
Luvia's POV

"Luvia, don't you think people outside of this house are watching your every move?" Her father rubbed his forehead.

Luvia smiled, but deep down inside, she wanted to cry under her father's glare. Stay tough, she told herself mentally. "Peoples' noses should not be concerned with my business," she crossed her leg over the other, her foot dangling.

"You are the president's daughter. Most specifically, my daughter," he sighed and slammed a packet of papers on the coffee table in front of her. "The people don't think I'm suited as President of Mexico if I can't even handle my own daughter," he walked over to a chair suited for a king, sitting on it and inspecting her. "You graduated from high school, you aren't planning on going to college- or a university; all you are doing is creating havoc," he finished, entangling his fingers together.

She reached and grabbed the packet, flipping through the pages. "I don't see what I did bad. I hung out with a few thiefs, so what? It seems like they're the only ones who know how to have fun when a party is going on," just as she began to laugh, she saw a word, in big black block letters say 'Renadia'. "What is this?" Every girls nightmare was the word 'Renadia'. The country that's behind in modern society but super advanced in technology and education.

"Renadia is very selective with choosing who can remain in Renadia University. That country is a little bigger than Hawaii, so the king needs to make sure the population doesn't over grow. Which also means it's a great honor that he'll be letting you live in Renadia," the corner of his lips lifted, an evil appearance appearing.

was left agape, "Li-live?"

"Luvia, you destroyed an orphanage-"

"I was trying to save it. The citizens destroyed it by trying to stop me!"

"You were putting on loud music- screamo music at that- while the pastor was inside his room. He thought he was hearing the voices of the demons. It was your fault he set the place on fire." Her father's voice got louder, "You knew the pastor never once listened to music other than that of the Lord's. You are truly brainless."

"I was doing a concert for people to watch- I- I didn't know he'd put the place on fire." she felt her chest tighten. "How can they blame me? It was a simple mistake...even so, Dad, how can you blame me. How can you do this? I don't know Korean, I don't wear dresses, I don't want to smile without a reason. Have you seen them on TV? Their smiles are hollow, they're like robots I tell you!" she gasped for air, "Renadian's are nothing but hollow robots!"

"How would you know? You don't know the reasons for their smiles," her father rubbed his temples, scrunching his nose, "You aren't feminine, you have no manners, you disrespect your elders, and you have no fear of gangsters or life-threatening people. You are a troublemaker. I'm hoping that by sending you there, your dangerous personality will change, and so will your morals." He got up and without another word, pointed to the door, sending his only daughter out.

Luvia stomped her way to her room, knowing there was no way out of the situation. So instead, she looked at the packet, which held information of Renadia's university, dorms, culture, etc.

"This'll be fun," she whispered sarcastically as she accepted the fact that she wasn't going to be a 'Party all day, party all night' jeans and a t-shirt kind of girl anymore.

Prince Minki's POV

"Congrats, bro." Minhyun, the first prince, patted his little brothers back. "A month left until your announcement as king. You'll be a great leader."

"Two months left," interrupted their mother, "The Prince of Renadia needs a princess."

Minki, the youngest son, grunted. "Why am I being crowned king? Minhyun is more than capable of being king- plus, he's at the age of marriage! He'd do perfect as a king and husband."

"I'm not as young as you are. The people want a long lasting king, not a short lived one." Minhyun placed his lips close to his brother's ear, "Besides, I want to live my life away from Renadia, not be stuck here for the rest of my life."

Minki blushed a deep red, knowing his brother will live his life as reckless and dangerous as he'd want; but knowing him, he'd just graduate from Renadia University and create his own family elsewhere.

"Don't whisper. There's nothing to hide." Their mother watched them carefully.

"When will the date of the engagement happen, and to whom will you set me up with?" Minki relied on his mother for everything, so now he was hoping he wouldn't have to lift a finger in choosing a wife.

"You know we hold a ball of Renadia's best women. In the ball, we will hold challenges, your father and I as judges of course. We will choose the girl for you," their mother smiled smugly. "All you have to do is sit and watch."

"What if I like a particular girl in the ball, will I be able to pick her even though you choose someone else?"

