
Children of Science

"Oppa, what is it with you and Tao?" Junghyun asked as they sat around the dinner table. "You keep exchanging weird looks and whispering to each other." No reply came from either of them, so she watched as they exchanged suspicious looks once again. "And again... You're doing it again!" She pointed at them with her chopsticks. "Something is definitely strange..."

"Be quiet and eat already." her mother ordered. "Just forget it, it's probably none of your business."

Junghyun piped down, but she did not forget about it. Her curiosity nagged at the back of her mind,and she could not let go of it. She started to eat to distract herself, but a sharp pain pricked her tongue the moment she placed some vegetables in . Suddenly, her whole mouth flared up with a burning sensation, and she from the table. Just as she left, she spotted another exchange of looks between the boys.

"Junghyun-ah, are you okay?" Baekhyun followed her. She shook her head and waved a hand, fumbling with the other at the bathroom handle. He nudged her aside and opened the door. When she crouched over the toilet, he held her hair away from her face.

"Look away." she told him. Although it came out muffled, she was irritated that he did not do as requested. She waved a hand to accompany her words. She had never felt comfortable with vomiting, and her dislike of just the though of it grew larger with the presence of another person. She tried again, frantically moving her hand and finally, he got the message and turned away.


"Krystal!" She heard her name being called from outside the practice room. Although the sound was muffled, she recognised the voice straight away. She detected further conversation and knew that he was not alone.

She stopped her dance and walked to the door, surprising her members. "I'm leaving first." She announced, leaving before anyone else could say a word. At the door, she finds exactly the person she was expecting.with someone she didn't at all expect. "Minho Oppa, Mr. Lee..." She bowed her greetings. "What brings you here?"

"We have something to discuss. Have you seen Zitao or Sooyoung?" Their former CEO replied.

"I haven't seen Sooyoung Unnie, but Tao is with Byun Baekhyun. Shall I call him over?"

"It's too dangerous right now..." He frowned. "Besides, Suho has gathered the rest of EXO together under Tao's advice. I think he knows something that we don't." He speculated. "Ah, call your members out and have them gather at dining hall. All resident trainees, SHINee, and EXO should already be there. After that, you can meet us at the lobby. We'll look for SNSD for now."

"What about Baekhyun-sshi and Tao-sshi?"

"Make sure nobody else knows their whereabouts. They are too close to civillians."

Krystal nodded in affirmation. "I will make sure nobody does."


“Hyung, just come in.” Tao opened his door.

Baekhyun, who had not declared his presence as of yet, was surprised at how good Tao was at his job. However, the real surprise did not come until Baekhyun had entered the room to find his weapons laid out on the floor. Baekhyun’s eyes widened. “What’s going on?”

Instead of replying, Tao opened up his palm, and projected an image onto the wall. Baekhyun nodded in approval at the newly installed feature. He focused on the projection. It was a profile of Junghyun, with a video of last night through Tao’s eyes. He narrowed his eyes at the obvious signs of a transformation. The sudden emptiness in her eyes, which would suddenly be replaced by a feral glare and occasional spikes of strength… all point to one thing. And it confirmed Baekhyun’s previous fear.

“So she’s been changed?” Baekhyun shook his head in disbelief. “When and where?”

Tao shrugged. “The signs all obviously points to around forty-eight hours ago.”

Baekhyun swore. “This can’t happen…”

“But hyung… I have a bad feeling about this."


"Well," The images on the wall began to change, following Tao's narrations. "Our transformations have been based on the transformation of vampires... First we had to be drained of almost all of our blood, but instead of vampire venom our blood in our system, we were given synthetic blood made with nano technology. The process produces similar effects during transformation, but ultimately, we're not vampires. We eat normal food and we can have garlic and stuff like that."


"Well, Junghyun said her tongue felt hot after eating the garlic chicken, and she said she had no apetite afterwards..."

"Wait what-"

"In addition, Krystal and I found this corpse on the day we bumped into Junghyun." Tao switched the images again. "She wasn't one of ours, but it's clear she didn't die of natural causes."

Baekhyun was so shocked that his reply came in a stutter. "But-but... It's not possible, right? I mean, they don't really exist..."

Tao nodded. "That's what I thought too, hyung... but look at this picture carefully... What's missing?"

He studied the picture intensely. There was no signs of external damage, so it was natural that there would be no blood. And yet, her skin was so pale that it was transluscent. "Don't tell me you think it's blood?"

"She had scratches, hyung. But no blood."

Baekhyun drew a sharp intake of air. "So... You're saying Junghyun is a vampire?" He laughed hysterically at the suggestion. "Ya... Does that even make sense?" for some reason, he began to feel angry at the explanation. "They're mythical creatures, you idiot!" he snapped. No, this doesn't make sense. No. It's not possible... Just, no. His mind swirls into panic, unsure what to belief. "She's not goimg to start running around killing for blood. Junghyun isn't like that..." He exhales. "She's not a vampire."

Tao shrugged. "We can just test out the theory."

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I have to catch up orz. I'll read them all again when I have the time :)
Chapter 4: this had a taostal tag so I subscribed lol and now you separated Tao and Krystal.

I like your writing but you didn't answer my previous question.

I also like your plot but honestly I really only came here for taostal. u___u
I'll read this and comment again when my isn't lazy D:
one question. taostal here will be a pair cause.. asfkhdgsd /dead <3