o n e

You can't choose love...


"Channy!" Oh no...not her... 
Upon hearing the dreaded one's voice, like it was second nature, I ran. Heck, it pretty much IS second nature to me. 
Luckily, I was fast. Pretty fast if you ask me...which you didn't. Anyways... I dodged obstacles and turned corners with great ease, right until I got into the school...where I was greeted by the teacher that literally lives to make my life hell...
Who is it? Well, his name's Mr Kim, and he's the coach of the track and field team, which, because I'm soooo lucky, is the team I'm a part of, besides the basketball team. 
"Ahh! Chanster!" He began, and let me tell you this...he FAILS at being cool. "How come you're never that enthusiastic when training?" 
I rolled my eyes and started to walk away but Mr Kim caught my arm. "Just make sure you're not late for practice." And then he let me go. 
I saw a meek wave not far in front of me and I smiled as I proceeded to go over. However, I just had to get stopped by somebody...and her posse, who seem more like her minions and / or slaves. 
"Channy," the leader batted her eyes at me flirtatiously but I only found it disgusting and downright gross. 
"What is it now Christina, was it?" I sighed.
"My name's Krystal! And why did you leave me when I called out earlier?" You have to admit...she definitely IS pretty but not to the extent that boys will trip over their feet for her... The reasons? 
  1. She's mean and rude
  2. Too much makeup
  3. She's simply disgusting
  4. They feel glad that she's going after me instead of them. 
  5. She's pure EVIL
"Since when was I with you? Anyway, I left so I could go and hang with Bacon and he's waiting for me right now, so I best be going." I didn't wait for her to reply but I heard her voice loud and clear across the playground. 
"You're still hanging out with that nerd? Don't worry...I know that you're only friends with him to make me jealous and that once we get together, you'll ditch him," she had called out and even Baekhyun himself heard it. 
He began to turn his head away in embarrassment but I stopped him. "Yah! Bacon! Ignore her! You're still my friend, okay? My best one in fact," and like every other day that this happens, his expression brightens and we're happy again. 
And I was telling the truth. He IS my best friend...the only one I can trust and rely on. 
Truth be told, he isn't actually a nerd, and all the other guys in our school know it. Once you get to know him, he's a genuinely sweet and adorable guy that all the other boys dote on since he's so cute, short and innocent, but he's just too shy to show and express his feelings properly, so he pretends to be a nerd towards the girls. 
"Hey Channy. Krystal and her minions going after you again?" Baekhyun refers to them as minions, but you can call them slaves if you wish.
I answered his question with a nod. 
"There there..." He awkwardly patted my back. 
I immediately laughed at his lame attempt to comfort me. "Yah! Bacon! How's that gonna help me?" 
He laughed as well but the bell rang, cutting our moment short. We each gave each other a look saying, the Viper! Shoot! before we ran for our lives to the classroom. 
Technically, I AM the fastest in the school, but being tall...it's hard to control my long legs sometimes, so Baekhyun made it into the classroom before me and JUST before the Viper came in. 
That's everybody's code name for Mrs Cho in case you didn't know. She's this short, old lady who looks eighty and frail, but does NOT act it...and that's where our nickname comes in. She's sneaky like a snake in the way that she pretends to be sweet and kind to all other teachers and people that would give her money...but to us students, she's a devil...except to Krystal, actually since apparently, she's the 'angel sent by God from Hevean as a blessing'.
"Park Chanyeol! Late again are we?! Detention after school, AGAIN!" 
Nervously, Baekhyun raised his hand and admitted, "Uh...Mrs Cho? I was the one that made Chanyeol late..." Man! I gotta love that kid. Without hesitiation, he always takes part of the blame for me.
"You too Byun Baekhyun?! I'm very disappointed! Why can't you all be like Krystal Jung here? She's like —" s. 
"An angel sent by God from Heaven as a blessing," Everyone, apart from Krystal herself, muttered along with the Viper as she stated that sentence proudly. She says it so often that everyone knows exactly what she says, when she says it and WHY she says it...because she's her beloved goddaughter...and because Krystal's parents pay for her to spoil their child. 
"Precisely! Since you know what I'm talking about, I expect you to not disappoint me next time," Then she started her lesson after marking the role. "Ah! I almost forgot. The Double School Athletics Carnival is going to take place the whole of next week at our school. DO NOT LOSE. It's against that prissy little performing arts school across the road. Too bad there's no other high-schools in the neighbourhood to show off to. DO NOT FAIL MY REQUEST!"
Request? More like demand.


"Suzy-ah!" I whipped my head around to see my best friends waving to me. I stopped to wait for them and as soon as they reached me, my bestest friend out of them, Naeun, linked arms with me and grinned.

"You're coming to help set up the carnival later right?" She asked me.

"Of course! After school right?"

She nodded and we said goodbye to Sohyun and Jiyoung as we headed off to our first class...which just so happened to be PE...the subject I do ABSOLUTELY, WITH NO DOUBT, fail in.

"OKAY CLASS! TWO LAPS AROUND THE OVAL AFTER I BLOW MY WHISTLE!" Coach Lee yelled and then a high-pitched whistling sound could be heard coming from a small sliver object.

Naeun soon left me and I was falling behind rapidly. "SUZY! YOU THINK THAT YOU CAN WIN WITH THAT NEXT WEEK?! HURRY UP GIRL!"

I pushed harder and passed one person...who wasn't even part of this class...he was just walking around, cleaning the oval.

By the end, of course, Naeun came first for the girls and I came last. "NAEUN! PLEASE TEACH SUZY HOW TO RUN FASTER! CLASS DISMISSED!"

Soon enough, the school day was over and Naeun, Jiyoung, Sohyun and I, along with other kids from our school, crossed the road with boxes filled with stuff for the carnival, and entered Gyeryong School of Sports, to set up. But, being us...we got side-tracked, slowed down and had gotten separated from our schoolmates.

Luckily, as we looked around helplessly, we found a sports oval with students running around and training tirelessly.

"Well...what've we got to lose?" Jiyoung shrugged and we walked to the field to ask for directions to the sports stadium. And who other to ask then the freakishly tall guy who sat on the side, that's arm was stuck with...a clingly girlfriend?

Comment, Subscribe or whatever you want. I guess I made it quite obvious at the end who the freakishly tall guy and his 'clingy girlfriend' were, right? Oh well...

I promise to update whenever I can...I guess...

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Chapter 1: Suzy always bad at sport but she always jjang at physical strength.. Kekeke.. hope will update this soon..
What i found here?? A special golden couple.. Thank you for making this couple..
CHANZY~! The happy virus couple~! XD
echo-of-the-sea #4
ahahaha...mia...this is why you've been spacing out during classes? you've been thinking of this wonderful fanfic HAVEN'T you? You gave me clues when I was asking "what're you thinking of" and u replying "a new fanfic" ...I should've guessed that fantastic (note the sarcasm *wink*) brain of yours was deciding on a chanzy fic...I SHOULDVE KNOWN
happy-virus-attack #5
ooh sounds interesting. I know u only made this...but I can't help it : UPDATE SOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNN