

Jin sat in the doctor’s waiting room with his mom. Jin’s mom is friends with another person who is about to be a mom, which is Mrs. Kim. They’re really close friends and Jin’s mom wants to congratulate her.

One of the nurses called Jin and his mother to see Mrs. Kim

They walked into the room. Mrs. Kim was holding a baby.

“Hello, Jin~” Mrs. Kim greeted the little three year old boy.

“Hello, Mrs. Kim!” Jin bowed. He went closer to the baby. “What’s its name?”

Mrs. Kim smiled. “His name is Taehyung. Do you want to hold him?”

Jin smiled. “Yes, yes, yes, yes please!” He ran over to the chair and sat down. Mrs. Kim set Taehyung in his arms and he carefully held him. “Babies are so cute~ I think this one is the cutest one yet!”

Mrs. Kim and Jin’s Mother laughed

“Thank you~” Mrs. Kim smiled.

Jin kissed Taehyung on the cheek and Mrs. Kim took her baby.


Jin would always visit Mrs. Kim and play with Taehyung just about every day. He liked playing with Taehyung, it was fun.


“CannonBall!” Jin jumped in the water.

“I’m a cannonball, too!” Taehyung did the same as his hyung.

Taehyung is 5 years old and Jin is 8 years old.

“Yah! Hyung! Wait up!” Taehyung swam after Jin.

Jin laughed and splashed Taehyung’s face. “You can’t catch me!”

“Yuh huh!” Taehyung splashed the water back at Jin and swam to him. He jumped on his hyung. “I caught you!”

They both laughed.

Their moms were sitting in the beach chairs chatting and watching their sons.

“Look how cute they are together!” Mrs. Kim said.

Taehyung and Jin were splashing each other and yelling ‘Mermaid mermaid, Jin is a mermaid!’ or ‘Mermaid mermaid, Taehyung is a mermaid!’

“They don’t even make sense, but whatever! They’re still as cute as heck!” Jin’s mom laughed

Taehyung and Jin started to get out of the pool and push each other off the side

“Die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die!!” They would say after they pushed the other off the edge. The person who pushed the person off the edge would jump into the water and then say “Just kidding~” And then they would do that over and over again.


“Come eat dinner!” Mrs. Kim called. Taehyung and Jin ran to the kitchen and sat down in their chairs.

“Hey! You sat down in the chair with the plate with more food!” Taehyung pouted.

“No, you did! See?” Jin switched their plates

“Thanks, hyung~” Taehyung smiled and began to eat his food.


Jin and Taehyung laid on their bed, watching Pororo.

‘Hey, Its Pororo!

I love to play all day

Come and join me all my friends

Always happy, as can be

Little penguin, Pororo


Snow covered wonderland

Make way for Pororo

Always happy, as can be

Everyday a new adventure waits for me


Call for him my little penguin

Porong Porong Porong Porong

Porong Porong Porong Porong

Po ro ro


I love to play all day

Come join me all my friends

Always happy, as can be

Porong Porong Porong Porong Po ro ro’


Both of the boys sang the theme song. After about half an hour later, both boys were asleep. Taehyung was laying his head on Jin’s stomach and Jin was holding Taehyung’s hand.

“Aww~” Mrs. Kim kissed Taehyung on the cheek and turned off the television. She went into her room, slipped into bed and went to sleep


Taehyung jumped into the snow “Snow angel!” Even though he was 13 years old, he still acted like a child.

Jin ran after him and made a double snow angel

“Yah! Hyung! You messed my snow angel up!” Taehyung got up and pouted. He dusted himself off and looked at the‘Double snow angel’ They made

“It looks like a circle” Jin looked at the thing they’ve made.

“Hyung, remember? Die die die die die die die die die die die die die!!” Taehyung pushed Jin into the snow and  jumped on him. “Just kidding~” Taehyung eye smiled

Jin laughed. “One second, there’s snow in my jacket,” He got up and walked to the front door steps. He dusted himself off and tidied himself up. A snowball hit the back of his head.

