I know


It was too late at night, however, when he came as Kyuhyun's room was already dark with only the night light on. Siwon carefully kneeled down on the bed to level him with Kyuhyun's sleeping face. The maknae was lying on his stomach and his arm sprawled at the side. His mouth was slightly open as he snored. Siwon had to stop his self from cooing loudly as he found his boyfriend adorably sleeping. Then he remembered how busy the maknae's schedule was.

"Kyu?" Siwon softly said. He repeated once more but only received light snores as reply. "My Kyu imust have been very, very tired. You're snoring too much." He chuckled.

"Hyun.." Kyuhyun mumbled. His eyes were still closed as Siwon waited for him, expecting him to wake up. But Kyuhyun just stirred and continued sleeping.

"Baby? Are you awake?" Siwon said. "Sorry I'm late, but I'm home now."

Few seconds passed and then Kyuhyun sleepily replied. "Welcome..back.."

Then it occurred to Siwon that the maknae must be sleeptalking. His eyes smiled in amazement as he didn't know Kyuhyun would sleeptalk like this. But the thought of Kyuhyun pranking him also came. To check out which is true, he decided to ask questions again. Siwon sat on the floor and rested his chin on his arms as he stared at Kyuhyun's face, inches away from him.

"I love you." He whispered.

After a few stable breathing Kyuhyun replied. "I know..".

“You’re supposed to say ‘I love you too’.” Siwon smiled and let his fingers brush Kyuhyun's face. It was warm and soft and he wondered why Kyuhyun wouldn't wake up. He hummed a few notes of some song as he watched the maknae sleep. The thought of going home had kept him awake for hours and he wasn't near being sleepy yet. Half of him was disappointed for coming home to an already sleeping boyfriend but half of him was comforted by Kyuhyun’s sleeptalking.

“You know, it was fun in Hongkong.” Siwon said in a low voice. “I could go anywhere and the locals were nice. The fans were also helpful. They even got me a hotpot!”

He laughed when he remembered some fans pointed him to a good hotpot restaurant and some even brought him hotpot in the hotel. He might have looked strange, talking to a sleeping person but it was all he could think of at the moment.

“Maybe we could stay there next time. Or we could go to Europe? What do you think, baby?” His thoughts began to work out plans for a European vacation together with Kyuhyun and excitement ran through him.

“..rope” Kyuhyun’s distinct voice sounded on Siwon’s ears and he was alert again.

“What rope?” He asked as he brushed away stray strands of Kyuhyun’s hair from his face. “Oh, Europe? So you want to go to Europe then? Alright, we can do that. Just the two of us, travelling all over Europe together…”

Siwon could have sworn that Kyuhyun’s lips looked, for a second, like smiling.”Kyu.. are you-“ He was about to ask again if the maknae was really sleeping but decided against it. “Anyway, Kyu, we have to plan our Europe trip as soon as possible. When you’re awake, okay?”

He paused trying to get another reaction from Kyuhyun and then continued again. “I really missed you.. a lot. I was hoping you’d still be awake when I come back, though. Guess you’re too tired. Should we talk to manager and let your schedule lax a bit? I’m worried about you not getting enough sleep.”

Siwon’s last words hit him and made him laugh a bit as he remembered. He bet Kyuhyun would have reacted to it as well. “I know, I make you sleep less too. But it’s more fun with me, right?”



“..mmn” Kyuhyun mumbled and Siwon already knew.

“It’s.. It’s fine. The therapist from Hongkong was really helpful and he gave me tips on how to do therapies.”


Siwon held Kyuhyun’s hand near him and kissed it, assuring he was fine. “It hurts sometimes, but it’s getting better. Promise.”

