In The End

The Birthday Massacre

Well this is the last chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed this series and hopefully stayed with it till the end. I know it is a bit rushed but what I can I do with just 18 people. Oh well let's finished this.

“Even if I tell you, you will die tonight,” Luhan answers walking up to Sehun whispering in his ears sending shivers down Sehun’s spine.

“I want answers,” Sehun musters up confidence as they chuckle at him while one of them was playing with the knife. His eyes gliding back and forth between the two as Sehun pushes back against the wall to the nearest corner.

“Aha!” Luhan laughs loudly staring dangerously towards Sehun. “I really did it for her. Let’s just say her heart was shattered and filled with grudges. I was the only one there for her despite the hatred that floats around. I promised her that I will be the only one she needed and I will be behind her in whatever her plans are even if it were crazy as this. That was when I figured out what you did to her Sehun and the rest of our band members and SHINee.” Sehun just shakes his head. Of course he remembered that time. All the people that were trainees remembered clearly, especially when she first entered Seoul, South Korea and during her Debut. Of course he was part of the crowd then but stopped after a while as seeing how shattered the girl was. His eyes filled with sorrow staring at Rin.

“How can you be alive, Rin? We saw you fall down the stairs! You weren’t breathing!” Sehun cries as tears pooling at the bottom rim of his eye sockets.

“Did you really think it was me?” Rin mocks eyeing the older boy in front of her. Sehun just stares at her confused at what she just said.

“I... don’t understand…” Sehun shakes his head. Rin just rolls her eyes at the maknae of EXO. She walks towards Sehun crouching as she delicately trace her fingers on Sehun’s cheeks. He flinches from the touch as Rin’s bell like laugh echoes the room.

“You see, before I debuted, during my trainee days, I was always teased at because I wasn’t as pretty, they teased me because my Korean , they told me to go back to where I come from and I was pretty much tortured by other girls once they heard that I was debuting after two years than them,” Rin explains. “Not only the girls some of the guys put me down too. When they noticed that I suddenly got prettier they all said hurtful things saying that I probably got plastic surgery even though I just have natural beauty after puberty. And don’t forget Sehun-Oppa~, you were part of that group who put me down with the rest of the other members. When I first debuted which was when I was in my first year in high school I was harrassed alot by the students, especially the girls because of how famous I had gotten.” Rin seethes gripping the knife tighter till her knuckles turn white. “I, of course ignored them because I always thought they were a waste of time. That was when I got jumped by some of the guys that the stupid es sent after me to make sure I won’t be able to make the spotlight. And the same thing happened when I was getting ready to debut.” Rin clutches Sehun’s collar shirt and slam him towards the wall harshly. A loud bang emits in the room as Sehun groans clutching his head in pain.

“But I stopped once I saw how bad it gotten!” Sehun retorts.

“It doesn’t matter Oh Sehun!” Rin yells back. “You were part of it along with the others and I had no one to go to! I had to endure all that by myself until Luhan came in. When time went on during my promotions that was when I start being friends with you guys until I remembered that you guys were the reason my life was a living hell. That is how I thought about getting rid each and everyone of you during Onew’s birthday.”

“It was hard to start off since most of the time everyone are always seen together,” Luhan starts. “But when half the people decided to go upstairs and go into their own separate rooms, that was when we decided to strike. I ended up doing the first kill who is anyone of the people up there. So I went after D.O. since he was alone.”

“I did the job of getting the knives when I was the one cooking and cleaning,” Rin adds. “Of course I can’t grab the knives in the kitchen drawers itself because that will look suspicious. But when I saw the black box on top of the fridge I had to figure out what was in there. I had to ask Key to help me up there that I said that it could be a secret recipe to Onew’s favorite food and he agreed. Once I got it I was happy that there were knives. So I kept note to that and come back to it later. But that time when we had a food fight, that was when I took my chances while everyone was cleaning, I went in the kitchen to replace the dirty water from the mop, I took the knives.”

“When we had to change clothes that was when Rin gave me some of the knives and she kept the other half,” Luhan continues. “D.O. was easy picking.”

“Of course I had to be on my best acting skills to make it believable because I am a girl after all,” Rin cuts in throwing the knife in the air and catching as if it was a daily thing.

“As I was saying,” Luhan lightly seethes, “I had to make sure no noise comes out of his mouth so I gagged him and stabbed him. As I was leaving I had to get caught by Chen who was walking by. So I had to force him to shut up by threatening him. Of course that didn’t work as he was about to rat me out. Luckily the blizzard came at the right time, giving me a chance to quickly move in and throw the knife at him.”

“What about the police?” Sehun ask.

“I had that tampered with,” Rin explains. “I sent all the calls to the police station to mines and put it in silent that way no one will notice. After Chen died, more acting from me and yada, yada, yada.” Rin adds staring at Sehun as she glides her fingers across the back of the blade. “When I was fake sleeping in Taemin’s arms and you guys left me with Tao that was a little hard to deal with on my own so I text Luhan that he will come help me.”

“Since there was seven of us and nine rooms I had to make it look like I entered a room that is closer to Tao’s and Rin’s room,” Luhan picks up the story, “I secretly got out when you guys are in the rooms.”

“Of course Tao being the curious maknae, questioned if everyone was alright and I kept signaling Luhan to hurry up,” Rin cuts in clinging onto Luhan placing her head on his shoulder finding comfort as Luhan holds her close.

“I had to hold Tao down while Rin had to kill Tao,” Luhan continues, “I was lucky Rin had a spare replica of my clothing with her in her luggage that I could replace any bloody shirts so I dashed out of there and change in the room I entered previously, throwing the bloody shirt out the window in case we might to a recheck of the whole house. After investigating I walked out like nothing happened and that was when we had to come back into the room, which leads us to when we entered Kris’s room.”

