Key And His Otomen Style Love

One Shot Collection

The title, "Otomen" is a pun made of the Japanese word otome (乙女?), meaning "young lady" or "mistress", and the English word "men". The characters in the series refer to Asuka as an "otomen" and even he himself has done so.(It was a manga book i read ok and this kind of discribes Key.) Read the book"OTOMEN♥" and the definition won't sound so bad.

%E3%83%92%E3%82%9A%E3%82%AF%E3%83%81%E3%(I couldn't find a smaller,yet newer picture of Key so here ya go.) Key is a "otomen" who has fallen for the perfect foreign love.His cuteness may come off gay but he uses it to become a girl's best (boy-) friend,yet ideal boyfriend.As she and her boyfriend Kris move to Korea only to break apart.Will Key's friendship with her help thrive in his plans?

9d893434516211e39de7124ef98b77aa_8.jpg(OK,so another note. I decided to use mah adorable face for this one because you guys haven't seen much of me recently.) *Teehee* This is moi but I shall change the name for the sake of you guys.That name......*drumroll please*.............YOU!! You can can pick and use your name. I won't even use my name because of course it would be my Korean name.

______ is a beautiful girl who has grown up in America and has recently moved to Korea with her boyfriend Kris.Things don't go well between the two and creates drama.She turns to Key, her loyal,BFF for advice,but little does she now that she will have a new "Kris"(Key) by tomorrow. (See what I did there.)

______'(s) POV                                                                                                                                                                                                                     "OMG Kris,why did you do that!" I said. "WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS WITH THAT KEY GUY!?!" Kris said loud yet coldly. His eyes burning holes as he huffs and puffs out of jealousy. "He's my best friend, Kris and I'm pretty sure he's gay."I explained."Doesn't seem like it to me, He's always all over you and you never notice it. "Kris cried (litterally)."You're mine,stay away from him!!" Kris said wiping away his tears. (He really loves her.) "I'm sorry you felt neglected and jealous ,but you can't get in the way of my friendship!" I said."I don't want you around him anymore!!" He yelled. "You know what Kris, I'm done." He and I are BESTFRIENDS, and we are not ending it, he was my BFF since 2nd grade back in the U.S., he was the reason I came here KRIS!!" I said becoming even more pissed. Kris' eyes were creating a stream by now.~~ Kris loves her and he knows what Key has been and is up to after being confronted by him earlier.

Key's POV                                                                                                                                                                                                                           I knew scaring Kris would cause drama and cause them to fight._______ will always believe me.I knew Kris thought I was suspicious before,but now he has me figured out.I play the role of a girl's best friend by using my cuteness and wrongful events in the past to come off gay to get closer to her. I know she would call me about the argument and come running. Kris thinks he knows something~ but he doesn't know . _____ and I have been friends since childhood. I loved her ever since I met her. She was weird little girl though. She loved kpop and sort of came off like a weeaboo, but she knew better not to go too far. She knew who she was and was proud. She could see right through me, she always knew what I was feeling. She thinks I'm gay because when I was 12 I had a crush on boy who... (sigh) was transgender. I knew he was a girl and I only liked him beacuse he reminded me of _______. They were almost the same person. I wanted _____ but I saught to it that I would never have her. That same year we entered our first year of middle school.Kids because she liked asians and kpop and they coupled her up with other asian kids at school and some popular kids. People soon started to like her beacuse she was so tough and smart and thought she was so cool and I was just stuck in the dark .....alone. She had a strong persistant personality. No one could brake her shell.She was ullay harrassed everyday because of her s, but she never complained. That's why NO ONE could shake her. She was always happy. I want to make her happy. One day I had come over her house during the summer. Her mother was a single women so _____ was alone till 6:00 everyday. We were 13 years old and I was curious. The day before I stole a o from my neighbors and I watched it. I brought it with me to her house. I played it for her. She resisted watching it, but I convinced her to open her eyes. After about 5 minutes I had become hard and she wet. We removed bits of clothing and we began to kissed eachother. We stopped, knowing something was wrong and ______ began to cry. I said sorry and confessed that I wanted to know what it was like to like a girl. I then got dressed and took the video and left abrubtly. By then she really thought I was gay. I began to feel awkward around her and I avoided girls ever since then. Which made matters worse. I had made a terrible mistake. I want to make things so I can be by her side and love her. I had hurt her because I knew she liked me too but she unsure about my ual preferance. And I never told how I felt. So nowI must fix what was broken. OUR LO

tumblr_mwldbwvKjE1r4088lo1_250.gif Thank you for reading.I will finish.I need feedback. Romantic & Sweet or ual & ty

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TAO!!!!! <3 i wish i can get one of Tao! ^^ i can't wait! ^^