z e p h y r u s








welcome TO ZEPHYRUS 

I've always wanted to thank my lovely readers for their genorosity and support so I thought I'd open a drabble request shop, much like the one Zephyrus created in "Exposed". I'm currently raising karma points for an event I plan on holding, so if you're interested in donating karma points to the cause, I would be happy to write a little something for you in return. Check out the FAQ for more information and request away!

Request Form

Once you've made a donation, fill out the following form and leave it in a comment below. 


Character or Pairing 


11/04 Requests are now open! If you are an existing sponsor and have not yet made a request, feel free to fill out a form and leave it in the comments below. If you have already requested, please double check the Drabble List to make sure I have your request on queue (hover your cursor over the blue squares for details).



Q: What kind of drabble can I request?

A: You can request any character you want as well as het//yuri pairings if you'd like a bit of romance. As for prompts, I can work with key words, quotes, pictures, lyrics or nothing at all if you'd prefer a surprise ;)

Q: How many karma points do I have to donate? 
A: Any amount you want! I would be extremely grateful for whatever you can give and the fact that you're willing to help means much more to me than the number :3


Q: How do I transfer karma?
A: Once you're logged in, click on "Edit Profile" and scroll down to the "Gift Karma" section. For "User to give karma to", type in TheLaynicornProject and fill out the amount you want to transfer. Since transfers on AFF are anonymous, I would really appreciate it if you could send me a PM after you've made the transfer so that I can know who to thank!




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umm, form link?? can't click it...