“Haha! Got you, hyung! I bet you can’t get me!” Taehyung ran off

Jin grinned. He made a snowball and hit Taehyung right in the face. “Haha! I got you~” The elder walked over to Taehyung. The younger was dusting off his face. “Thanks, hyung…” He said. He was still smiling though. He could never be mad at Jin.

Jin helped him take the snow off his face. “Sorry~”

Taehyung’s nose was red and there was snow stuck in his eyelashes

“One second, you have a little snow in your eyes,” Jin started to make hot air and melted the snow in the younger’s eyelashes. Yay~ It worked~

Jin pecked the younger’s nose. His nose looked as red as a cherry!

“C’mon, hyung! Let’s go in and drink some hot chocolate~” Taehyung grabbed Jin’s hand and they went inside.

They took off their jackets, boots, scarves, ear muffs, gloves, and sock caps.

They made themselves hot chocolate and sat at the table. They chatted for a while


“Taehyung! Jin! Time to go to bed!” Mrs. Kim said.

Jin and Taehyung walked to Jin’s bedroom and they laid on the bed. Mrs. Kim turned off the lights and closed the door.

“I’m tired~” Taehyung pouted and rubbed his eyes.

“Thats why we’re sleeping~” Jin laughed.

Jin laid back and crossed his legs and Taehyung went to his side and cuddled him.

“Goodnight, Hyung~” Taehyung secretly kissed his arm and then went to sleep


Taehyung is 16 years old now! Mrs. Kim already got him a car and she’s letting Jin teach him how to drive since Jin already knows how to drive.

Taehyung and Jin stepped into the car

“First step is to buckle-” Jin said

“But I thought the first step was to open the door,” Taehyung interrupted.

Jin wanted to face desk right now. “Okay, yes, thats the first step. Fourth step is to buckle up.”

“Yup, you’re right~ First step is to open the door, second is to get in, third is to close the door, and fourth is to buckle up~” Taehyung smiled awkwardly

Jin taught Taehyung the next steps and then they got to the ‘Step on the gas’ Step.

“Okay, don’t just jab your foot down on the gas, just ease on it a little,” Jin is really nervous. “If we die… Taehyung, I love you!” He laughed

The younger laughed and he eased on the gas. The car started moving.

“IM DOING IT! IM DOING IT!” Taehyung smiled and went down the street. He was doing really good.

They drove up and down the streets, down and back and eventually went back home.

They got out of the car.

“You’re a pretty good driver,” Jin said. “Super duper good at driving~”

“Haha~ Thanks, hyung~” Taehyung smiled and they went inside.


Taehyung sat in the living room. He was bored. Jin was sitting beside him, playing on his phone “Hyung~” He said. “Play with me or something~ Is there anything you wanna do?”

Jin put down his phone. “I don’t know what to do~”

Taehyung pouted.

“Yah, don’t pout~” Jin frowned. ‘Don’t pout because you’re so cute I just want to strangle you!’ He thought

“Don’t frown, hyung!” Taehyung stopped pouting. ‘I want you to be happy all the time~’ He thought

They both stopped the pouting and frowning and looked at each other. A few minutes passed and Taehyung said he was bored again.

“But I don’t know what to do~” Jin said again. He lifted his phone and searched ‘Pick up lines’ He wanted to ask Taehyung out but didn’t know how…

The first one he saw was, ‘Did it hurt? When you fell from heaven?’

Jin will just use that one. He wants to make it quick and fast and not awkward

Well, it would still be awkward but still.

“Uh… Taehyunggie,” Jin said. “Did it hurt?”

Taehyung lifted a brow. “What?”

“When you fell from heaven, did it hurt?” Jin wanted to slam his face into a tree

“Wait, are you implying that I am Satan?”