Their mother stayed silent for a while, thinking..."We'll see," she turned around and left, leaving both brothers standing in the room.

"Why did you ask her that? Do you already have someone in mind?" Minhyun sat on the living room couch, rolling up the sleeves of his prince outfit.

"Just in case someone pops up from the rest," Minki sat beside his brother, "Who knows, maybe I'll find my soulmate?"

Luvia's POV


"Welcome to Renadia," bowed Farmer Lee, her father's best friend. "Your father thinks the dorm life will not suit you, so he instructed me to bring you home with me."

Luvia stretched, raising her arms and slowly bending her back. She yawned, seeing that some people in the airport were watching her carefully.

"Isn't she Mexico's daughter?" whispered someone in English.

"Miss Luvia!" shouted someone else in Korean. "Can I get an autograph? You are an inspiration, because of you, I'm trying my hardest in school!"

Luvia looked at Farmer Lee, hoping for a translation. "She wants an autograph...and she's praising you," he told her.

She took the girls notepad and scribbled her name on it, somehow feeling cocky and overjoyed. Who knew that this country knew about her? "Picture?" She asked the girl, her happiness over flooding.

"You know English and Spanish, you should start learning Korean as well," Farmer Lee told her as the girl took a photo of them both. "We don't have time, I must get back to the farm before my wife sees me missing."

"Chill out, you're the man, aren't you? Your wife can hold up. I'm a permanent guest, I should at least be shown around by the host," Luvia grabbed her suitcase and began walking out of the airport, a bright sun heavily shining above them. "Show me the king's palace. I want to see where the magic happens."

"You'll be able to see when we go home." Farmer Lee grabbed her wrist and pulled her into a cab, instructing him to drive them home.

For about twenty minutes, she was staring out the window in awe and amazement as the island called a country was full of greenery. The roads were still dirt and the sidewalks were grass instead of cement. Beautiful brick houses were standing besides rivers or forests. The country seemed to be full of forests and woods. "Are there any ?" She asked boldly.

Farmer Lee took a double take, the cab driver looked at her with wide eyes, "Madame Luvia, this country has not seen any horrifying things happen since the establishment as a country. The people of this country respect each other, we do not do such things," he cleared his throat, "So walking out at nine at night will be perfectly fine for ladies, you shall not worry of whom could sneak up on you."

"That's nice to hear," a country with no , how nice is that? "How about murders-"

"Luvia!" the cab driver stopped the car in front of the farm, while Farmer Lee turned red. "As I explained before, Renadia is not like any other country, we do not kill for pleasure or for boredom. We haven't had murder since the island was founded. Our kings select people who are capable of not harming anyone to stay in the country. Our kings would rip your throat if you dare lay a hurtful finger to another; but of course, we as humans do argue and fight, we are all human."

She nodded, approving her new environment, "Then if I go missing at night, don't look for me, I'll probably be enjoying the night. Are there any stars visible here?"

"Only the brightest and the happiest stars appear," he helped her out and both walked to the farm. "Renadia is looked down upon because we still keep our old ways of culture. We dress the way we did hundreds of years ago-" he pointed to his thin brown raggedy shirt and rolled up thin jeans. "but we have freedom and rights just like everyone else." She couldn't stop staring at his old clothes. "I have warm new clothes inside, I wear these now because it is summer and I don't want to ruin the clothes my wife has bought."

She nodded, thinking of something else. "I heard they have many carnivals and festivals here. When will the next festival be?"

Farmer Lee smiled, the corners of his lips reaching eye to eye. "Prince Minki will be holding a ball. Renadia's women, age eighteen through twenty-five will join. You may not have lived here for long, but because the king has given you the honor of living here, you are a part of Renadia now. So you will join as well," he blushed, "My daughter just turned eighteen, so she will be invited to go."

Her father had given her pictures of all of Farmer Lee's family members. He had one daughter, two sons, and a wife. His daughter had long wavy black hair that reached her waist, her skin was milky white and her eyes were honey brown; her name was Evalyne. His eldest son dyed his hair a light brown, his skin was white but not like his sister, his name was Aron. The youngest son also dyed his hair brown, he looked the oldest, but he was the most handsome of the family; his name was Jonghyun, but they called him Junior Royal (JR for short).

