Final. One Shot.

You're my inspiration.

"Argh, I hate this so much! I am not doing this anymore, this is so frustratingggggg!" Luhan whined loudly as he threw his pen and ruffled his hair. Chuckling, Veronica took a quick glance on his writing pad. Still blank. Ha, he had written nothing for the past two hours. Indeed, no one was perfect. Even the school's most popular kid had his weakness too. Known as the ‘Perfect Flower Boy’, Luhan was a really outstanding guy in our school, or in fact, he was known as the epitome of every girl’s Prince Charming. Yet, as perfect as Luhan could be, there would certainly be something that he was weak in, and that was definitely writing. The perfect lad was practically good in everything, basketball, guitar, piano, studies, everything. Except writing. Perhaps it was the lack of interest, perhaps it was his inborn trait, perhaps it was the rigidity of this subject, but whatever it was, Luhan was certain that he loathed writing. Yet, ironically, writing was his academic course, a course that he had to take and suffer for two years. Ha, how silly.


Of a totally contrast with Luhan, Veronica adored writing, so much so that she could never live without writing. Veronica herself had no idea why too, but writing was really therapeutic for her. She adored the familiar scent of papers and distinct sounds of scribbling. She loved the euphoric moment when inspiration gushed in. She enjoyed the serenity that lingered around her when she allowed herself to be indulged in the fantasy world of writing, where reality was not this stark and harsh. It was just so amazingly great to her. The best part? Writing could never be boring, at least to Veronica. 


"Yahhhhh, do you think I should switch course now? Is it too late?..." Luhan pouted cutely as he drew multiple circles on his bare writing paper. Slightly shocked and amused by his question, Veronica lifted her eyebrows and gave him the are-you-kidding-me stare. It had been almost six months since the duo were enrolled into Creative Writing. Veronica knew from the start that Luhan hated writing, well, his attitude towards Creative Writing showed it all. Yet, the thought of Luhan transferring to another course had never once crossed her mind, perhaps she was too comfortable with his accompany that she had never imagined them being separated in two different classes. Still pouting, Luhan nodded apologetically, "You know that too... I really hated writing!" Veronica sat straight up and pushed her spectacles up, trying to act like a professor, "Oh well, sure you could! But please do be aware that the half year spent here will be wasted!" 



"Wowwwwwwwww!" Luhan subconsciously gasped in admiration and awe as he flipped through the pages of the EXO magazine, a school magazine that showcased literacy works of students. Just as he was flipping through the marvelously written book, a page caught his eyes. He slowly scanned through the content, totally spellbound and amazed by how beautifully written it was. He carefully looked into every single word, the vocabulary the choice of words used in this essay were beyond amazing. He scrutinized the essay, trying to find flaws in it. But nothing. Nothing at all. No grammatical errors, no punctuation mistakes, no wrong sentence structure. Amazing. Luhan gasped, it had been ages since he last read such a beautiful essay like this, even the journals that the professors had written were not as perfect as this was. Interested in knowing the writer of this wonderful essay, Luhan searched through the content page and to his wildest imagination, it was actually Veronica, his best friend of which had 5 years of camaraderie with him! Though Luhan and Veronica had known each other for many years, Luhan had never once read the artworks of Veronica's. He was not at the very least interested in her writing though Veronica did persuade her best friend to read her essays; Luhan would simply push that idea away, so much so that Veronica had given up in asking him to read her essays. She probably figured out that she would save her essays to the right person who would appreciate it more than Luhan. Yet, ironically, the person who hated literature, the person who could not be bothered with Veronica's writing, had now fallen so deep in love with Veronica's writing. 


Days and weeks after Luhan had read Veronica’s writing, he had been searching for more of her masterpieces. It was not a tough feat anyways. Known to be one of the best writers, Veronica had written many wonderful essays that had been asked to showcase in different magazine sources, not just on EXO Magazine. Thankfully, this wide spread of artwork allowed Luhan to be fully indulged in the beauty of Veronica’s writing. Gradually, Luhan found himself immersing in her writing, as though Veronica had some sort of black power on Luhan. The fact that Luhan hated writing and reading was already a strong attestation that he would not lay his eyes on any single essay, yet Veronica’s ones were different. They became Luhan’s daily dose of addiction; he had to read her essays every single day. Soon, Luhan found himself liking writing more and more, so much so that he began to write willingly.


Like the saying, “Practice makes perfect”. The countless nights and endless attempts of writing essays finally grew fond on Luhan. He could finally write, well not to the exact that he could write proliferate portentously, but the fact that he could actually write without whining was already impressive enough. To be very honest, though Luhan was really weak in his vocabulary and mastery of grammar, he had really good ideas. All of them were of love and romance though. Nevertheless, his ideas was intricately attractive. And intricately interesting too, for they were sprouted from the thoughts of Veronica. Veronica was absolutely clueless about Luhan’s writing, not to mention, about the fact that she was Luhan’s inspiration. She knew nothing about Luhan writing about her, and solely her. Yet, she could sense the distinct difference in Luhan as compared to three months back, the once lazy and demanding Luhan who had once complained about switching course had miraculously changed into a studious and diligent student who often engaged in writing. That change was significant though Veronica was still hidden from the shroud of secrecy.