He felt a slight tension on Kyuhyun’s hand and he knew that the maknae was quite worried. But he can’t let his weakness show in front of Kyuhyun, not now, maybe. However, Siwon suddenly had that itching feeling of letting all out his emotions. He felt desperate all at once. Desperate to tell Kyuhyun everything – the sadness of being the only one to be in Hongkong, the happiness and excitement of filming with different foreign actors, the physical pains of being weary at the end of the day, and then his joy when he knew he was going back home. He was too desperate that he couldn’t help but press his face on Kyuhyun’s hand, close his eyes and will himself from giving up.


“..hyung, get up”

Siwon couldn’t bear to speak up since he was afraid his voice will crack and tears will fall so he stayed still.

“..bed.. with me”

As if Kyuhyun’s voice controlled him, Siwon obeyed and carefully lied on the bed while Kyuhyun shifted and spooned himself with the man.

Siwon forgot when Kyuhyun’s snores had stopped sounding. All he could hear was their breathing and the ticking sound of the clock at the table near them.

“Hyung, you should rest more. Stop working for a while and, like this, sleep with me.. I love you. Just.. stay with me like this..” Kyuhyun’s raspy voice whispered. Siwon listened closely. “E-even when I’m sleeping.”

When Siwon’s arms tightened slightly around Kyuhyun, the maknae’s grip on the man tightened as well. Maybe it was because both of them felt awkward or embarrassed to talk about their stories that they had to tell it indirectly and without looking each other in the eye. But somehow, both of them were on the same page. Both of them understood what each other’s gestures meant. Even without Kyuhyun having to formally converse with Siwon, it was alright. Maybe they just needed each other and everything will be solved. It was a ‘maybe’ that Siwon felt to be real. And Siwon was thankful again that he had Kyuhyun.

“You’re not sleeping, aren’t you?”

“I… I’m sleeping”

“What you said earlier was a bit longer-“


Siwon laughed and kissed the back of Kyuhyun’s shoulder. He was tempted to see Kyuhyun’s embarrassed face but decided not to ruin their moment. And as he said goodnight, Kyuhyun murmured something else that made Siwon sure that he wasn’t and never will be alone.


“Siwon hyung?  I’m sorry I wasn’t there to take care of you. Please don’t be sad, you’re here now. I’m here now.” Kyuhyun’s eyes were still closed but his hands on Siwon’s arms were firm. He said the words slowly and surely. “I love you..”

“I know that.” Siwon replied with a renewed smile.

“You’re supposed to say ‘I love you’ back..”

“And you’re supposed to be sleeptalking..”

Siwon can imagine Kyuhyun glaring at him for his pun. All his anxiety and worries were suddenly forgotten and he was laughing and basking at Kyuhyun’s assurance. And before Kyuhyun was able to reply, Siwon kissed him on the back of his head and whispered, “I love you, too, Kyu.”

Siwon was sure that he heard Kyuhyun giggle a bit and it was like they were in love with each other all over again.

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Chapter 1: Wow your stories are good. Why i only find you now??
Luhma1817 #2
Chapter 1: A delight to read this cuteness, it could only be those two.
Juliet8 #3
Chapter 1: this is so sweeeeeettt of wonkyu. i hope they always stay strong...
Angela17 #4
Chapter 1: This is soooo lovely and sweet... I don't know why i just read this now, but i'm glad.. Hope you will keep continue to write WonKyu fics in the future...
shahielol #5
Chapter 1: Cheesyy but cute at the same time..
Chapter 1: I dont have enough fluffy words to tell u how much i enjoyed this story. I luved the sleeptalking, shy, kyunni part. This boy just doesnt have it in him to do anything cheesy. Aigooo~~~

Siwon is a dear, but stop making ppl around u worry >'<

Thanx for a cute story. Hwaiting ^_^
Chapter 1: And it's absolutely true that we are wks are fallin in love with this otp again :')

Your story sooooo so so cuuuuuuute :D Thanks for writing!
Mydeluluworld #8
Chapter 1: This is so sweet.. Happy Wonkyu day even is too late for saying. we love Wonkyu so much^^