"I guess I should be excited for the ball then," she smiled, "I heard your daughter is elegant and beautiful. The King might favor her."

Famer Lee blushed. "My daughter has always been praised for her beauty, I hope the compliments we received is true; I want the best for her. But of course, I do hope you will be selected as well- I mean, I love my daughter- but you are also very beautiful- but-"

She raised her hand up, "I have no interest in the Royal Family. I'm just here to accomplish what my father wants of me. Being selected as princess will be preposterous."

Farmer Lee opened the front door, Luvia noticed something behind the house- A castle!

It was a grey brick palace, adorned with flowers and vines on the walls. Windows with elegant blue curtains shined with the light. The farmers and the servants of the palace were visible as they began to run from place to place, having to run errands for the family of the castle.

Farmer Lee saw her stare, he smiled softly and pointed, "We are in charge of the animals and the crops of the castle, that is why we are so close to it. The King and the Queen of Renadia don't mind if passers-by or visitors go onto their yard to look around. They enjoy company of the outsiders, and of Renadian's the most. Someday I will take you to the castle and show you the outside, the inside- of course- is for the King himself to show you."

As her eyes couldn't get enough, she had to enter the tiny brick house.

Prince Minki's POV

He stared at a cup of coffee, a week had passed since his mother informed him of the ball.

"It is such an honor to have the Queen of England in our home," gushed his mother, unable to stay still as she served the other queen.

"No! It is our honor that you have invited us. We have seen so much of Renadia on TV that our princess has been dying to come," the Queen of England smiled at her daughter, who was staring at Minki.

"Are you happy that you will be king soon?" the Princess of England was trying to hold his stare, "All you need is a queen right? Who have you chosen?"

Minki's mother looked at the princess, "We will hold a ball of Renadia's best women. We, as parents, will choose the best of the girls to be our sons wife."

At this point, the King of Renadia, Minki's father, started to laugh. "Would you like to participate in our ball?" he glanced at his son. "He may not look like much, but he will be king. It would be nice if both our countries united as one because of our children."

The Queen of England gasped and stayed silent. His mother was also quietly staring at the other queen, until the queen smiled with bright pink cheeks. "That would be lovely! Imagine, our children of different palaces becoming king and queen of two countries? It would be marked down in history. Our countries would unite and our population can expand. Our way of society could change entirely."

His mother's eyes widened, full of joy with the idea. "A Renadian baby with an English baby? That would be just to die for!"

"Mom- no. The princess has not even agreed, why are you saying these things?" Minki spoke up, horrified of even the thought of being with the princess.

She was beautiful, no doubt; but the princess seemed so boring and out of tune that he would rather die than live a life with her. Only imagining them as husband and wife, talking about their days- nearly killed him.

"I would be more than happy to be involved in the ball- only if you choose me in the end, of course." the Princess of England let out a small girly laugh.

"Of course, now that I think about it- if you join, we will choose you no matter what." the Queen of Renadia was out of her right mind. "Join with the rest of the girls, and no matter who stays in the finals, you will be chosen. I absolutely love your personality and your being; you are perfect for our queen."

"Mom-" Minki tried not to sound rude. "I thought I was able to have a say in this."

"Minki has been such a great boy since birth. He does what we ask of him every time. Look at him, it seems he has taken a liking to the princess." the King of Renadia was not in the clear either.

Minki kept his mouth shut as both queens and kings discussed the engagement. The princess would go on and on about her life in her palace; the way her brothers annoyed her, the way her.

Hours passed and finally, he was in his room alone. He picked up his phone, and sighed in relief as he'd finally be able to talk to the one person he truly wanted to talk to- Evelyne.

"Hello?" someone answered.

"Evelyne?" Minki pulled his bright blonde hair back, the phone between his ear and shoulder.

"No...this is Luvia." a girl with a non-lady-like voice answered in English. "Who is this?"

"It is rude to answer someone elses phone. Did no one teach you that in Mexico?" Evelyne's elegant high voice rang in the background. "Give that to me."

"What a rude little , I'm not accustomed to your attitude." Luvia whispered in Spanish, possibly enough for only him to hear, and for Evelyne to get angery about.

