Tiffany.. (2)

9 Princess, 9 Prince, 9 Problems

~Hospital~ (5pm)

~Taeyeon POV~

Me: Ugh..

I opened my eyes and saw people around me, staring at me. I blink a few times and realized my sisters, the guys were here. All except for.. Tiffany. Was she.. really missing? All of them were saying something to me but i could not make any sense out of them. All i could think of was to find Tiffany. N.O.W . So i got out of the bed and made my way to the door. But i felt someone pulling my wrist so i look back, ready to shout at the person. But when i saw the worried eyes, i couldn't say anything. I also saw that her eyes were red, like she had been crying.  

Sunny: Where do you think you're going? 

Taeyeon: To find Tiffany of cause.

Sunny: Uhuh. You're staying here. Police are looking for her. 


Her eyes was filled with tears and had gone red again. Good job Taeyeon. Now you make her cry again. 

Sunny: I was just..

Her sentence was cut off when sungmin pulled her away and kept her near his chest. 

Sungmin: Whats wrong with you taeyeon? She was just trying to calm you down. You just fainted and you're still weak. 

Good job Taeyeon. Awesome. 

Taeyeon: I'm..m sorry. I'm just worried for tiffany..

Sooyoung: Everyone is worried. Can you stop acting this way? 

I look up at the tall girl. Had she been crying too? I walk forward to sunny and patted her shoulder.

Taeyeon: Miandae.. Sunny ah. 

She look up and look at me.

Sunny: Its okay..

Just then, the door swing open and.. Hell. Tiffany's father walked in, followed by my parents. Great.

~???~ (5.30pm)

~Tiffany's POV~

Cold air slapped my face. I look around and all i could see was darkness. I realized three things. I was blindfolded, My hands are tied behind me to a metal pole and this place was freezing cold. I tried to twist my wrist out of the grip but couldn't. It was tied tightly. 

???: Hey Tiffany.

Me: Who is that. Let me go!!

I tired to stand up but couldn't.

???: Can't you regonize my voice? 

Me: Hyuna..?

The school bully?

Hyuna: Haha. Great guess Tiff. It appears that she is not stupid. 

I heard laughters behind her and i knew she wasn't the only one standing infront of me. 

Hyuna: Tiff Tiff. Aren't you pathetic looking now?

Me: All thanks to you Hyuna. Now let me go!!

Hyuna: Ugh whatever. I think she is ready girls. 

Me: What?

I heard those irritating picuture taking tones. Are they.. Taking pictures of me?!

Me: Stop taking pictures of me!

Hyuna: I bet your boyfriend would love to see your picture now. Why don't we grant him that wish?

Me: Yah!! Stopp. 

Hyuna: Girls, haven you hear the mushroom screaming stop? Why aren't you stopping?

Girl: But mushrooms can't shout. 

Everyone laughed. 

Me: YAHH!!

Hyuna: Okay.. She's getting angry, come girls lets go. Oh, By the way. Here is -5 degree. Happy staying. ahahaha. 

I felt someone walking towards me and putting a tape over my mouth. I tried, i really tried to shake her away but she was too strong. Am i really that weak? I heard the door closing and i knew, that i was all alone now. It was freezing cold here.. My jacket has got no use in protecting me in this kind of coldness. I was already shaking from the cold.  Someone help me.. Tae-Tae..


~Jessica POV~

Mr. Hwang: What do you mean you don't know where is she?! You're suppose to look after her!!

Taeyeon: Sorry Sir..

This is it. 

Me: Yahh!! Its not Taengoo's fault that tiffany is missing. 

I felt someone tugging my arm but i paid no attention to it. 

Me: Accidents happens. What do you want from a girl who keeps worrying about us and whom just fainted. Huh?!

I saw anger, hurt, sadness flashes across his face. I thought that i was about to be scolded but i didn't get any. He just fell onto the sofa and buried his face into his hands. 

Mr. Hwang: She.. Is my only daughter. I lost her mother, I can't lose her as well. 

Mr. Kim: Its okay. The police will find her. Don't worry.

I suddenly remembered someone tugging my arm so i look back. Only to see a angry Taeyeon looking at me. Well, i knew i was at fault but i just couldn't stand it. He himself was so busy with his work and ignored tiffany almost everyday. And now, when something happened he just blamed others. But i was at fault too. So i mouthed the word 'sorry' to taengoo. Suddenly, Yunho's phone rang and he started to read the message.

Yunho: TIFFANY!!

Everyone ran to him, thinking that tiffany called but no. It was her picture. Tiffany was blindfolded and tied up. The place looked cold, like a factory's big fridge where they store the vegetables. Everyone stared at his phone as he started to read the text below. 

'You better be fast. Or she will freeze to death. ahahha!!'

Mr. Hwang: No.. 

Mr. Hwang went out of the room with Taengoo's father following. Everyone was staring at yunho, no words could come out of our mouth as we see him tearing up.

Yunho: Tiffany..

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PoingPoing #1
update moreee pls
WY4eva #2
Update Soon!!! I Love This Story!!! :D
please update soon!! i really like the story and i wanna continue reading up to the last part!! thanks~
snsdyoonaislove #4
hi new reader here! i realise you been focusing on sunsun, wootae, hyohyuk and yunfany, the rest of the couple especially minyul, kyunna and haesica haven been in the spot light. and kyunhyjn like haven even appear in the story?<br />
update soon!
asdf-honeybunny #5
:O <br />
update soon~
i thought it is not umma its eomma
Kpopidoljamie #7
Im happy that u r updating again<br />
Its a good story hope u update more
kyaaa! best story ever!!! <br />
i love it!!!!! <3<br />
can't wait 4 the update ><