“What? No! No no no no no no no!” Jin wanted to slam his face into a tree again. “Taehyung, I like you. More than a friend, way way more than a friend. I want you to be mine. I know we’ve been only friends for our whole lives, but I want to be more than friends. I really really like you, Taehyunggie. You’re really good looking and I love your personality. I love you so so so so so so much. Will you please accept my feelings?” Jin blushed a little bit

“I… Jin…” Taehyung blinked and didn’t know what to say. “Jin, I like you too. I feel the same way towards you. I accept your feelings haha~” The younger hugged his hyung and kissed his cheek. “I love you too, Hyung!”

‘Since Taehyung is 18, he’s legal for marriage,too~’ Jin thought. ‘Wait what.’


Jin and Taehyung walked around the park hand in hand.

The sun was setting and Taehyung was humming a song

“You sing good.” Jin said.

“Hehe, thanks hyung~” Taehyung eye smiled

“Heuh, your eye smile kills me~” The elder laughed

Taehyung eye smiled again. “Thanks, hyung~”

Jin held his heart and laughed. “You killed me a little!”

Taehyung stopped eye smiling but smiled. “Heheh, sorry hyung~”

They walked over to a bench and watched the sunset.

“I like sunsets,” Taehyung said. “They’re beautiful~”

‘Psh, not as beautiful as you~’ Jin thought. He laughed out loud

“What are you laughing about?” The younger cocked his head to the side.

“I… uh…” Jin stopped laughing. “The sunset isn’t as beautiful as you, heheh…”

Taehyung looked at him and then started to crack up. “Heuh, you’re so cheesy.”

Jin wanted to tree-face-slam. “Heheh…”

“You’re so cute~” Taehyung smiled and pecked Jin on the cheek.

Jin pouted. Taehyung needs to stop pecking him on the cheek! Jin wants Taehyung to kiss him on the lips~

“Yah! Stop pouting!” The younger poked his cheek.

Jin sighed. “I’ll stop pouting once you…” He paused

“Once I what?” Taehyung asked

“Once you… Give me a kiss~” Jin blushed. “On the lips.”

“Aish, okay~” Taehyung blushed. “As long as you’re happy~” They stood up and faced each other. Taehyung wrapped his arms around his hyung’s waist and his hyung placed his hands on Taehyung’s neck. The younger got on his tippy toes and kissed Jin. They both closed their eyes.

Jin smiled through the kiss and blushed even more. He broke the kiss and whispered “I love you, Taehyunggie~” and then pecked his lips.

The younger smiled. “I love you too, hyung~”


Taehyung jumped in the bed with Jin. They were both really tired. Jin got under the blankets with the younger and they cuddled. Taehyung eye smiled and pecked his hyung on the lips. “Goodnight, Hyung~” He said

“Goodnight, Taehyunggie~ Sweet dreams~” Jin pecked Taehyung’s lips.

They both went to sleep


Taehyung and Jin were in the waiting room at the dentist’s and were holding hands. Its been over a year since they’ve been together~

Jin was getting his wisdom teeth pulled out.

“Seokjin Ah,” The nurse called. Taehyung smiled and waved. Jin waved back and followed the nurse.

Well this was going to hurt.


“Kim Taehyung,” The nurse called a few hours later. Taehyung got up and followed the nurse into one of the rooms.

“Hello, Taehyung,” The dentist greeted him. “I have some big news for you.”

“Good or bad?” Taehyung asked.

“Uh… Well, some really really bad news. Jin has lost his memory. We were wanting to give him sleeping medicine so it would hurt less, but we accidentally gave him the wrong medicine. We gave him a medicine that made him forget everything. Well not exactly everything but most things. He still knows how to read, write, speak, name all the things around him. He just doesn’t remember what he’s done in his life. For example, he doesn’t know his childhood memories. He doesn’t remember his parents or his friends either. That includes you.”

Taehyung’s heart shattered into a billion pieces.