"Get out, or play outside with the others. Play fetch or something." Evelyne was on the phone now, talking to her in Korean, her voice clearer. "Isn't that what you Mexican's do?"

"Woof woof- wait what? Are you asking for a beating?! You Renadian little prick- I just got here and your acting that way? Come here, let me singe that god awful hair of yours!" Luvia shouted in English.

For a few seconds, it sounded like some things had fallen, broken, and yells and shouts of several people were on the other side. Minki was deciding whether or not to call later, but his girlfriend was still on the other line; he wasn't going to be rude.

"I'm sorry for the wait, who is this?" Evelyne sounded tired and out of breath.

"It's Minki- Evelyne, are you ok? Who is that girl who answered the phone? Did she hurt you?" then he remembered something, "Who brought her to Renadia? She is not Renadian, and she dares to yell at you?" he could feel his face turn red from anger.

"My father brought her. Her own father can't handle her, so she has to stay with us until she learns some etiquette." she sighed. "Minki...that girl will be entering the ball." she whined, "You will choose me no matter what, right? You promised."

He stayed silent. "My father must have invited her." he shook his head. "Don't worry, darling, I'll make sure you will be my queen. That girl Luvia won't even make it to the second round." he assured her, "You are mine."

"I hope so." she whispered. "I have to go- it's bed time." she made a loud kissing noise through the phone. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." Minki smiled, loving how his girlfriend didn't break her father's rules and followed them.

She was a girl that did what she was told, a girl with the most perfect and interesting voice. She was someone who could be strict but kind. She was perfect for Minki, and he knew that.

He was going to make sure he made Evelyne the queen, and if she wanted Luvia gone from the first round, then that was exactly what he was going to do.

Someone knocked on his bedroom door, a sneaky Minhyun poking his head in. "Don't change into your PJ's yet. Come take a walk with me outside."

"UGH, why." whined Minki. "I'm tired."

Minhyun walked in and grabbed a pillow, hitting his brother. "It is ten o'clock. The fathers of the women in Renadia have given them all a curfew to be in by this time. Which means we will not be bothered by them as we walk." he smiled. "I guess it's a good thing Father ordered the other fathers to give curfew to their children."

Minki thought about Evelyne. "I guess all women in this country do follow their parents orders. But none of them are like my Evelyne."

Minhyun kept hitting his brother. "Get up, if you want, we can even go up to Princess Evelyne's home and disrupt her sleep for you."

"No!" Minki got up, "I will walk with you, but my princess needs her sleep. Plus, she'll be angry if we wake her. She is not used to being up so late."

Minhyun smirked, disgusted that his brother was into uptight girls. "Whatever, walk with me."

Both brothers began to nudge each other as they left the room. They began to tell each other jokes as they walked out into the fresh air in the back yard of the castle.

"You'll find your princess one day." Minki told his brother. "I believe you'll find her."

His big brother let out a small chuckle, "I very much hope she is not like your Evelyne."

"What is wrong with my Evelyne?" Minki glared at him.

"I want someone who is free, who will stand up for herself. Someone who is kind and has a pleasant face. The women here have faces of uptight girls who smile for no strangers. They don't even say a simple 'Thank you' to people who wish them a good day." Minhyun kicked a rock hard, making it fly above the ground and land on someone.

"Ow!" shouted an unfamiliar voice. "Ah! Crap!" the person shouted in a language they didn't understand. "Who threw that?!" the voice seemed to be too deep from the regular high pitched voices of Renadian women, but it seemed to be higher than a males. Was it a she-male?

Luvia's POV

After her fight with Evelyne- who was a total snob- she had been pulled away and forced to be out in the field of crops with Aron and JR for the entire rest of the evening, she had to wear a dress up to her ankles, the dress had an apron stitched to the front; the dress was raggedy and old. What an ugly thing to wear with a body like hers! Mexican men would have laughed at her if they saw her like that.

"Evelyne...are you awake?" even so, it was night time and Luvia was dressed in her flower patterened night gown. "Hey- Evelyne~" she whispered, making sure her evil roommate was asleep.

