as well belongs to you since then and now forever, take care of it.”
After our cute little ring bearer handed our rings then the man said the words I had been waiting so long to hear.
“I happily announce you as husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”
I quickly grabbed her waist and almost slammed my lips on hers as the cheers erupted from the guest and I could hear sobbing that was probably my Mom and her Mother. 
All in my mind at the moment was how much I couldn't wait for our forever to start. As we pulled apart at the same time I looked up and smiled as the stars appeared in the dark sky.
Forever sounds good.



A/N: Hope you enjoyed this. 

I know it's not a ship(yet) but I wanted to do it since I feel like it fit.

I really want to see LC9xAmber interaction but sadly I haven't seen any and now that LC9 and f(x) aren't promoting it's going to take a while. /cries

Also inspiration for this came from Lunafly's song, Stardust. I absolutely love that song! It's so amazing and just perfect. And LC9 and Lunafly are label mates so... See what I did there. Yeah.

I would like to hear any of your suggestions for the next pairing or next theme or anything.

Alrighty. That's it. See you in the next one. 안녕!


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Chapter 4: Hope your gonna write MarkxAmber , too less FF's about them . Fighting
talesfangirl #2
Chapter 2: God has answered my prayers, an LC9 fan ;w; I'm a new fan and I can't find anyone who even knows they exist ;-;
Chapter 4: hey ho hi teehee i kinda noticed a pattern regarding your oneshots haha like amber and the guy separates bc of some reason without them knowing how much they love each other and then time passes by and then they meet and tell each other their feelings and yah haha. they taught a life lesson doe! we all know we have to tell someone we love them before it's too late and time definitely plays a big part in our lives. wAit what is this commentary HAHAHA
AnyBer_Lover #4
Chapter 4: Even though this one shots are sad, I still love it! Could you do Jackson and amber?
Chapter 4: JBer ?
Happy ending i like it...
So worth waiting for :)
Chapter 3: I think this is not krisber but layber..
I hate kris in this story :3
Chapter 2: Thats called perfect match...
This is so sweet, <3 it
Chapter 1: The first one shot is too sad T.T
Regret is the most painfull thing ...

Im crying...
ShidaM #9
Chapter 4: I think for the next Got7xAmber you should do JacksonxAmber. And thanks for the chapter! Good to have you back. :)
hikka000 #10
Chapter 3: You made me cried *sob
I feel sad for lay too... *sob again