Surprises Can Come Earlier Than Expected

Surprises Can Come Earlier Than Expected

How could the sky look so much bluer today? You thought as you walked through the busy city streets. You had just come from the doctor for one of your final checkups before the baby was born. The doctor said you were healthy and the baby was healthy and you felt like you were floating on air. Xiumin was busy practicing for his comeback with Exo, but when you called and said what the doctor said, you couldn’t help but grin when you heard his excited, “Really? He said that? Wah! I’m gonna be a father!” You smiled to yourself coming close to your apartment. You were beginning to crave something sweet, so you went into a nearby ice cream shop. Ducking inside the pastel colored shop, you made your way to the counter, looking at all the different options. Absentmindedly rubbing your stomach, you came to a silent decision: chocolate and vanilla swirled with a chocolate cone.

“Aish! Look at her!” “I can’t believe that that is her.” “She’s not even pretty! Poor Xiumin-ah, he could have done SO much better.” You turned to the sound of the voices once you heard Xiumin’s voice. It was a bunch of school aged girls, sitting at a table by the window, and attempting to stare you down. You shook your head, trying to forget about them, remembering what Xiumin told you:  You are the only one for me. I don’t care what anyone says to you. Don’t believe it. Unless it comes out of my mouth, which it never will, don’t listen to a word they say. You are mine. And I am yours. Forever. Thinking about that made you feel better, so you went up to the counter and ordered.

Taking your ice cream and finding a table far from those girls, you sit and eat your ice cream happily. You feel your unborn child kick and it surprises you. You smile and continue to eat you ice cream when someone comes over to you. You look up to see the sneering face of one of the girls at the table. “Excuse me, but I don’t know why Xiumin would be interested in someone as ugly as you. What did you do to seduce him? He would have never gone to someone like you.” You look at the girl silently, shake your head, and grab your things to head toward the exit. “Excuse me!” the girl rudely yells, grabbing your bag strap to pull you back, almost causing you to fall. “You think you can leave? What did you do to him? Answer me now!” The girl’s eyes widen at you in anger yanking at your bag strap, two, three, four more times. You pull your bag out of her grasp and look at her pityingly. “Can you really call yourself a fan? Would Xiumin like the fact that you’re behaving like this? Not just to me, but to anyone? Please, stop now.” You turn to leave when the girl screams at you and kicks the table nearest to you into you.

You saw it coming and were able to move away in time that it didn’t hit you. But that didn’t stop the pain you suddenly felt. You began to feel weird and unconsciously, your hand moves to your stomach. The doctor described this feeling to you but it didn’t change the fact that it surprised you. It was time. Not caring anymore what happened to the girl or to the furniture of the shop, you just quickly left the shop. By some small miracle, a taxi pulled up right as you exited the shop. The driver got out and pulled out a cigarette and lighter. “Excuse me,” you said to the driver in a rushed voice, “I need you to take me to the hospital NOW.” He took one look at you, tossed his unlit cigarette to the ground and opened the door for you.  Getting in quickly, the driver slammed the door and ran to the other side. Getting in and jamming on the gas, you were off and down the street in a matter of seconds, moving at an unreal speed toward the hospital. Pulling out your phone, you sent a quick message to Xiumin before getting out of the taxi, which had got there remarkably fast, and paying the driver, who said to keep the money for some diapers. Walking as fast as possible to the desk, you explained that you were going into labor, before the doctors and nurses took full control of the situation.

Xiumin collapsed on the floor, never wanting to move again. He was so tired, and every bit of him hurt. He heard the familiar sound of his phone buzzing, and sighed before trying to crawl over to it, before Tao took pity on him and handed him his phone. He unlocked the phone seeing a message from you. He smiled, before clicking your message to read it. “It’s time. The baby is coming.” The message said. He didn’t know how he did it but he suddenly had enough energy to swim all of the oceans combined. “Alright, let’s do the dance agai- Xiumin?” The choreographer said. But Xiumin was gone. Sprinting over to Kris, he stole Kris’s car keys before bee lining it out the door, leaving everyone speechless. Driving ridiculously fast, Xiumin got to the hospital in a matter of minutes, despite the fact that the hospital was a good 40 minute drive away from the studio. Parking messily in the front, he dashed inside the hospital, frantically saying your name to the receptionist. “Room 389, But she’s in labor!” she said, but Xiumin did not hear. He was already at the elevator pushing the button impatiently. Giving up on the elevator he ran to the stairs, practically flying to the third floor. He sprinted down the hall until he got to the delivery room. He paced back and forth nervously. He suddenly heard a lot of tired and exasperated, “Xiumin!”’s as the rest of Exo ran over to him. “Is she okay?” Suho asked. “You left your phone; you just dropped it and ran.” Kris laughed. “I’m not mad that you stole my car by the way. This is important.” Xiumin was too nervous to speak. Suddenly a doctor came out and noticed the big group of sweaty and out of breath men. He came over and looked at everyone before his eyes landed on Xiumin. “Are you the father?” Xiumin nodded silently. “Congratulations sir, it’s a healthy and beautiful girl. Would you like to see her?” The rest of Exo began to cheer loudly as Xiumin followed the doctor into the delivery room. “Are they family?” The doctor asked Xiumin. “Yes, they’re my brothers,” he replied. The doctor opened the door for Xiumin and he rushed over to your side. “What happened?” He asked before his attention got stolen by the adorable sleeping baby in your arms. “Is she ours?” He asked slowly, eyes wide. “She’s ours.” You reply to him, giving your shocked husband a kiss on the cheek. 

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affshcialle #1
I can't wait to read this