The only signs of life were the snores that the little snob made. Which gave her the opportunity to leave the room.

It's dark out, the animals are in their stalls, and I'm sick of this tiny place. she thought, tippy toeing her way out of the house.

As fresh cold air hit her cheeks, she trembled from the slight wind. She should have brought a change of clothes to wear, but for now, she was stuck with a gown that touched below her knees, with sleeves up to her wrist. It was a cute gown, but it didn't show as much skin as she wanted.

Outside, the noises of heavily breathing cows and horses were loud. It was peaceful.

She put on her combat boots as she started to walk towards the castle. She was dying to see the brick walls, the expensive window frames, and the to-die-for medieval doors of the castle's entrance.

It took ten minutes to get to the castle, she took her time walking through a few trees, bushes, and crops, but in the end she was finally in front of the castles doors.

"Amazing..." she whispered in Spanish, missing her mother tongue. She had to speak English all day for everyone to understand, and almost the entire time, they didn't understand her anyway.

The moon shined it's heavenly light on the dirt that lead to the back of the castle. Farmer Lee had said it was a yard with a garden the size of two fields, with a playground for the children, and a place to relax to watch the stars. She wanted to check out this supposed yard.

"You'll find your princess one day." said someone from afar.

Luvia felt shock as she heard a mans voice. She still had the mind of a Mexican, so she hid behind a tree that separated the walk to the yard, and the castles wall. She didn't want to be caught, who knows what this man could do-

"I very much hope she is not like your Evelyne." said another man.

Two men? Luvia grabbed her chest, trying to slow down her heart. She felt as if she could be in danger. Stay strong. Don't be weak, weak is a sign of fear. She nodded her head in confidence and stepped away from the tree. The path that lead to the yard was dark in front of her, so she could not see if the men were walking towards her, or were somewhere else.

"Wait a minute...they said Evelyne." she whispered to herself. "How many can there be? Is that snob seeing someone?" the juicy gossip that she'd be able to tell back home was eating at her, she perked her ear further up.

She couldn't hear anything anymore, until she started walking up the path. She regretted doing so, because a rock flew towards her direction and hit her arm. "Ow!" under the light, a scratch from the rock was visible. "Who threw that?!" she said in Spanish, forgetting that she was not in Mexico anymore, but sure as heck she was angry.

Two guys began to appear in front of her. Both were wearing blue prince coats, but only one was wearing a coat with long sleeves, while the other was sleeveless.

"Who are you, and what are you doing out this late?" demanded the one with no sleeves.

Luvia stood still, amazed at how that guy had blonde hair that shined so brightly beneath the moon. His brown eyes so beautifully shocked as he stared at her. His milky white skin blinding her eyes. "I've never seen so much beauty..." she whispered in Spanish, her lips going numb from the thought of placing her lips against his curved ones.

"Aren't you...aren't you the new Renadian?" the guy with long sleeves asked with a small smile.

She ignored him, even though he as well was handsome. But the blonde was in every way beyond beauty and loveliness- and she still couldn't understand a single Korean word he said.

A hand grabbed her wrist, the guy with long sleeves looked at her scratch, his eyes seeming worried. "I didn't know somebody would be in front of us. Pardon me, I didn't mean to harm you."

Finally, she laid eyes on the guy. His light brown hair was swaying from side to side above his eyes as the wind blew, his dark brown eyes were gorgeously round. As he smiled even a little, his cheeks became round and seemed to reach his eyes. His skin was not as white, but it was still otherworldly beneath the natural light.

"Do you not speak Korean?" the blonde asked, seeming angry now. "Who are you?" he asked in English.

Oh God- the accent- the accent. She lost her breath, "My name is Luvia." she tried to keep her cool, but this boy was too much. No boy she has ever seen looked this dashing. "I just came to Renadia."

"So you are the Mexican who dared to touch Evelyne?" the blonde took a step forward, his angry face only making Luvia melt- and get angry too.

"You know Evelyne? How?" a tad bit of jealousy overwhelmed her, but she also felt a little revolted. Whoever knew Evelyne who wasn't Farmer Lee's family was immediately on her blacklist. What a shame really. "How do you know that little snob of a girl? She's merely a peasant, a farmer's daughter, and she thinks she's the highest person of us all." as she talked, it seemed the boy with brown hair was staring at her with eyes as wide as a deer's.