Finally, the day had arrived. The day when hundreds and thousands of students anticipated so much for. The day when the hall would be filled with laughter, cries and shrieks. The day when everyone graduated. After spending four years in here, experiencing bittersweet memories, everyone finally graduated. Loud cheers and claps flooded the entire theatre, almost covering the sounds of soft sobbing by a couple of girls who were unhappy over this separation. In the midst of crowd and loud noise, Luhan spotted Veronica. It was not tough to spot her anyways, Luhan had seen this familiar face for years. What more, she was too stunning to be hidden in the crowd. Smiling, Luhan walked towards her. Veronica was busy chatting with the senior teachers, with her hands full of beautiful roses and lilies, they were all gifts from her supportive readers and admirers. Taking a peek through the side of her eyes, Veronica instantaneously spotted Luhan walking towards her. She too, could spot Luhan easily, even in this huge crowd. Perhaps, this was telepathy. Bowing politely to the teachers, Veronica excused herself.


Fastening her steps, Veronica walked towards Luhan and gave him a tight hug, “Congratulation! I am so happy for you!” She then gave a small peek on Luhan’s face, feeling really happy and thankful for her best friend’s achievement. Luhan had been selected by a prestigious university, for his writing had been recognized and widespread among schools.


Rubbing his neck sheepishly, Luhan replied, “Ahhh. It’s nothing. It’s just…”


“YAHHH What do you mean by nothing?!! EXO university, the top university in the entire of Republic Korea invited you to their school! How is this nothing?” Veronica snapped Luhan’s conversation and hit her best friend’s head lightly.


Luhan gave a slight nod, he was too nervous to react upon what Veronica was saying, for his entire mind was now only concerned about how he should confess. Cold sweats cascaded down his forehead as he clenched his fists nervously. He had no idea how a confession should work, he never made a confession before anyways. The fact that he would be confessing to his best friend scared him more, he was so worried about the outcome. Yet, whatever it would take, Luhan knew that he had to confess today. It would be now or never. He would not know what would happen after today, Veronica and him would probably be separated into different schools, chasing after different dreams. He could no longer see her every day in uniform, chatting with him and making his favorite lunch. She could no longer nudge him out of sleep during lessons when he was in his fantasy world. They could no longer hang out together after school, spending their afternoon walking around the neighborhood aimlessly while occasionally seeking for new mischievous acts. Everything would be over after today, except one: Luhan’s love for Veronica. And the only way for it to continue, was for the receiver to reciprocate her feelings back.


“This… this is … is …. for you…” Luhan stuttered nervously as he opened up his bag and passed Veronica a small box. The box was nicely wrapped in pink stripes, with a cute ribbon tied neatly at the side. Veronica smiled and received it with a happy heart, she thought that it was just a simple farewell gift that her best friend had specially prepared for her. “Thank you my dear!” Veronica smiled sweetly to Luhan before opening the content. Luhan stood there froze, he tried to smile back, but the nervousness in him was so enormous that they out all his strength. He looked at Veronica intently, he wanted to make sure that he did not miss her reactions, for he knew that Veronica’s first reactions would say everything about her true feelings, and that was exactly what Luhan wanted to know.


Slowly and carefully, Veronica untied the ribbon. She did not want to destroy the beauty of this really wonderful gift from her dearest friend. It could be a necklace, it could be a series of her favorite idols’ photocards, it could be the new collection of merchandises, Veronica thought to herself excitedly. She naively thought that the gift would be a mere present that could be easily bought by money. Yet, what appeared in front of her eyes would perhaps be the most shocking event that her wildest imagination would never puzzle them to. It was a simple book, one that had a typical black cover and thick pages. Nothing special about it, in fact, it looked as though it was a cheap notebook that the school bookstores would sell. Slightly amused by it, Veronica opened the book and scanned through the content. She must be surprized, for she would never imagine Luhan to give such an ordinary gift, a simple notebook, she thought. As she slowly read through every single page of the content, the truth slowly unraveled. Veronica could feel a tug in her heart, yet there was a pang of happiness that surged through her body, giving her warmth and happiness. She continued reading the book, totally ignoring Luhan’s presence. She could not help it, the content of the book was far too interesting that she never wanted to let down the book. Luhan stood there silently, he did not utter a single word, nor did he signal Veronica for attention. He watched how happy and peaceful she looked as her pair of beautiful eyes deciphered the words on the notebook for her. Luhan was glad that Veronica did not speak, she did not have to anyways. Her reactions gave it all away, she was happy with the book, and she was in total love with the content of the book. Without a doubt, it succeeded.


Flipping the last page of the book, Veronica finally put the book down and stared at Luhan. “You have been writing about me for a year?” She asked softly, perhaps too shy and happy to comprehend what she had just seen.


Luhan nodded, his doe-like eyes sparkled with excitement and happiness. “Yes. You’re my inspiration, you’re my source of writing.” Luhan confessed slowly, making sure that every single word spoke was audible for Veronica to hear. “I like you, for years.”


Veronica looked at Luhan, her eyes were b with tears. She had never thought that this day would come, that the status of her crush/bestfriend would change, and this was probably the best gift that she could ever receive. Veronica loved Luhan too, for years too, to be exact. Yet, she fathomed that she could never get him, for Luhan had such a huge base of admirers and she was nowhere attractive to emerge victorious about those admirers. With that, she pushed the thoughts of being together with Luhan. She did not want to ruin the friendship between them, she reckoned that seeing Luhan by herself would be good enough. Nevertheless, her love for Luhan had never depleted. Instead, it grew stronger and stronger with every new day, but her love for him had never surfaced. Until today. 


With tears still b in her eyes, Veronica whispered, “Me too.”  

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ExOtIc43v4 #1
I loved every word of it <3
Chapter 1: Oh my ajfnsodndfaozndid gosh this is PERFECT!!! It was worth the wait oh my gosh I'm in class right now and I'm blushing like an idiot. My classmate was nudging my arm a whike ago. I'm reading through my phone and OH MY GOSH THIS IS UGH I'm probably gonna get caught but IDC hihi :) thank you so much! I loved it!~