
Coffee Shop




Youngjae opened his eyes to the morning sunlight that managed to slip through the tiny cracks of his blinds. He slowly got out of bed checking his phone for the time and put on the clothes he had laid out the other night. He threw on his dark red sun hat and jacket before locking his apartment door and heading out to the street. He walked by the familiar buildings, as he hummed to himself and admired the scenery. Beautiful and bright colored trees and piles of crisp dark red, and deep orange leaves filling the corners of the streets.


He knew that once again Fall had come.

Summer, Winter, Spring and Fall why was it that time went by so fast, but he was still stuck at the same place?

He walked into the tiny coffee shop at the end of the street, the familiar aroma of coffee filling the air, the barista who he had known for so long already had his coffee prepared, he quickly payed for the coffee and brought it to the seat by the window. He could still see his last lover in his white t-shirt and sneakers sipping on his latte sitting in the spot in front of him even though it had been so long, he can’t forget the memories and without knowing he came here once again, waiting for someone who would never come.

Like how the strong aroma of coffee disappears eventually, he had aswell and Youngjae had become indifferent.

He no longer cried while watching sad movies, and slept well at night, he could laugh and smile when hearing his name but sometimes he wondered. Are you well? Do you still not like pickles?

He pulled out his earphones plugging them into his ear and blasting his favorite song, he leaned against the sunny window, tapping his fingers on the table along to the beat and staring out the window, watching the people walk by and leaves fall from the trees.

Summer, Winter, Spring and Fall, everything was changing but something kept bringing him back to this tiny little coffee shop.

The memories still remained and even though he had thought he got over it, he couldn’t forget about him, so without knowing like a habit he came here every day hoping that maybe he would see him again, but deep down he knew he wouldn't because Daehyun was gone.


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pyeontae #1
Chapter 1: HEY YOU'RE GOOD OMG IM GLAD I STUMBLED UPON YOUR FICS I like how you managed to keep this melancholic tone throughout the whole story c: sorry for the short comment im kinda in a rush D; I look forward to reading your other stories!
cheesecakesoulmusic #2
Chapter 1: WAAAH AUTHORNIM :((. My poor youngjae it's
Okay I'm sure Daehyun is watching over you from above