Unpleasant Surprise

A Twist In You're Beautiful

*4.30 am*
Mark: I need to call Mi Nyu so that I can bring her to school. 

*Mi Nyu's phone rings*
Shin Woo: Is that an alarm? Oh, Mark's calling.

*Shin Woo answers Mi Nyu's phone*
Shin Woo: Hello?
Mark: Shin Woo why are you answering Mi Nyu's phone?
Shin Woo: She's not awake and why are you calling her so early?
Mark: Just wake her up and tell her to be at the gate in an hours time in Code S. Ok?
Shin Woo: Ok. 

*Puts phone down*
Shin Woo: Mi Nyu wake up. 
Mi Nyu: What's it?
Shin Woo: Mark said meet him at the gate in an hours time in Code S. 
Mi Nyu: Code S? Oh ok I got it. 
Shin Woo: What does Code S mean?
Mi Nyu: You don't have to know and go back to sleep. 
Shin Woo: Ok...

*45 minutes later*
Mark: Mi Nyu come in. 
Mi Nyu: Thanks for coming to fetch me or I would have slept and be late for school. 
Mark: At the last half an hour of school you will have an assembly period right?
Mi Nyu: Yes is anything gonna happen?
Mark: A.N.Jell is gonna perform then. 
Mi Nyu: What?!
Mark: You all will be performing Promise together and then you will perform Teardrops in the rain. 
Mi Nyu: Ok. 
Mark: Here's the clothes for you to change into before you go on stage. 
Mi Nyu: Oh ok. 

*In school after the Maths test*
Hee Joo: Are you staying through out today?
Mi Nyu: Till assembly. 
Hee Joo: What do you have today?
Mi Nyu: I don't want to think about it.  How am I going to overcome my fear to perform on stage alone. 

Announcement: There will be special guest in the school today so please behave yourself. 
Tae Kyung: Where is Mi Nam? How could Mark tell us not to worry he'll be there when it's time to start. 

*Mi Nyu bumps into Jeremy*
Mi Nyu: Im sorry. 
Jeremy: It's ok. 

*Mi Nyu gasps grabs Hee Joo and runs away*
Jeremy: Stop right there!

*Jeremy walks over*
Jeremy: Mi Nam?
*Mi Nyu looks away*
Jeremy: It really is you. But how come you're a girl?
Mi Nyu: Can I explain later? It's recess now. 
Jeremy: Oh ok. *thinking* Have I fallen for Mi Nam? I haven't had this feeling ever since I broke up with...
Hee Joo: Luckily, not many people come here or y'all would have been spotted. I've got to go. Bye. 
Tae Kyung: Shin Woo, you and Mi Nam sleep in the same room plus you two are friends so wouldn't it be more obvious to you if it's really him?
Shin Woo: Um... Actually I've been helping her cover up. 
Tae Kyung: Why did do that for?
Shin Woo: I wanted to help the real Mi Nam. 
Tae Kyung: How does doing that help the real Mi Nam?
Shin Woo: Mi Nam and I will explain later. 

*In the canteen*
Mi Nyu: Now Jeremy and Hyung-nim knows... What if Hyung-nim tells President Ahn? Oppa and I will be finish. 
Hee Joo: What are you gonna do now?
Mi Nyu: All I can do is hope they don't tell President Ahn. 

*In the music room*
Tae Kyung: Shin Woo, Mi Nam is a girl?
Jeremy: Shin Woo Hyung, please say Mi Nam is not a girl. 
Shin Woo: Mi Nam is a boy but he is a girl for now. 
Jeremy: I don't get it. 
Tae Kyung: Are you playing a joke with us?
Shin Woo: I'm not playing a joke. It's just that this is how the situation is now. 
Jeremy: Ok, so how long more is she going to stay with us?
Shin Woo: I think about 2 more months. 
Tae Kyung: Did you just say months?
Shin Woo: Yes. 
Tae Kyung: When the real Mi Nam comes back will he pull us back?
Shin Woo: I doubt. From what I know he's the type that picks up very fast. 
Jeremy: Oh. 