"A snob?" the blonde scoffed. "You dare call such a wonderful girl that?" he bit his lip in frustration, only making Luvia nearly faint. "And where are your manners? Bow to the princes! We are not in an English speaking country, speak Korean!" he ordered.

Alright, are all these people buttholes? "Look here All Mighty 'Prince'. I just came here, I bow for no one. In fact, in Mexico, they bowed down to me, I was the closest thing to a princess. You can go on along your path of wherever, while I can go and look at the backyard of the castle." she pulled her wrist back from the brown haired boy and stared at the blonde.

"Did the farmer not give you a curfew? Why are you not in bed at home?" the brown haired boy tilted his head to the side, looking at her with curious eyes.

Luvia pouted her lips, looking at the two guys who stared at her. "Yeah, he gave me one, but do you believe that I- a president's daughter- will actually take orders from a farmer? Of course I pretended to sleep when he checked on us, that would be utter disrespect to the man who took me in, but he won't know I left after curfew since he's asleep. Unless..a little snitch told on me." she raised her upper lip in a threatening way, the spark that she saw on the blonde losing her interest.

The brown haired boy laughed, making the blonde and her glare. "You do not have to worry. We will keep our mouths closed, I assure you." he nudged the blonde, "Minki, leave her alone. Renadia needed a little rebel anyway. It's not fun when all the girls behave nicely."

She held her chin high and proud, sticking her tongue out slowly as the blonde took another step towards her. "Who are you guys anyway?" she said that so rudely, that she felt kind of bad for the brown haired guy, but not the blonde. He knew Evelyne and even seemed just like her, she both hated and loved him at the same time.

"I'm Minhyun." the brown said, holding her hand. "And that's Minki." Minhyun's hand warmed her own. "A girl should not be wearing a night gown at night, especially one that can reveal skin under light. When they say see-through, they really mean you can see through it."

Luvia immediately looked down at her clothes and remembered that she was still wearing her gown. Her night gown only revealed her shoulders and her legs, the gown had thicker cloth from her thighs to her upper body. "This is nothing. It's just a regular arm and leg. If you want to see revealing, now that would be showing you my cleavage-"

"Enough!" shouted Minki. It seemed that he hadn't noticed either that she was wearing a night gown, so now he had his head turned away. "Go home."

"No." she stomped on the ground, her combat boot making a little jingle sound from the metal chains around it.

Minhyun let out a small laugh as he saw her boots. "You're a strange one." he looked at her with eyes of wonder.

"What do you mean 'strange' you punk-" she began.

"Prince Minki! Prince Minhyun! Come inside, the queen says it is time for bed!" the door from the side of the castle had opened, a peasant was shouting out.

Wait a minute....

Luvia began to remember the magazines, the TV commercials, the everything that involved the media, and realized she'd seen these boys before. "Pr-princes." she recognized their faces. Well, she was rude from the beginning, she can't just bow down now since she's gone this far. "Go inside and get tucked in, it'll be colder soon."

Minki's eyes widened, he couldn't comprehend that such a human could disrespect a prince. "You will not go far in life if you keep living here." he told her, "Trust me, with your attitude, this will not go any longer."

She didn't dare stick her tongue out now, but all she could do was look up at the stars and ignore him. She could hear someone walk towards them, she didn't even want to see a third face, so she dashed through Minhyun and Minki and ran back to the farm. Not once looking back.

She made it back in time. The house was still quiet, except for the snob's snores, but other than that, it seemed everyone was still asleep.

Luvia pulled off her boots and crawled into her bed, the image of those two princes were stuck in her head. She couldn't stop her heart from feeling hollow. She totally disrespected two princes! Not fake ones, but real ones! Who knows if Minki was going to snitch on her? If he does, her head could be chopped off like the kings in the Joseon era did- or torture her until she apologized(which she would refuse to do). Her head was jammed with thoughts of her dying by the king or the princes's hands. She smacked herself, what if the news of her being rude to princes went to Mexico? Her father would surely be kicked out as president, she couldn't let that happen. He was good at what he did, her stupid mistake of not respecting people she just met was her fault.

