Life As It Is

Dirty Little Secret

                “Open this ing door!” Seulong banged on the door as if he wanted to tear it down in half. “Nichkhun! Open this ing door!”

            “I’m coming….” Khun hurried to the door. He was in the bathroom getting ready for bed when he heard Seulong banging on the door.

He opened the door and Seulong was reeked in alcohol.

            “What took you so long to open the damn door ?” a slap landed on Khun’s right cheek. He swayed to the side and felt stung from the hit.

            “I…I…was in the bathroom…” Khun stuttered with shock.

            “That’s not an excuse!” Seulong shove him aside and haggard towards the bedroom.

Khun felt tears coming down but he quickly wipe it away before Seulong could see. He went to the bedroom and saw Seulong sprawled on the bed. Khun gently crouched down wanting to take off Seulong’s socks but he kicked him away.

            “Don’t touch me!” he hissed and fell asleep.

Next morning…

            “I need some money…make sure you wire some into my account by afternoon…” Seulong said when they’re having breakfast together.

            “Nae…” Khun nodded.

            “And stop making that sad face of yours…it kills my appetite…” Seulong pushed his rice bowl away and got up.

            “What time are you coming back tonight?”

            “I dunno…maybe I will stay over at the office…”

Khun watched as Seulong left.

*Did he forget about our anniversary?*

            “Just dump that guy already!” Vicky said stomping her hand on the table.

            “Yaa! Could you keep it down? We’re in public!” Khun whispered and glared at her. thank god the café was not full and they were at a secluded table.

            “I mean it Khun…he’s good for nothing kinda guy…sure he was sweet and stuff at first but now…he hit you and living on your pay check…”

            “But Vic…”

            “Tell me something…when is the last time that he was actually being nice to you? And today is your anniversary…has he say anything yet?”

Khun just shook his head. Every word that comes out from Vicky’s mouth is true but he still wanted to believe that Seulong could actually change his way.

            “Snap out of it Khun ah…you deserve someone better…someone that really appreciates the man you are…” Vicky held his hands.


Taecyeon arrived and saw a woman at the table.

            “Hyemi ssi?” he said.

            “Yes…that’s me…and you must be Taecyeon oppa…” she smiled. “Eunjung said that you were good looking but forget to mention that you’re smokin’ hot…”

            “Eunjung loves to exaggerate…”

He looked at the woman sitting in front of her. she was petite and have such a lovely face…and there’s a positive vibe coming out from her.

            “Oppa, just call Hyemi…with no that ssi thingy…it makes me sound older…”

            “Sure…should we order something first?” Taecyeon said looking at the menu.

            “Yeah…everything look so good…I feel like I wanna eat it all…” she squealed.

They ordered and Taecyeon was shocked with the amount of food she ordered. He never knew a girl could eat so much and still have an amazing figure.

            “You must think that I’m some kind of pig or something right?” Hyemi said.

            “No…no…I’m just surprised…most girls doesn’t eat this much…”

            “Well…I’m not most girls’ oppa…”

They talked and Taecyeon felt comfortable with her…unlike the other girls he met before. They connected and have couple of things in common.

            “Oppa, I have a great time today…I’m really glad that Eunjung unnie told me to meet you…” she said as we reached the parking lot.

            “Me too Hyemi ah...”

            “Do you think we could go out again sometimes?”


Back at the agency…

            “You looked happy…I guess the date went well…” Eunjung said and sat the sofa across Taecyeon.

            “Kinda…she’s a lovely girl…how old is she anyway? I wanted to ask her but they say it’s kinda rude to ask a woman about their age…”

            “She’s 4 years our junior…so, you gonna see her again?”


            “That’s a good sign…” Eunjung grinned.

            “What’s that supposed to mean?”

            “Well…I’m beginning to think that you’re might be gay…although…I knew a few guys that you might be interested in…”she wiggled her eyebrows.

            “Hey, I’m into woman…”

            “Fine…if you say so…”

Khun just finished making dinner and he went to the living room to watch the TV while waiting for Seulong to come home. He the TV and a drama appeared.

            “You’re just a piece of trash that I picked up off the street! If I didn’t you, no one wanted you either!” the man shouted.

            “You’ve changed so much Hyun ah! Where is that sweet guy I met for the first time two years ago?” the woman said and cried.

            “I’ve always been like this!”

The man starts beating and kicking the woman. She cried and grunted in pain.

Khun saw himself in the woman. Seulong has been nothing but an abusive boyfriend to him this past year. Vicky’s words keep playing in his head.