*In the classroom*
Mi Nyu; *thinking* How am I am I going to explain to Tae Kyung and Jeremy later...
Ms Kim: Mi Nyu... Mi Nyu... Mi Nyu!
Mi Nyu: Huh? Yes?
Ms Kim: What was I talking about?
Mi Nyu: The concert that's gonna be performed later. 
Ms Kim: I wasn't talking about that and can you pay attention in class? Don't let your mind drift away again. 
Mi Nyu: Ok. 

*10 mins later Mi Nyu raises up her hand*
Mi Nyu: Ms Kim can I visit the washroom?

*Ms Kim nods her head*
*Mi Nyu outside the washroom*
Mi Nyu: *thinking* Do I go into the girl's or the boy's? When I come out I'm a boy but when I go in I'm a girl. I'll just go into the boy's. Hoping that there's no nobody inside. 

*Inside the boy's*
Mi Nyu: Luckily nobody's inside. 

*After changing*
Mi Nyu: They are probably in the music room. 

*Inside the music room*
Tae Kyung: Will Mi Nam really come?
Shin Woo: I'm sure she will. 

*Mi Nyu knocks on the door*
Jeremy: Could it be a fan that found out we are here?
Tae Kyung: Jeremy you go open the door.
Jeremy: Ok...

*Jeremy opens the door*
Jeremy: Oh it's Mi Nam. 
Tae Kyung: Quickly come in and close the door. Do you want fans to spot us and swarm around outside?
Mi Nyu: Sorry Hyungnim. 
Tae Kyung: Now explain why you are a girl and not a boy. 
Mi Nyu: I'm not a boy and I'm an imposter. A temporary replacement. 
Tae Kyung: Why isn't the real deal here?
Mi Nyu: Can we talk about this when we go back to the dorm. It won't do the band any good if someone from outside heard it and spreaded it on the internet. 
Jeremy: Can you at least tell us a bit on what's happening?
Mi Nyu: Hyung injured his left wrist. 
Shin Woo: Can we practise first? It won't be good if we don't play well. 
Tae Kyung: Fine. 

*While practicing*
Jeremy: The truth is too shocking! I can't concentrate!
Tae Kyung: Jeremy! Focus! *stares at Mi Nyu* We can't let this liar be the cause of our downfall. 
Shin Woo: It's not like she did it on purpose right?
Tae Kyung: I don't know and I'm not bothered. 
Mi Nyu: Will everything be alright if I practise somewhere else?
Shin Woo: Where can you practise?
Jeremy: I guess it might help. 
Tae Kyung: Where do you plan to practise?
Mi Nyu: I know where I can go to. 
Shin Woo: Can I follow Mi Nam?
Tae Kyung: Make sure she gets everything perfect.
Shin Woo: Ok. 
Mi Nyu: I don't think you should go where I'm going. 
Shin Woo: Where are you going?
Mi Nyu: I'm going back to the classroom. 
Tae Kyung: If you are going back to class why bother change?
Mi Nyu: I'm gonna change back and perform my part in class. 
Tae Kyung: You're horrible playing is going to ruin my beautiful piece!
Shin Woo: I want to follow. 
Jeremy: How can you follow? Our visit is supposed to be a surprise visit, our cover will be blown. 
Shin Woo: I can disguise myself. There was once Mi Nam and I followed her around to make sure she was alright and the people there  didn't even recognize me let alone her. 
Mi Nyu: When was that?
Shin Woo: Never mind about that. So can I go?
Jeremy: Why are you always so interested in her matters?
Tae Kyung: Fine, you can go just be back half an hour earlier so that we can do a brief go through. But you don't have the disguise now right? 
Shin Woo: I always have it in case of an emergency. 
Jeremy: Bye. 

*Back in class*
Mi Nyu: I'm gonna perform A.N.Jell's "Promise". This is my friend. He's gonna play Shin Woo's part. I'll be singing and he'll be rapping. 

