I Fell For You .

Falling For You .

Soojin's POV

Normally, people around my age would be clubbing, partying, dating and in love. Guess what I'm doing right now. 

At home, checking out magazines 'waiting' for my husband, by paper, to come home.  Mom says that we, the wives, should wait for the husbands to come home. Then, we make the dinner. After dinner, we wash the dishes while they watch the tv. 

What the hell?

I don't do that. I'm lazy to go out that's why I stay at home. I don't know how to cook so there's no food in the house. We order the food. So no food, no washing of dishes. 

Ding dong 

I lazily got up from the sofa and dragged my feet to the door.  Speaking of the Devil, that guy is here. Drunk. 

Minhyuk, seriously? You smell of alcohol. Yuck. 

It took me 30 freaking minutes to literally drag him to his bedroom.  Has he always been that heavy? I thought that beneath those clothes was a six-pack abs.  I guess not. I was sweating when I reach the bedroom. I was sitting beside him, panting.  I was about to stand up as i felt uncomfortable when he pull me to him. I was facing his chest for goodness sake! This is so uncomfortable!  I tried pushing his arms off me but he was too strong for me. I ended up being hold on tighter.


I gave up after 15 minutes of struggling. I let out a big sigh. 

'..... I... Love...' 

I stopped.  Love? Who? *thump*

'... You... Soojin...' *thump* What? 

I pushed him hard and finally got out of his grip. I still cannot believe what he said. Is it true? Was he just playing?  Why is my heart beating so fast? Why? 

The next day, I avoid his gaze as much as I could. My heart was beating loudly. I didn't know what to do. I guess I was acting too obvious that he asked me. 

'Are you okay?' 

'Huh? Oh, err yea. I'm okay. Perfectly fine.' I said as I walk into the kitchen. But my clumsiness brought me into knocking my head on the glass door.  Minhyuk ran to me as I winced in pain. Oh why am I so stupid?

'I don't think you are though.' He chuckled. 

'Yah!' I pouted and crossed my arms.

'I'll stay home today.' He said. 

'Why? I'm fine! Really!' 

'No you're not.' He pushed my forehead lightly, 'Besides, it's too boring in the office.'  I nodded in agreement. 

So, we fooled around in the house. We played with the sprinkler in the garden And got ourselves wet. Then, we cooked lunch. We ate lunch at 4 because we were making a mess in the kitchen.  I guess he isn't that bad afterall. This was the best memory we ever had.

The day was almost over. I didn't want it to go and we'll go back to our normal lives.  I didn't want to admit it but I was falling for him a little.  We were chilling at the couch watching a movie. He kept on complaining how the show was stupid and too cheesy. I glared at him because it was my favorite movie.  It was getting to the where the girl has to leave the guy to forget about him when that Minhyuk interrupted it by complaining loudly. It was so irritating that I hit him with a pillow. 

'Can you keep quiet.' I gritted my teeth. 

He just looked at me blankly like he had never seen this side of me.  I was about to turn away from him and continued watching the movie when he grabbed my wrist.  'C-can I tell you something?' Minhyuk voiced out.

I gulped and nodded. Is it about his feelings that he has for me?

'You know, about out agreement? The deal where we would divorce after 1 year married? Can we exclude that?' He asked, carefully choosing his words.  Oh no. Is he going to confess now? Oh no what am I supposed to do?


He hesitated, 'Maybe it's time.' He sighed and looked at me in the eye, 'When I first get to know you, I thought that you were the kind of girl who's spoiled and who cares for their appearance. But after getting to know you more, I realized that you weren't like that. You were kind and helpful. You didn't care about how you look. You like to save money. And from what I heard, You wanted to donate those money to those in need. And that was when I started to fall for you.' He paused and continued, 'Every Saturday morning, you would go to the nearby kidnergarten to help out. When I saw you, your face was full of happiness. Your smiling face just makes me fall deeper. I didn't know how to confess to you so I kept it from you. I didn't want to be separated from you and get divorced. I want to be next to you forever. So, will you stay by my side forever?' He looked at me in sincerity. 

I digest everything that he said a second later. So that's what he thinks for me.

  I smiled, 'You know, I found out about your feelings yesterday.'  He looked at me in disbelief, 'WHAT?!' 

I chuckled, 'Let me explain. Yesterday, you came home drunk. So I brought you to your room. And you suddenly pulled me and you were hugging me. And you suddenly said that you like me.' 

'I did?!' He sighed. 'Sorry about yesterday... I didn't know! I was drunk!' 

'I know. And... About your question.' 


'I don't know how to express it so let's put it this way.' I pulled his shirt and kiss him. 'I'll be glad to since I'm feeling the same way as you.' I winked. 

'Really? Really really?!'  I nodded. 

'So, since we're husband wife for real now, let's do that.' He asked, smirking.

'Sure let's-' I paused, 'What?! No!' I pushed his head lightly and walked up the stairs to my room. 

'Wait! Where are you going?' he asked. 

'My room obviously.' I flipped my hair. 

'Wait! Since we're a married couple now, we are to share a room and a bed.'  I stopped. 'What? No! It's too sudden!'

But before I could finish, he carried me bridal style to his room. 


'Hush.' He ordered but I kept on screaming. He let me down and pinned me against the wall and kissed me again.  I replied to his kiss and followed his lead only to kick him at his private part. 

I smirked. 'Gosh, I didn't know you were such a... Urghh!'

I stomped my way to my room. 

'Wait! We're husband and wife!' He said still hurting in pain.  I walked my way to my room feeling satisfied.

So this is how it feels to fall in love. Although I can't believe I fell for that guy. This, I have to thank my parents. 


Sorry for the crappy ending(again)! I ran out of ideas. Sowieee! >.

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awesome story
Chapter 1: So cute :3. Sequel please!
=))) wow, another great fic, really!
Mia_miyeon #4
Cute you should make it a story I can't stop laughing right now haha ^^
nice story..ypu really should make a sequel...
Chymariot #6
Thanks for the wonderful comments^^
oh my. This is very cute, i swear <3 you should've made this longeeeer ;-;
LOL. this was cute xD<br />
you should make a sequel!
Aww such a cute story^-^<br />
Wish it was longer though...
ayeeeee this one is so cutee!<br />
but why it has to be end so fast :((((<br />
I would really like to see this story becomes a long oneeee..<br />
Minhyuk is soo..erted kekekekeke<br />
but I'm glad that they really fall for one another <3 and they're husband and wife for real too!<br />