Jin. Doesn’t. Remember. Taehyung.

Jin doesn’t remember ‘Mermaid mermaid, Jin is a mermaid.’ or ‘Die die die die die die die die die die die die die die!!’

He doesn’t remember them singing the Pororo theme song. He doesn’t remember them kissing for the first time. He doesn’t remember holding Taehyung for the first time. He doesn’t remember


“O-okay…” The corners of Taehyung’s mouth started to go downwards. His hands shook slightly. “Thats alright…” His voice was raspy and weak

“Come on in and see him,” The nurse started to walk to a different room. Taehyung followed her

“Aish! My mouth hurts~” Jin frowned

Taehyung smiled a little. “Hello, Jin~ I’m Kim Taehyung~”

“Kim Taehyung… I like that name~” Jin smiled the smile that Taehyung loved. “How do you know my name??”

Taehyung frowned. “I-I’m your boyfriend. We used to play with each other all the time~ Don’t you recognize me?”


Taehyung face palmed. He missed the old Jin. A tear rolled down the younger’s cheek and onto the floor


Jin and Taehyung walked around the beach. They weren’t going to swim or anything, they were just walking around. They didn’t even have swimsuits on, they just had regular clothes.

Taehyung gazed at the water glistening in the light. He remembered the things they did in the past. He chuckled because they didn’t even make sense, I mean ‘Mermaid mermaid, Jin is a mermaid.’ How is Jin a mermaid??

“Why are you my boyfriend?” Jin asked out of the blue. “I mean, I don’t even know you and you’re my boyfriend… Did I say I wanted to date you? No, I don't think so.”

Taehyung just wanted to die right now. “Lookie here mister, you’re the one who asked me out with that stupid pick up line and implying that I was Satan, now shut up.” He crossed his arms and looked over somewhere else.

“Sheesh, rude… Why are you so mean to me even though I’m your boyfriend?”
“I like the old Jin better. I’m pretty sure everyone likes the old Jin better. I don’t care if you’re still Jin, you don’t have the same personality. I don’t like that. I don’t like the new Jin.”

“Okay… Well I don’t like you either.”

‘Why do I have to bring this piece of with me?!’ Taehyung thought. ‘He has to follow me everywhere I go oh my gosh.’

“Here, lets go home.” Taehyung suggested. ‘So I could go to sleep and get a break from your stupidity.’ He rolled his eyes


Taehyung sat on the bed with Jin on there, too.

The younger just wanted to roll into a ball and then cry himself to sleep. He was so upset. He doesn’t want to talk to Jin at all. He also wanted to punch Jin in the face and burn him alive, but that was too violent.

“Do you mind if I sleep on the bed?” Jin asked. “My mouth hurts.”

Taehyung rolled his eyes. “Okay, whatever.” He jumped off the bed and went into the living room and laid on the couch.

He was too lazy to get a blanket.

He curled into a ball and tried to go to sleep

Jin was humming a song. You could hear his voice all the way from the living room.

Taehyung was so annoyed he didn’t even care anymore. “Shut up and go to sleep!” He shouted.

Jin stopped humming and Taehyung heard a quiet “Okay…”

‘Ugh, finally! Peace and quiet~’ Taehyung thought. He closed his eyes and went to sleep


Taehyung woke up crying. He dreamt about the things Jin and him did in the past. He really, really missed the old Jin.

“Die die die die die die die die die die die die die…” Taehyung said. He kept crying, coughing, and choking.

“Just kidding~”

Taehyung looked up. His eyes were puffy and red.

Jin was standing behind the couch, looking at Taehyung. “Yah, why are you crying?” He asked the younger

“...What?” Taehyung’s eyes widened. “How did you know the… ‘Just kidding~’?”

Jin gasped. “What do you mean ‘How did you know the Just Kidding?’” He put his hand on his heart. “How dare you! Haha!” He laughed. “Of course I’d remember, duh!” He climbed over the back of the couch and sat by Taehyung. “By the way, I was really cold last night~ Why didn’t you sleep with me?”

