Bulletproof Apples Roleplay┊LEDApple+BTS Wanted┊ + Yuri is allowed┊...Hyomin will Twerk 4u┊Calls for Chanyeol, GIRLS DAY nAOW┊




Bulletproof Apples RP

Feed Hanbyul, be fabulous,
Help Jimin find his babies,
And protect your goodies from Youngjun

Learn to do these things,
and you will be ready to join
the crazy family of BARP! 

Opened 131016  ♡

Follow the rules please

001. Please subscribe and upvote!
002. One account per person.
003. Please be active at least 3 times a week. Please inform the admins if you're going on hiatus or a semi-hiatus. Hiatus can last for one month. Semi-hiatus can last for two months, but you must be active at least once a week.
004. No OOC drama is allowed at all.
005. only in PM please or in the group! 
006. Only add BARP members that have been added by the admins!
007. Password: What sessi idol are you obsessing over right now?
008. and yuri are accepted!
009. Accept the love of your sesshi men admins!
010. Have fun!


How to join

001. Read all of the rules.

002. Check the masterlist and the wishlist to make sure the character you want is available!

003. Comment below "(Character's Name) will feed Hanbyul" along with the password and if you'd like to be added in the group.

004. Wait for an admin to accept you. Then you have 3 days to make your account and add all of the admins. The admins will add you to the groups once you've added them.

005. Add ✪BARP✪, character's age, and character's full name to your bio. Please make your account "friend's only".


the y admins 


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dahyun_ #1
V Will feed Hanbyul!

+ Bts, they all so shi, And yush, add me juseyo~
Yura will feed Hanbyul

+ teen top's l.joe ( group, yes pls)
NoMoreFears #3

Kyungsoo here!~
NoMoreFears #4
Kyungsoo (D.O.) will feed Hanbyul.

-EXO's Xiumin and Lay ;; (Yes to the group~)
Hyemi hurrrr~
Hyemi will feed Hanbyul
//:Ledapple o u o
(Plz add me in the group.Also I'm applying for 9muses Hyemi.im just saying it because there are a lot of Hyemis lol)
Hyeri will feed Hanbyul

- exo's kai.
Krystal will feed hanbyul

+ sehun exo?? (( p/s: I still have final exam until sunday next week ..so can I reserve krystal?? ))

Chapter 3: gwangyeon will feed hanbyul.

the boys of ledappletbqh >w<(suresureiscool)