“I was the one that placed poisoned the peanut butter,” Rin points out. “When the other members had some peanut butter on their bread and was passed to Luhan he passed the peanut butter to me. I secretly poured some in the peanut butter pretending that I don’t need any and passed it to whoever wanted it. Suho, Jonghyun and Xiumin pretty much fell for it.”

“Then what about you that supposedly fell down the stairs?” Sehun starts to raise his voice. How did Rin faked her death and made it so real was beyond him. Then he thought back at to what Rin said. “Did you really think it was me?” Her question echoes in his mind as he try to figure out possible ways to fake the death.

“You know when I was running down the dark hall way, right?” Rin asks as Sehun just nods his head. “I actually killed one of Onew’s maid before they all left. Onew didn’t notice one was missing which is a plus. He does tend to be forgetful on who is in the house. So I had to wait until Tao leaves. I asked one of them to help me get in the showers and that’s when I had to drown her. I dressed her up to the outfit I know Key will chose which is a simply black cami and sweats because he always knows I wear those kinds of outfits almost anywhere I go. When everyone was gathered where D.O’s room is I had Luhan hang the body over the stairs. The rope perfectly hidden where the statues are. I didn’t turn left, I actually ran straight and cut the rope and screamed to make it realistic.”

“You are just sick and twisted you know that!” Sehun yells as a knife was thrown at him near his head slitting his left cheek. He sits quietly as Rin glares daggers at him.

“I advise you to shut up,” Rin hisses. She closes her eyes calming down a bit and takes the knife that is wedged to the wall. “After my death and you guys went to Luhan’s room I silently made my move setting a trap to get the two that seems to cling to me alot, Kai and Taemin. It was hard to get that trap set up because of the statue. Pulling it out with the rope and making sure the rope is stuck fast to the wall and is sticking to the chandelier. I am just surprised I didn’t screw it up and make my cover blown. I guess I was just lucky. Of course calling those two idiots wasn’t so hard. Those two are too wrapped up in my death that they throw away reality. Hook, line and sinker.”

“During the time when we were walking behind Kai, I was actually the one to kill him,” Luhan continues. “When Rin was walking towards us she just pulled the rope from behind and made a run for it before Kris turned around to where we were. That’s when I had to make my chance to kill Kai before I get caught.”

“Then what about Baekhyun?”  Sehun raises another question.

“I also poisoned the soap when you guys aren’t even in Chanyeol’s and Baekhyun’s room,” Rin answers nonchalantly. “I pretty much poisoned everyone’s soaps in case you guys ever used one of them.” RIn shrug her shoulders.


“Pushed him in and drowned him,” Luhan confess. “When we were supposed to be searching the second floor I left you when you are all the way at the end of the hall. As for Minho, he struggled alot considering he almost pulled me in also but I manage to keep a good grip on him and kept him submerged before people started to look for him. That’s when I had to run back up change out of the clothes I was wearing to a dryer one. That’s when we had to wait for the others.”


“That time it was me,” Rin confesses. “I was hiding in between the wall and the staircase and waited till he was asleep. Since I knew Onew was in the kitchen I had to make things quick. I suffocated him with the pillow used the knife I had on me and scraped out his eyes and carved HAPPY BIRTHDAY ONEW! on him just to let Onew know he will be next soon. That’s when I went upstairs to the last floor where Key and Lay is. My target was Lay which lead me to smash his face in on the mirrors multiple times until he isn’t moving. I hate it when he was fighting back though that I had to knock some of his pressure points to keep him still and end his life there.” Rin sits right in front of Sehun taking the knife and dragging it slowly across Sehun’s right shin. Blood start to trickle down and soak his pants.

"Chanyeol-Hyung died from poison and it was from you Luhan-hyung," Sehun guessed. Luhan can only nod his head as his answer.


"You know the knocking noise?" Rin pauses. "That was me I made those sounds before he came into the room. I left quickly before anyone comes in. When I know someone was in there that was when I attacked whoever entered. I used a hammer that I found when I was running around the house. Might as well make use of it."

“Lastly, I killed Onew,” Luhan wraps it up placing a hand on Sehun’s shoulders. He stares at him for a bit before continuing. “I’m sorry Sehun. We can’t let you live.” Rin stands up her back turning to Sehun and Luhan. “You know you will always be my favorite dongsaeng. Goodbye Sehun.” Luhan lightly kisses the crown of Sehun’s head before placing both his hand on either side of Sehun’s.

“I love you Hyung,” Sehun whispers before the crack emits the whole empty house. Luhan gently lays Sehun down before the two leaves from the back of the house. The blizzard stopped a long time ago as the snow piled really high.

“This is the end for us Luhan,” Rin stares at Luhan as he only nods his head.

“Looks like we are going to be in hiding for a long time,” Luhan comments as he held Rin’s hand. They both quietly leave the mansion, the sun rising higher and higher until their figure could no longer be noticeable in the snow and the suns rays.

This si the end guys. Like I said in the previous chapters that I might come up with the story idea based off the drama of EXO or come up with something new that has both SHINee and EXO and maybe some other bands. I don't know yet. Well until my next story guys.

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Nice story ! ^^
yumi___ #2
this is seriously.. creepy.. it gives me goosebumps all over!
Chapter 4: Please update this is interesting ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
I'm looking forward. I like your plot and the fact that ir will happen on supposedly joyous day of Onew's Birthday. This sound interesting. Please continue. And besides, I love the genres.