o1; black heart

ride or die | one shot collection ♡

characters: woohyun + chorong



Breathless. Locked. Lost. 

The words that can describe what she felt. 

Comfort. Touch. Warmth. 

The words who she aimed for, the love she needed.

She didn't know, where or why or how -- she simply knew she was there, standing up, with nothing around her. Maybe just the wind, the one who would mess around her, making her hair fly in a gentle kind of flawless way. The green around her and under her feet would fit perfectly in the portrait she had in her mind, to die between life. To die between peace. She was feeling some what secure even though, she forgot what secure was. She forgot what love was. 

Did she ever knew?

That's the real question. So, how can you miss something you never had? Something you never learned. 

Facts, realism, history. That was what her father loved, to be real, to deny feelings and emotions, forgetting a kid needs love. Forgetting every kid needs father love. 

Her mom? Easy.

She was gone, gone after leaving her alone in this world full of mean people.

Full of egos, characters and terror. Leaving her alone to survive.

How is that fair? How is it fair to just leave. 


Maybe she left because of her. Maybe her mom was dead because of her. After all, everyone thought like that, uncle Kim, aunt Mary and even grandpa and grandma. They all hated her. Or that was what she thought. She thought everyone hated her. She thought she wasn't needed.

"Why does anyone need a kid who doesn't know how to love?"

Right. No one. No one needs her and she doesn't need anyone, she thinks. Obviously she's wrong. 

She needs warmth, touch and comfort. She needs to learn how to love, but who could possible love someone like her. 

Someone who heart is dark, who mind is broke and whose heart is black? Who could possible love someone, who doesn't love herself? Who finds her a wrong creature? Someone who wasn't meant to be born? Someone who never tasted love?

How does one learn to love her?

Well. He did.

He fell in love with her.

Who is him? She didn't know either. She met him in that same place, in that green grass, in that big old place, some escape, a place no one would go there. Well, no one but them.

"Who are you?" the question who made everything happen, who made him want to know about her, to know about every little detail of her. He was a bright guy, the contrast of her. He had a good family, not rich. No one was rich around that village. But they were together and they loved each other as a family should love. Right? 

He was bright. He was her light. He became her light. 

Ah. It hurt. It hurt to think of him again. 

He would go there every day, even if to just sit next to her, even if to just watch her look blankly to the big river who moved through the mountains. Even if to just observe her lost expression yet beautiful, beautiful face. 

"Why?" she would ask. She was curious.

From day one she wanted to know, why he cared? Why he cared for her? When she was just, she was just blank. She had no feelings, no heart, not even smiles. She forgot how to smile.

"I don't know" he would say. "I just like you" 

How? So easily. How did that happen? From where? From what? How? She wanted to ask but she didn't care at the same time. She didn't care until the kiss.

Kiss? Butterflies? Red cheeks? 

It happened. Once. One time. The sun was going down, he had to go for dinner and she had no place to go so she stood there. He came back. When it was dark. She was surprised, why? All those questions again, he would pant and his heart would beat fast.

"My mom was saying how we should always be in family. How she never left one member alone because it was scary." he said and she simply stood up, her expression still blank "It was scary to just feel alone. And I -- I don't want you alone. Let me protect you. Let me save you" he hugged her right after. She felt it, warmth, touch and love. She felt it. She cried. Not of pain but of happiness and when she noticed, her chin was up and they lips were together. "I'll be here forever" he said.

Ah you liar.

"You're not here" she whispered "And I don't want to be either"

There she was again, there the thought of disappearing it was back. She wanted to find him. 

She didn't know why.

She didn't know why she was searching for him, nor why he was the one on her thoughts. 

"Where are you. Where. Please find me. Please rescue me." She would scream on the mountains. It hurt. She had been dumb again.

She let him in.

She let him steal her black heart. 

"Chorong will you marry me?" the memories, they were all coming back to her brain "Chrong you look beautiful in that dress."

"Chorong I think I love you."

"Chorong, Chorong, Chorong---"

"SHUT UP!" she screamed. She screamed at the top of her lungs as her hands held her head and the trembling took over her body. She screamed as the tears finally ran down her cheeks, as she finally let emotions take power of her. "You lied" 

Once she had a black heart, now she had none.

Her heart was with him. Was with him far away, up in the sky, up in the stars. She looked down. The river was running as usual. She took a step in front and felt something. Not panic. Not frightened. Hope. She felt hope everything would be fine. She smiled.

She smiled as the memories got back.

The time he introduced her to his family. The first time she felt home. The time he stole an apple for her. The time he danced with her with no music. When he porpused. "Liar" she repeated and she took the step, falling on the river. She didn't scream.

She didn't fear.

She was going home.

Since they say home is where the heart is.


A/N: hello, hi, holla. so here, my first one shot in this gallery. I hope I can close this thing with a much better thing than this because--- in my opinion this . e n e.
anyways, thank you for reading. 

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