Dive in

Taking You Back

“ It seem you’re not recovering Mr. Park.” Dr Choi took note on his pad as he sat across Chanyeol who had his pairs of long legs on the table.

Chanyeol hung his head up high, staring at the ceiling, ignoring the gentleman whom had seem to be talking by himself for hours.

Dr Choi – aka Choi Minho is in charge in Chanyeol’s abnormal condition.

Minho sigh heavily before throwing his papers and pen on the table. “ Mr. Park, I’m not going to leave until you answer me.”

“ That table is expensive.” Chanyeol pull his legs down and walks away.

 “ What are you waiting Mr. Park?” Dr. Choi asked suddenly.

Chanyeol turns his heel and finally look at him.

“ Who are you waiting for? Mr. Park.” The way Dr. Choi looked at Chanyeol is judgmental. “ Was it Kris Wu? Your cousin, your best friend beside Mr. Baekhyun. The one whom everyone said too to be dead.”

“ That was rude of you. Yifan was missing.” Chanyeol grab Mr. Choi collar.

The maids gaps and stood frozen, fearing of what comes next.

“ I hate repeating. He’s missing. My cousin, Kris is missing.” Chanyeol stressed.

“ I’m correct it seems. You have been waiting for him.” Minho slaps his hands away. “ Thank you Mr. Park and a very good night.” He added before exiting the mansion, leaving it’s master froze on his feet.

“ Psycho.” Chanyeol cursed.

Minho place his bag beside the passenger’s seat before he buckle up. Step on the gas freely exiting the mansion’s gate and only to stop in front the red light. Passing his time for the green light, he glance at his bag, thinking deep in his thoughts. Feeling anxious and frustrated, he decided to pull his car over start digging his bag for something.

Dr. Choi pulled out the file and stares at it, placing his thumb under his chin. To read or not to read, the file labeled , Kris Wu Yifan. Finally making up his mind, he flip open the first page.

 Name : Kris Wu Yifan, Kevin Wu (Missing)

Birth Date:  November 6th

Race: Chinese-Korean

Nationality: Canadian

Parents : Father: Wu JunYi (Dead)

                Mother: ParkYurin (Dead)


  • Was born in Canada and raised by parents
  • Moved to China and lived with his grandmother when the Wu died in an accident when he was 5.
  • Hold the inherent of the whole Wu Cooperation after his parents’ dead and only had full rights until age 22.
  • Graduated E Primary
  • Graduated X Middle School
  • Graduated O High School
  • Attend M University
  • Was reported missing on May 13th on early morning, was believed lost contacted since May 10th. Was told indirectly to go for a trip by never stated where, May 2nd .


Minho close the file and sigh. “ May 13th ,huh …”








May 13th morning, Kris was reported missing for almost a week.










May 13th … the evening Baekhyun was reported dead.










May 13th … the day Chanyeol changed completely.




Happy to soulless

Obedient to rebel

Polite to rude

Kind to cruel

A top student to a nobody.








All because he lost two of his most important person in the world in a day, May 13th.





Chanyeol sat on top of the balcony, looking at Baekhyun’s picture, seated perfectly on the coffee table. There's black stain and burn mark on the picture. It was the only picture of him after the mansion was burnt. He looked down a played the bracelet in his hand. Made from platinum, shaped like a star. Chanyeol never understand,


"Yeobo, if you miss me, use this." Baekhyun put the braclet between his palm and fold his fingers togerther.


Chanyeol will never know what the smaller means. It's just a bracelet of Baekhyun. He can never use it as it's just a chain of remeberance of the petite. But Chanyeol never complains, he will always take them wherever he goes, as a comfart to himself Baekhyun is there for him. 


Gentle wind blew past and the bell sang a soft melody. Chanyeol took a deep breath and closes his eyes as he count …








“ Yeollie.”


Slowly open his eyes only to see Baekhyun behind the coffee table with both hands behind him, wearing all white. He mumble curses as this scene had been repeating over and over again like a curse. Baekhyun move closer to him and cares cheeks. Chanyeol doesn’t move, he let Baekhyun does whatever he wants by staring the smaller’s pair of jewels. Baekhyun run his hands south. Stop when he reach Chanyeol chest, the place where the heart is at.


“ Why are you doing this to me?”

Baekhyun hums and tiled his head innocently.

Chanyeol reach his hands. “ This.” he passes through Baekhyun just like that. “ Why? Why can I see you but I can’t feel you? Why can’t I get you out of my mind? Why can’t I hate you? Why are you doing this to me? Why didn't you run? Why didn't you tell me? Just WHY?!” frustrating indeed.

Swiftly, Beakhyun snakes his arms around Chanyeol’s neck, leaning closer to him and whisper…












“ … Because I’m a fragment of your memories…”







Just like that, Baekhyun disappeared in thin air. Bit by bit, like ashes, the wind blew him away. Chanyeol never blinks as he witnesses what falls in front his eyes. “ I ing hate you,”

He hated it. He hate the way Baekhyun always leave him just like that. He hate it most Baekhyun tells him something, he couldn't understand what he meant. Slowly closes his eyes, tears tricks down from his cheeks to his jawline. Taking one last deep breath, he leans backwards until he falls. He wished the wind would take him away, just like how they took Baekhyun away…





Chanyeol leans in lazily on the water as he stares at the beautiful night view above him. He's tired, very tired. Breathing in one long breath, he slowly sinks in, wanted to be surrounded by calming cool water.