*When is the last time that he actually being nice to you?*

He got up and stood in front of the mirror. Lifting up his shirt, he saw the fading bluish bruise on his left side rib. Suddenly, the door opened and Seulong came in.

            “I’m home…”

Khun quickly went to the door to greet him.

            “Hey, you’re back…” he leaned over for a kiss but Seulong ignored him.

            “Yaa! I told you to wire some money into my account today didn’t I?” Seulong with rage exudes from his eyes. “But when I went to the ATM machine, there’s none!”

            “I totally forgotten about it…I was so busy at the agency today…there’s new trainee coming in…”

A slap landed on his face.

            “Excuses! I hate excuses! You’re such a good for nothing human being! A simple task is too hard for you to do huh?”

Khun’s face reddened and it stung where Seulong hit.

            “I’m sorry…”

            “I don’t want to hear it! Hopeless…”

Seulong went to their room. Khun quickly went to the kitchen and set the table for dinner. 10 minutes later Seulong came out again fully dressed.

            “I’m going out…and I’m not coming back tonight…”

And he left. Khun sat at the table looking at the cake he bought to celebrate their anniversary. He took out his phone and dialled a number.

            “Vicky…I…” he finally succumbed to the tears he held for so long.


Chansung walked past the staff lounge and saw Khun in there sitting alone. He walked in and quietly sat next to him. It seems like Khun didn’t notice he was there.

            “Khun ssi…” Chansung tapped Khun’s shoulder.

            “Jeez!” Khun almost leaped from his seat. “You scared me!”

            “Sorry, sorry…I didn’t mean to…” Chansung smiled.

            “I almost lost my life there…” he rubbed his chest out of shock. “Thank god I don’t have a heart attack…”

            “I’m sorry…I was here for a few minutes and you don’t notice me?”

            “No…”Khun shook his head. He’s the kind that oblivious to his surrounding when he’s deep in his thought.


            “Well…there’s no one else in here…so I guess you can say I was alone…”

            “Okay…stupid question…” Chansung scratched his un-itchy head. It’s not a frequent thing that he actually getting nervous around a guy. “So, what got you so space out just now? Is something troubling you? The kids maybe?”

            “No…the kids are awesome…it’s just…I was thinking about my life…”


Taecyeon was on his way to meet Minjun when he saw Chansung and Khun together in the staff lounge talking to each other. The sight of Khun laughing made his heart skipped a beat and he smiled unconsciously.

*What is wrong with me?*

            “Dude! What are you doing here?” Minjun slapped his back.

            “Yaa! That hurts!”

            “You deserve it! I was waving at you like mad and you didn’t see me…well, well…look what do we here…” Minjun smiled looking at Chansung and Khun. “Looks like our little maknae have his eyes on someone…”

            “Chansung liked him?” Taecyeon stared at Minjun.

            “What? Can’t you see? He’s totally head over heels for that music teacher…”

Minjun’s words spread a sense of uneasiness through Taecyeon’s head.

*Snap out of it Taecyeon ah! You’re not gay!*

            “Let’s go…Min is waiting…you know how whiny she can be if we’re late…”


Taecyeon still can’t shook off the image of Khun and Chansung together.

*Why is it bothering me so much?*


More drama and conflicts coming up stay tuned with the next update....

I'm really sorry if this chapter disappoint my lovely readers out there...I promise I will do better....

Happy reading!


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Chapter 42: I love happy endings
Chapter 24: Chapter 24: They are so cute in this gif... Love khun's hair lol
Chapter 15: Why so hot!!!!!!
Chapter 7: So cute ❤
Chapter 1: Seriously I'm gonna leave comments to thank you for these Amazing gifs, they are so hot!!!!!
Chapter 42: I lost count how many times I've read this story, really love it so much and miss your taeckhun ;(
Chapter 42: Ohmygod ... I aboely love this.
You know that dream that Khunnie had about Taeccie dying? Since my phone has a small screen I was thinking, OH MY GOD TAEC DIED and I scrolled down and then ... Phew. Taeccie not dead. And Vicky is so sweet to my Khunnie ... Khunnie is her "boo". Awwwww ... I love it. Make more Taeckhun fics, please. I love your writing. And sorry, Chanana but Khunnie is not for you. Only ChanWoo now! Yay.
go 2PM
ps. Have you done any exo fanfics? Or any tragedies? Or angst? Horror?
My type. Kekeke. And khunho?
casanova7 #8
Chapter 42: Thumbs up for this story. I really really like it. Thank you so much for writing TaecKhun <3
Chapter 13: What!? How can taec just kiss him like that!? Guys in this story have no boundaries!
Chapter 12: Omg i can't believe channie just kissed khun like that!!!! >.< channie fighting!!