"Aish." she knew she was going to have to stay in Renadia for a long time in order for her to learn some manners.

She nearly cried herself to sleep that night.

Prince Minki's POV

As they went inside the castle, he couldn't stop looking back. The girl that appeared before them, who looked completely clueless that her hair was disheveled and her eyes were wild, seemed to shake him to the very core of his being. He was disgusted that someone with no etiquette could even exist, but he was also fascinated that someone with no etiquette could be so fun to be angry at. The short time that he argued with her, was possibly the first time he's ever felt so alive while to talking to someone other than his brother.

She seemed so otherworldly. Was his brother speaking about this kind of girl? A girl with no manners, a girl who brings spice to life as she snaps back with witty comments- was that the kind of girl he spoke about?

"I mark her mine." Minhyun said aloud as they walked up the grand stairs. "You were right, I found my princess."

Minki's heart stopped. He looked at his big brother, "That is your ideal type?" he thought about that girl again. "She speaks no Korean, she has no manners, and she doesn't even care if she wears a see-through night gown at night."

Minhyun smiled softly, "That's exactly what I've been wanting." he bit his bottom lip. "She's definitely not someone who obeys the rules, she seems to have created her own." he looked at his little brother. "Did you see her eyes? They're nothing like the eyes of a Renadian woman. She looked so wild, so out-there, and they were so big and round- I want to see her again."

"I think you've gone mad." he told him, reaching his door. "That girl, she looks like nothing but a troublemaker."

"You have Evelyne, so you should just focus on her. If the girl is a troublemaker, let me handle her." Minhyun started to walk down the corridor, "That girl will be my princess~ bring me joy, laughter, and children!" he shouted, raising a finger in the air. "Mine, mine, mine!"

"Crazy bastard." Minki whispered beneath his breath, walking into his room.

The bedroom had brown walls, beige trims, and redwood furniture. He had a door leading to his walk-in closet, and another leading to his bathroom with a Jacuzzi. He went into his closet and started to change into his light blue pajama pants, in deep thought.

He couldn't get that girl out of his head. Even though he fought his memories, he still remembered the way her hair rebelled against her as it swayed to one side, her wide eyes ravishing as the moon reflected off them, the light of both the moon and the outside lamp giving her light brown skin a glow only the actresses of movies would have. He's always met girls with light colored skin and black hair, but this girl had dark brown hair that could trick you if glanced once. She truly was weird, but she was definitely not worth his time.

Then why was he thinking of her? It should be the time where he should think of Evelyne, especially since he's about to go to bed. It was like a tradition, he had to think of Evelyne before sleeping so he can dream of her.

Rude girl; first appearing out of nowhere, speaking badly about his girlfriend, and even uncaring that he was the prince!

He shook his head as he cozily got under his sheets. He, for the first time ever, wished Evelyne could have broken her father's rules and came to see him at night.

He closed his eyes, Evelyne's face appearing brightly under his eyelids. But it all came crashing down as he fell asleep, and one devilish looking girl came into his private dreams....


*bows 90 degrees

Hi readers!

It's me again^^ did you like the chapter?

I went for something different this time because all my other romance/tragedy stories seemed depressing,

so I came up with this story that will hopefully not be depressing, I promise it won't be depressing or TOO

depressing if it leads to it.


(you know what? The readers who read this story should be called something

like Royal Reader/s[you know, because it's a prince/princess story])

Ok, I'm off to imagining more scenes for the next chapters and for my other story.


Please comment and or subscribe, I'd love feedback and knowing I have readers to motivate me to continue, hwaiting!

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Thank you!
I'll make the chapters shorter if you guys want. Or do you guys like the chapters as is? Hmmm, I'm so indecisive T.T


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MonsterVip #1
Chapter 4: I really liked this chapter! I hope luvia will keep on being a boyish girl :3 I like that kind of caracters! I really like the caracter of luvia! And I love the story concept with royalties and stuff! You are doing a great job writing this story and I will be waiting for the nexst chapter :D
MonsterVip #2
Chapter 2: I really like this story!
I'm looking forward to the next chapter!