*Class claps*
Mi Nyu: I will promise you...

Hee Joo: That's so nice. As if the real person is playing it. 
Chan Young: Wow! Besides Hyung's first love, I've not heard anyone play this well and her friend play and did the movements as if he was Shin Woo. I really want to talk to them. 

*After playing*
*Hee Joo is walking over*
Chan Young: Mi Nyu can you and your friend come out for awhile?
Mi Nyu: Ok.
Hee Joo: *thinking* I wonder why Chan Young wants to talk to them. Hey, isn't that the first time Chan Young is talking to a girl? Does he like Mi Nyu?

*Outside the classroom*
Chan Young: Why doesn't your friend look up?
Mi Nyu: He doesn't want to be recognized. 
Shin Woo: Why are you studying here Chan Young? Shouldn't you be in the States?
Chan Young: How do you know about that?
Shin Woo: You don't recognize my voice?
Chan Young: Eh... You are Shin Woo?!
Shin Woo: Yup. 
Chan Young: Er... How's Hyung's throat? I heard it got infected. 
Shin Woo: It has worsen a bit but the new member is helping him a lot. Mi Nyu can you go back in first?
Mi Nyu: Ok. 
Shin Woo: You can keep secrets right? You'll do it for your brother's sake anyway. 
Chan Young: What's the secret? I wanna use it to disturb Hyung. 
Shin Woo: Mi Nyu, she's the new member. 
Chan Young: How can it be? Isn't A.N.Jell a boy group?
Shin Woo: She's standing in for her brother for now. 
Chan Young: Oh.
Shin Woo: The other secret is I don't know how to confess to Mi Nyu that I like her.
Chan Young: *In my head* If Shin Woo likes Mi Nyu then do I help him or tell him?
Shin Woo: Is something bothering you?
Chan Young: I have something to confess to Mi Nyu as well. 
Shin Woo: What is it?
Chan Young: I have fallen for her. 
Shin Woo: Oh. It looks like I've a rival in love. Don't give her up because of me. I always welcome a competition. 
Chan Young: You really won't hold it against me?
Shin Woo: Yes don't worry. Mi Nyu we've to go. I'll talk to you more next time. I won't tell Tae Kyung about you. 
Chan Young: Thanks!
Mi Nyu: Coming.
Hee Joo: Mi Nyu how are you going to cope with the love of 2 men?

*In the music room*
Tae Kyung: Shin Woo and Mi Nam better be back in 5 mins or I'm going back to the dorm. 
Shin Woo: Open the door. 
Jeremy: They're back. 
Shin Woo: Let's run through now. 

*After running through*
Tae Kyung: Not bad. Later when playing the game we'll just shout random names. 
Mi Nyu: It's time to go perform. They are probably walking to the hall now. 
Jeremy: Ok let's go. 

*In the hall*
Students: What's the talk going to be about today? Why must the school exaggerate and say whoever is here is some special or important person? They just want to get us excited but they're going to make us go through another boring talk again. 
Jeremy: Is it because they already know we are going to perform? They sound so excited. 
Tae Kyung: If they know it must be Mi Nam that told them and Shin Woo didn't stop her. 
Mi Nyu: I didn't tell them and they are not excited but they are complaining. 
Jeremy: Why are they complaining?
Mi Nyu: They think the teachers are trying to tell them that there's gonna be another boring talk in a nicer way. 
Jeremy: Oh. 
Tae Kyung: So we are just a replacement?
Teachers: Please go stand at your respective places. 