“Jin? What are you doing? I thought you said you didn’t like being around me…” The younger crossed his arms and looked away

“What do you mean? I love you!” Jin cupped Taehyung’s cheeks and kissed him on the lips.

Taehyung’s eyes widened. He didn’t know what to do so he just slapped Jin across the face. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!”

Jin held his cheek. “I was just giving you a kiss like we always did…”

“Jin, why are you acting so weird? You’re acting like the old Jin, what are you-”

“Old Jin?” Jin asked. “What do you mean Old Jin? I’m not that old, am I? There was another Jin??”

“Wait, whoa whoa… Was that a dream or something?” Taehyung pinched himself. “What…?”

“Taehyung, what are you doing? Are you crazy?”

‘Wait what’s happening oh my gosh what,’ Taehyung thought. ‘I need to know what’s happening…’

“Jin, open your mouth.”

“O...kay?” He did what he was told.

Gauzes were in Jin’s mouth, so the wisdom teeth getting pulled out thing couldn’t have been a dream.

“Okay, how does this work holy crap,” Taehyung was so confused. “If you’re the real Jin, then you’d know how long we’ve been together. How long have we been together?”

“Over a year, of course.” Jin answered.

“Wait whoa whoa, if you got medicine that made you forget everything, then how do you remember all of this stuff?? You’re acting like your old self what.” Taehyung thought real hard.

What the heck is happening

“Taehyung, do I need to take you to the doctors or something what are you doing.” Jin lifted a brow

The phone rang.

“I’ll get it~” Jin dashed over to the phone and picked it up.

A few minutes later, Jin hung up the phone.

“Who was that and what did they say?” Taehyung asked.

“It was the dentists and they said something about ‘The medicine being temporary’ or something like that. I think they’re just crazy, I don’t know what the heck they’re talking about.”

“Holy , Jin!” Taehyung’s eyes lit up. He was so freaking happy right now he could just- “Give me something!” Taehyung commanded.


“Just give me something! Anything!”

“O...kay??” He handed the younger a pillow

Taehyung ripped it in half and threw it on the ground.

“HOLY CRAP! HYUNG YOU'RE BACK TO NORMAL!” The younger glomped Jin. He was crying tears of joy. He kissed Jin on the lips about a million times. “I love you sooooooo much, hyung! So so so so so much!”

“Ohoho, well I love you, too~” Jin smiled.


Taehyung pecked Jin on the lips again. “I’m just so happy to have you back~”

Jin smiled “Hehe~”

“Oh and I almost forgot, you have to rinse your mouth with salt water!”

“Eww, salt water~” The elder scrunched his nose up

“Psh, don’t be a chicken~” Taehyung teased.

“Heuh, fine.” Jin got up and made some salt water. He went to the bathroom and rinsed out his mouth.

Taehyung could hear gagging. He giggled a little

A few minutes later, Jin walked out from the bathroom, wiping his mouth with a towel.

“Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew~” He said

“Haha~” Taehyung eye smiled and went up to his hyung. He pecked his lips. “Is that better?” He asked

“Heheh~” Jin chuckled. “Much much better~” They kissed again and then laid on the couch

“Die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die!!” Taehyung pushed Jin over and kissed him again and again

“What is ‘Die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die?’” Jin asked

“Oh no.” Taehyung gasped

“Just kidding~!” Jin pecked the younger’s lips


AN: omfg I just noticed that "AN" stands for authors note

I'm so slow *Face-tree-slams*

Here's another horrible Taejin fanfiction c:


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Oh my God your username is genius but confusing at the same time
Chapter 1: Cute cute cute cute!!!
is this even legal?? ^-^
I loved it!! :)
i need more taejin in my life ♡♥♡
Chapter 1: OMG SO CUTE ARGHH. The pecking and kissing and the endingz perfect :D