"Chanyeol you idoit! Put me down!" Baekhyun sheirks, punching the idoit tree to put his feet on the ground.

"Are you sure, yeobo?" the said man turn a little at the small boy on his shoulder.

"YES! I'm ing sure, now bloody put me down!" he threw a kick.

"Okay." Chanyeol lets go, grining at the scream and coherent words coming out from the smaller followed by big splash from the pool.

Baekhyun gapes in air as he resurfaced "YEOL! I'm going to cane you!"

"In coming!" ignoring the smaller screams, Chanyeol threw himself in, landing towards the pissed boy who sheirks again as the gaint flew above him.

Baekhyun shut his eyes real tight, bubbles of air leaks from the corner of his mouth. He was off gaurd and shock when a hand grips his arm tightly. Chanyeol swims towards his lovers and pulls him in, smashing their lips together. The smaller clawed his back, leaving a long ulgy mark. More air bubble came out from his lips as he moans aloud in the water. The giant grins at his cute lover, transfering air to his lover by lips, blowing in through mouth. Baekhyun shot his eyes open, sheirking again. Chanyeol pulls their lips apart, smilling idioticly at his pissed princess. Before Baekhyun could hit him, Chanyeol grabs the smaller's curvy waist and helped them to the surface.

Baekhyun never thought he'd need oxygen more than he ever. He in air when he made contact with dryland, digging his nails into Chanyeol's shoulder as the tall man lift him up between his waist. Chanyeol looks up at his beautiful boyfriend. His milky skin glows with the help of the water and sunlight, shining behind him. And that lip, so pink and juicy lip, parted a gasping for air waiting to be kissed and abuse.

"That's what you get for ignoring me." Chanyeol whisper againts his ear, leaving butterfly kisses around the smaller cheat in an act calming his cute lover.


"Master." Chanyeol slowly open his eyes, watching Taeyeon smilling at him from above, holding towels and a pair of change. Sighing, he lift himself out from water, sitting on the edge. Taeyeon quickly wraps him, not wanting Chanyeol catching cold. "You should stop jumping from the second floor Chanyeol, it's dangerous." Chanyeol stares at the water, drying himself.

"Miss Yura called." said Taeyeon, gaining full attention from her master. Her lips curled up proudly.


"They're coming back."

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Exofanland #1
Chapter 23: Hold on , you updated.Hahahahah this is the best day of my life. I'm not even ashamed with the amount of comments I made. I'm glad yre back. Please keep updating so I don have to make up an endin for this story in my head...imaginally
Exofanland #2
Chapter 22: By now, you can also see that I really love your story and that I have left many comments, asking you for an update. But of course, the story were so slowly updated that it's coming to a hiatus and then to a complete stop. For a along while, I was very disappointed that the story doesn't have an ending and so for all that time, I've been thinking whether I should ask your permission, to complete this story. I hesitated before because I was inexperience and you said you would continue the story. But now it different. I want to ask- no, beg you to give me your permission to complete this story for you. Of course, I will mention you as the original author and I won't change any of your words. I just want to end this story for you. Even though it might not be now, since I still have to finish my other stories, But for sure, I will start it as soon as possible. I am asking for your permission now because I'm afraid you would delete your story along with your account later on. I am asking your permission now, so that even when you are gone, I'll still have your permission to complete this story. I don't this to be a copy right problem. I simply admire your work and is will to share your master piece to other readers.

If you see this message at all, then please give me your blessing or at least give me some kind of respond. In the near future, if you are to see your story under my name, just know that I am not stealing, but simply sharing your story to other readers.
Exofanland #3
Chapter 22: By now, I don't even know if you are still on Asianfanfic or not. A much as I want to ask you for an update, I can't because I'm not sure if you're still here. You probably have a reason for a hiatus or stop writing this story, but whatever it is, I hope that this story have an ending. By that, I mean that you can find someone to finish your story and if not, I would ask for your permission to complete this story for you.

Of course, if you ever see this message and grand me your permission to continue this story, i would love it if you can explain to me the ending of this story, the purpose of your ending and how the end is suppose to end.
Exofanland #4
Chapter 22: Uhm.... Are you going to ever update this story. This is a work of art
Exofanland #5
Chapter 22: Uhm when will you update?
Chapter 22: I like this story so much... pwease update soon...
Exofanland #7
Chapter 22: I really think your story deserve more subscribers and upvote. This is too good and more ppl should read it. By the way, can I recommend your fanfic in my fanfic?
Exofanland #8
Chapter 22: Can you. It end it yet please???? This is way tooooo Gud to end!!! Oh gosh please don't end it. Please keep updating instead!! N
Exofanland #9
Chapter 21: Just wanted to tell you that I luv this story and I'm already putting it in my reread list. This is one of the best that i've read
NynaEXO #10
Chapter 21: Next update~hohoho