*Shin Woo and Tae Kyung strums guitar*
Students: What's that?
*Curtains open*
Tae Kyung: Hello everyone! It's so nice to be here. 
Students: Tae Kyung Oppa! Shin Woo Oppa! Jeremy Oppa! Mi Nam Oppa!
Jeremy: Should we start with a song or a game?
Students: Game!
Shin Woo: Tae Kyung should we call up girls or boys?
Students: Girls! Boys! Girls! Boys! 
Tae Kyung: Shin Woo and I will pick 4 girls while Mi Nam and Jeremy will pick 4 boys. Is it fair?
Students: Yes.
Shin Woo: We call names and if that's your name wait till we finish calling then come up ok? I'll start first. Han Hee Joo and Park Ji Won. 
Tae Kyung: Kim Min Jeong and Jang Yoo Jin. 
Jeremy: Yoon Hong Hyun and Cha Hyung Suk
Mi Nyu: Hwang Chan Young and Jung Jong Hyuk. 
Chan Young: *Thinking* Ah... Mi Nyu doesn't know Tae Kyung is my Hyung. Should I go up? If I go I'll get in trouble. Aish. 
Jeremy: Y'all can come up now. 
Chan Young: *thinking* I don't get that many chances to talk or play with her. Oh well I guess I'll just go and solve the problem later. 

*Chan Young goes up*
*Tae Kyung and Jeremy looks surprised*
Shin Woo: We are going to play know each other better. 
Tae Kyung: You will be grouped how you were called out. 
Hee Joo: Min Jeong you like Shin Woo Oppa right? Can you switch with me?
Min Jeong: Ok. 
Tae Kyung: There's no more switching right? Then let's start. 
Jeremy: What type of questions do you want to ask?
Min Jeong: Can we ask personal questions?
Tae Kyung: How personal?
Min Jeong: Like phone number. 
Tae Kyung: Sorry. No. 
Jeremy: So let's start. 
Mi Nyu: Can our group go first?
Shin Woo: Ok. Then my group then Jeremy's then Tae Kyung's. 
Jong Hyuk: Jeremy Oppa what's your ideal type? 
Jeremy: *Looks Mi Nyu and describes* Does not cause trouble but gives you little scares once in awhile, hopefully, not big scares though. The scares that she gives you are also not on purpose. She is also nice at heart. 
Tae Kyung: What a detailed explanation. It's as if she's here and you are looking at her and describing. 
Jeremy: You'll never know. The one may be here. 
Shin Woo: Ji Won you ask first.
Ji Won: Mi Nam Oppa why did you audition to join A.N.Jell?
Mi Nyu: Should I be honest or should I give the standard answer?
Ji Won: The truth would be nice. 
Mi Nyu: I was a fan of A.N.Jell especially of Shin Woo. When I saw the audition poster I was so happy thinking about how much time I'll get to spend with them that I forgot that I'll actually become one of them. 
Ji Won: You're so lucky to have got in and now you get to work with them. 
Tae Kyung: Hee Joo you ask first. 
Hee Joo: Tae Kyung Oppa if anyone of you were to fall in love with a fan who is the most likely one to?
Tae Kyung: Probably Shin Woo and Jeremy will fall for the same girl but the girl won't even know they have feelings for her. 
Hee Joo: That sounds like my friend's except three boys like her and not just two. 
Tae Kyung: I hope your friend is good at rejecting if that's the case. Haha
Chan Young: Tae Kyung Hyung when are you releasing the new album?
Tae Kyung: Our songs and MVs have been recorded and ready to be released we are just deciding on a day when all of us are free to release the album. This time the album will be released differently. 
Min Jeong: Jeremy Oppa how is the album gonna be released. 
Jeremy: I can't reveal anything or it'll not be a surprise anymore. All I can say is, all of you that are going to purchase our new album just hope that you're within the first 300. 
Shin Woo: Wait... Tae Kyung it's 300?
Tae Kyung: Yah. Don't worry it's not all in one day. 
Jeremy: I guess that's all the time we have for today. 

*Tae Kyung gives a notebook to those who went up*
*There's a post-it on the notebook saying do not show anyone*

Tae Kyung: Chan Young stay at your classroom when you get back. I need to talk to you. 
Chan Young: This is not going to be good. 

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I'm just curious about how many people want me to continue the story if there are people that want me to continue I'll start writing again


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SapphireBlueWorld_18 #1
Chapter 5: i miss you're beautiful :( nice one
Mahrichii #2